Saturday, May 9, 2020


(Vice-president Mike Pence’s press secretary tested positive for the coronavirus, the White House said Friday, making her the second person who works at the White House complex known to test positive for the virus this week....

One of Trump’s personal valets tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this week. The case marked the first known instance where a person who has come in close proximity to the president has tested positive since several people present at his private Florida club were diagnosed with Covid-19 in early March.)

"The COVID-19 death had long devastated the country.
No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. 

The Masque of the Red Death (Literature) - TV TropesRespiratory choking was its Avatar and its seal -- the madness and the horror of strangulation. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse coughing and fever with dissolution. 

The persistent dry coughing and watery sneezing were the pest ban which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow-men. 

And the whole seizure, progress, and termination of the disease, happened within 14 days.

But King Donald was happy and dauntless and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his crenellated abbeys at Mar-A-Lago.

This was an extensive and magnificent structure, the creation of the King Trump's own eccentric yet august taste. A strong and lofty wall girdled it in (he loved walls). This wall had gates of iron. The contractors, having entered, brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts.

The external world could take care of itself. In the meantime it was folly to grieve or to think. The Donald had provided all the appliances of pleasure. There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were yes-men, there were musicians, there was Melania, there was wine. All these and security were within. Without was the hoax Killer Virus."


Anonymous said...

Trump now touting a comeback?

Comeback? No. Impeached President Trump AKA individual number one knows that this election is not a comeback. It is an ending of a career of lying, corruption, fraud, money laundering, bigotry, hate and fear If he does not win. Trump and his crime family needs to win his life depends on it and he will do whatever he can to win.

Trump has hurt our democracy but with his need of survival he is more dangerous because now it is Trump's life and livelihood on the line. It is Trump's image that he wants to protect. And it is up to the American people to terminate the dangerous game that Trump has been playing. This is not a game or TV show. Many lives are have been lost because of Trump and many more are on the line still.

Anonymous said...

Ongoing closures and supply-chain interruptions in wealthier countries could have catastrophic ripple effects, highlighting the possibility that global starvation could soar. Even where supply chains remain intact, many poor countries lack the funds to pay for imported food. This has long been a problem for the least-developed countries, which often depend on international food aid...It is becoming even more severe as the number of people without jobs multiplies and donor countries balk at higher aid expenditures. It all implies a need to guard against shutdowns that cause more deaths via starvation than are saved by slowing infections.

A prolonged depression will stunt lives as surely as any viral epidemic, and its toll will not be confined to the elderly. The shuttering of auto manufacturing plants led to an 85 percent increase in opioid overdose deaths in the surrounding counties over seven years, according to a recent study. Deficit spending may be necessary to keep people afloat, but the wealth that permits it could quickly evaporate. The enormously complex web of trade, once killed, cannot be brought back to life by government stimulus. And who is going to pay for all that deficit spending as businesses close and tax revenues disappear?

Why should we assume that a crashing economy would leave the healthcare system standing? You can’t keep the hospital lights on without keeping on the lights of the economic sectors undergirding it. Yes, our doctors and nurses are running out of masks and gloves, which is a serious problem. It would also be a serious problem if we lost the means and the manpower to make more, or if the hospitals ran out of cash on hand to buy more beds, ventilators, etc. And there’s the rub. We are being told we can’t fight the virus without pausing the economy, yet we can’t fight the virus without the economy.

School closures may do long-term damage, as well. A recent study concluded that the evidence for the effectiveness of school closures and other school social distancing measures comes almost entirely from influenza outbreaks, and that the effectiveness of school measures in a coronavirus outbreak is uncertain. Education is one of the strongest predictors of the health and the wealth of a country’s future workers, and the impact of long-term school closure on educational outcomes, future earnings, the health of young people, and future national productivity has not been quantified. A given closure could add months to the lives of some and subtract from the lives of others.

Time to think, right? Right!

Anonymous said...

So, what is good for goose is good for the gander. Both Pence and Trump must be quarantined for 14 days and Nancy Pelosi must now be our President. But who in their right mind would want to take over for 14 days just to have these two idiots come back after 14 day insisting it was only a hoax. Why should they be walking around without masks? Oh, both of them do have masks on - the ones they were born with - the Orange Kid and the Gasper the Friendly Ghost.

How far is November? Can't wait to vote and get these two idiots and the rest of their puppet stupid staff out of office.

Anonymous said...

History not only repeats itself—sometimes it does so with the same leader in a span of months when that person is as reckless, incompetent, and immoral as Donald Trump.

Months after Trump ignored more than a dozen red alerts from his intelligence agencies and other agencies that a deadly virus was headed for American shores, he's now ignoring dire warnings from top administration officials about reopening too soon.

Earlier this month, several officials with the departments of Health and Human Services and Homeland Security discussed the potentially catastrophic effects of a rushed reopening on the same day that Trump had allowed federal social distancing guidelines to expire without a peep.

“The numbers of deaths definitely will be high,” Daniel Jernigan, director of the Center for Disease Control’s influenza division, said of states that were relaxing distancing measures even though their case counts were high or still increasing.

The pandemic has no deadline. Remember that one.

Anonymous said...

Congress won't be able to appropriate enough money to help all those impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, Sen. Lamar Alexander warned on Sunday.

"There's not enough money to help everybody hurt when you shut down the government," the Tennessee Republican said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

The solution to reopening the economy is to "test, trace isolate, treatments and vaccines," said Alexander, who chairs the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. "We have to let people go back to work and earn a living.

"And I don't see us being able to appropriate much more money to help provide a counter to that," he added.

Anonymous said...

Trump and Pence both exposed to virus and taking no precautions in spreading it to others while they are within 14 day incubation period. Trump meets with chief of staff and leadership yesterday in a small room, none of our top military leaders wearing protection.we are living in the twilight zone.

Anonymous said...

Why are some people's comments longer than the blog posting? FYI no one reads comments longer than 1 sentence. If you have something long winded to say, write your blog!

Anonymous said...

Senior folks: kiss you SS check good bye. GOP’s quest for a generation, rip off Medicare and Social Security. Jobs in danger by Coronavirus: 10 Million in the Airlines, 6 M in Tourism, 2 M in the Oil industry, 2 M in Banking, Half M in Cruises, 16 M in Retail. In 2008 crisis, Bush got the cooperation of the world’s 20 largest countries. Now, Trump has to do it solo as he’s shot his Big Fat Mouth against the whole world including closest allies. $10 trillions needed to bale out people and US industries from collapse in times of Trump’s record $multi-trillion annual Deficits. When bankruptcy is near, the Republicans will eliminate Medicare and Social Security.

Anonymous said...

May 11, 2020 @ 2:21 AM
"Republicans will eliminate Medicare and Social Security." - Democrats have been saying this every four years for at least the last six elections.
At what point are we supposed to believe you? This is stupid and liberals run with it.

Anonymous said...

What a long strange trip it's been.

Great song.

Long distance runner, what you standing there for?
Get up, get out, get out of the door
You're playing cold music on the barroom floor
Drowned in your laughter and dead to the core
There's a dragon with matches that's loose on the town
Takes a whole pail of water just to cool him down
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Almost ablaze still you don't feel the heat
It takes all you got just to stay on the beat
You say it's a living, we all gotta eat
But you're here alone, there's no one to compete
If mercy's a business, I wish it for you
More than just ashes when your dreams come true
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Long distance runner, what you holding out for?
Caught in slow motion in a dash to the door
The flame from your stage has now spread to the floor
You gave all you had. why you wanna give more?
The more that you give, the more it will take
To the thin line beyond which you really can't fake
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Fire! Fire on the mountain!
Fire! Fire on the mountain

Anonymous said...

stupid song
