Wednesday, June 3, 2020


By Juan Montoya

What it you depended on your rents from your properties and hired a tax lawyer to collect for you from your delinquent tenants?

And what if you found out that another tax lawyer told you that -  because of inattention from your employee - you had lost $2.4 million in rents (ad valorem taxes) upon which you were entrusted to teach the children of the Brownsville Independent School District?

(Wait. It gets better.)

And what if you confronted your employee (tax attorney) and asked about the $2.4 million and he accused his competitor of lying. Only later, when were shown proof that, indeed, your lawyer had misled you and when confronted to come clean, he, well, almost did.

On November 6, 2019, he said they had, indeed, been doing the "tax and audit" work for the BISD. It wasn't $2.4 million, he protested.

In fact, he claimed in open meeting later on May 5, 2020 that the "competitors" had "inflated" the number by $800,000.

In other words, it was more like $1.6 million that may have been lost for not performing the taxable value audits for the years 2011-2014.

Would you be justified in firing the first guy and bringing on board the other guy who alerted you to your estimated losses?

That's exactly the position that the trustees of the board of the Brownsville Independent School District now find themselves as they consider responses to their Request For Proposals (RFPs) for the district's delinquent tax collection business.

For years - and because of the political influence that Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP  can wield through political donations to politicians - that firm has been employed by the BISD and other local governmental entities for its delinquent tax collections.

But as the 2019, as the board was considering RFPs for the 2020 collection services, a competitor, Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, alerted the district and its interim superintendent Dr. Sylvia Hatton May 17, that unless the district timely filed an taxable value audit with the Texas Comptroller's Office, it stood to lose millions in funds from the state for the year 2015, the taxable value audit which was due in 2019.

A Perdue representative contacted Hatton and told her about the imminent loss and offered their services to prevent further losses. That deadline was June 2019. Hatton told Perdue to file a proposal, only to find out later that the district had already hired Linebarger to do the very same service.

But that's not all. When Linebarger representative John Guevara was asked point blank whether the firm had performed taxable value audits for the previous years, Guevara told them it had. Only when the district was shown Comptroller's Office reports on its website that "No Audits Were ever Done."

In response, Guevara dragged out the "expertise" of former trustee "Coach" Joe Rodriguez's yes-man CFO Lorenzo Sanchez to support his claim, saying the former CFO (and now Linebarger consultant?) was claiming that although the $1.6 were lost, somehow the BISD had saved money and held out the possibility it could get the money back. In other words, no his company nor the district had done the audits, but, according to Sanchez, the "expert," the BISD probably saved money not doing it (?).

It was Sanchez, by the way, who helped "Coach Joe" push through a 11.25 cent tax raise without a tax hike election and made possible the shifting of funds to pay $1.4 million for his Super-Duper scoreboard at Sams Stadium.

This explanation has not sat well with a growing number of board members, who tabled the item until documented proof could be presented to them that the competitor's claims were incorrect and that Linebarger's reps were not lying.

The current members - Laura Perez-Reyes, Minerva Pena, Eddie Garcia, Drue Brown, Prisci Roca-Tipton, and Phil Cowen - will now consider the various companies' RFPs and choose the company that will be hired to collect the money. At 15 percent commission for the service, it's a service Linebarger does not want to lose.

(Perez-Reyes, by the way, is running for Cameron County District Clerk against a Republican opponent in the November general election.)

Can the BISD afford any more of these nasty surprises from a company that it has trusted and has paid good money to help it collect on its diminishing funds for its school budget?


Anonymous said...

On Monday, Trump preceded his Bible photo-op with a promise to use the force of the U.S. military domestically against the alleged “terrorists” who constitute at best a fraction of those who have been protesting across the country. Monday night, a military helicopter intentionally flew low enough over the streets of the nation’s capital for the wind from its rotors to knock down a tree and scatter the people below, a tactic borrowed from war.

(A Times writer reported that the force also shattered some storefronts; preventing such damage was the ostensible purpose of the helicopter’s presence in the city.)

Earlier, Trump’s secretary of defense described American cities as “battlespace” for government forces to “dominate.” There is not much more room for the president’s program of violence to keep escalating. Trump needs to be removed now, because after the massacre it will be too late.

Anonymous said...

As if COVID-19 were not enough, now we have the kneeling of one man on another’s neck. In the words of Robert Burns, “Man’s inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn.”

The action of a civil servant, Officer Derek Chauvin of Minneapolis, evokes in my memory actions approved and fostered by our highest elected officials earlier in this century: waterboarding of men imprisoned in Guantánamo.

If such is modeled by those whose very position commands deferential respect, there is no surprise in the death of George Floyd or in the riotous activity now occurring in our country.

Enough! When will we ever learn?

Anonymous said...

If they lied and cost the district 2 million you would think the trustees would get rid of them.... but this is Brownsville. Watch how they give out some money and they get rewarded with a renewed contract! Sylvia Atkinson is probably going to be allowed to vote on this one by proxy! She always voted for them. Puras ratas 🐀

Anonymous said...

Its time to dissolve BISD and bring in a brand new team. Burn the place and start from the ground up... same with PUB the city the county the port and all those cronyism boards and consider changing the city name from the current one to a brand new one and sent all the gringos to harlingen just like a cattle drive. vamonos fuera fuera!!!!

Anonymous said...

John Guevara is a weasel. He has been living high off the hog at the taxpayers expense far too long. Get rid of him already!

Anonymous said...

Linebarger has every board member in their crooked pockets. They dish out money come election time to secure their mule-million dollar heists of the tax-payers. John Guevara, Mark Moody and Monica Solis are paid to wine and dine elected officials in exchange to keep them on as their delinquent tax collectors. It does not surprise me they cost BISD millions for not doing their job....but I think nothing will come of this. They own all the dirty elected officials. Thanks for keeping us informed Mr. editor.....if only they elected officials would stop protecting these shenanigans by these no good crooks.

Anonymous said...

Linebarger is alive and thriving in el san bene.some current commissioners know that very well.

Anonymous said...

Linebarger cost the district Millions? And they are still being considered for the job? WTF!

Anonymous said...

Why is it that these guys always
Get the contract something fishy here

Anonymous said...

They took the RGV by storm and got richer and richer now they're out of control. Bring in the FBI theY cater to ALL elected officials in the valley. Las vegas trips, pro games, football, basketball, baseball you name it, you see vallye elected officials and department heads every where paid by this company... CHECK IT OUT FBI OH AND HUNTING FORGOT ABOUT THAT ONE. EVERYTHING PROVIDED YOU NAME IT...

Anonymous said...

Great reporting.... this company Linebarger has been selling foreclosed taxpayer homes at County footsteps and they do it with joy. In the Bible a tax-collector was seen as the lowest of the low... scum even beneath swines. John Guevara walks around thinking he is something special in this town. If it were not for him bribing all the elected officials and hiring consultants like Gilberto Hinojosa to help them keep their contracts... no one would talk to this fool. He likes to hide in the shadows like a coward, along with Mark Moody.... all smiles while they pay for elected officials lunches and liquor hand them over their bribes. Then they keep getting millions on the backs of the misfortune of citizens. They should make it illegal for delinquent tax firms to donate to elected officials.... or take them out to lunch or pay their bar tabs. Compete for contracts without doing any of these things and guess what..... no one would vote for them. Corruption at its best.

Anonymous said...

Lots of money involved.....follow the $$$$$.....political campaign contributions etc......and the fact of the matter the real estate taxes get collected on houses, vacant land etc automatically without any effort by the tax's the personal property taxes that get lost.....some businesses and factories go broke and they is no way to collect these taxes .....BOTTOM LINE IS WE DO NOT NEED THESE TAX ATTORNEYS......the poor home owners who get behind on their taxes are already paying high late charges and additional attorneys fees just break their back....IT'S SINFUL TO BURDEN THE LATE PAYMENT WITH 20% ATTORNEY FEES IN ADDITION TO 180% LATE FEES......

Anonymous said...

If you people know where la 421 is at drive thru there and you'll see that area vacant of citizens all of those houses are repos from this company and guess who buys all those houses give you one guess, its the elected officials at the county. FBI WHERE ARE YOU????


Tired of paying taxes! said...

Hey Montoya, did the appraisal district charge each of the BISD'S campuses $3000.00 for Non-Ag Timber like they did for homeowners having trees on their beautiful yards?
That was about the most chicken shit tax rate to be applied during these times! Oh, but POS eddie trevino and that chief appraiser are happy!
So, how about it CC commissioners? Did you get charge for having trees on your yards OR do you get a free ride from it?
I think that this is a good investigative question that the media needs to follow up on, right?

Anonymous said...

Where's the FBI on this one? There seems to be a lot of lost monies and ALL tax funds, and its not pennies its millions and millions WHERE'S THE FBI WE NEED HELP!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In Hidalgo County, Linebarger gives a commission to John David Franz for securing the delinquent tax collection contract and delinquent fees collection contract. John David Franz or Linebarger do not have to do anything in order to receive their commission, once a taxpayer makes a payment a portion of the taxpayer payment is given to Linebarger who in turn cuts John David Franz his commission. Several years back Linebarger submitted a proposal to the Hidalgo County Commissioners Court without specifying an amount to be charged to the County for their services. Luckily the previous District Attorney ruled that the proposal was incomplete and it was disqualified because it lacked a consideration to be paid for their services. The Linebarger staff attorney that manages the Hidalgo County delinquent tax and delinquent fees collection contracts is the sister of the Hidalgo
County Purchasing Agent this is a conflict of interest as the Purchasing Agent is involved in the selection process.

Jannette said...

Why isn’t it considered Conflict of Interest or Fraud??? How is it possible for Linebarger to donate to potential board members who have the power to give them the contract ? How is this allowed ?
