Tuesday, June 30, 2020


“It’s time for us to stand up to the governor and let him know that we are taking control of our local community to protect our citizens because it is what is necessary right now. We can no longer put Brownsville citizens at risk by not enforcing the measures that need to be enforced,” Mayor Trey Mendez.

Brownsville Herald

Following Cameron County’s lead, the Brownsville City Commission voted Monday evening to implement a citywide curfew in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Brownsville City Commission held an emergency meeting Monday where members took action on the Eighth Amended Declaration of Local State Disaster for Public Health Emergency in response to the coronavirus. 

The citywide curfew takes effect at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday. The new curfew is set for 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. for minors and 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. for residents 18 and older.

In addition, residents are mandated to wear facial coverings while in public. Residents are also encouraged to shelter at home. “All persons shall minimize social gatherings, minimize personal contact with people who are not in the same household,” a portion of the order reads.

Outdoor gatherings of 100 of more are prohibited unless approved by the county judge.

Officials said the changes are needed to address the impact COVID-19 is having on local hospitals. Mayor Trey Mendez said he has been briefed by local hospital officials on how severely the coronavirus is affecting the health care system. He was told COVID-19 patients in the ICUs at the hospitals are usually in the medical centers for 10 to 14 days.


Anonymous said...

Trump dumps on US allies constantly. He viciously attacks political foes. He shows no concern for common courtesies. He likes to play the tough guy. But he melts for Putin. This has been a constant of his presidency. Even when US intelligence reports Putin’s intelligence service is offering bounties to encourage the murder of US soldiers, Trump…does nothing. The White House, not convincingly, has claimed Trump was not briefed on this. Still, after the news reports emerged, Trump said nothing about this Russian operation. He has not expressed outrage. He has not blasted Putin. He has not declared that he will protect American troops.

What accounts for Trump’s fanboy approach to Putin? Does he still hope one day to erect a tower in Moscow? Can he just not quit a brutal strongman? Of course, many people are saying that Putin has something blackmail-ish on Trump (even if the pee tape doesn’t exist—and that particular allegation remains unlikely). Does Trump believe he can forge some grand geostrategic accord with Putin? (Trump certainly doesn’t seem to have the attention span or vision for that.) In any event, there is no one key for cracking the Putin code. But for years, Trump’s actions have spoken clearly: He’s really into Putin.

Anonymous said...

If the orders do not include enforcement please explain to me how Trey Mendez and the Commission stood up to the governor?

Anonymous said...

They are worthless and PUB que? Give us our Tenaska money now!!People need to rise up remember they work for us.

Unknown said...

Mendez closing parks n golf courses but el Bungo grande going strong twice a day with mostly elderly folks. El Marion is afraid of the Locios n the owners

Anonymous said...

Acting stuff trying to make Abbott /Trump look bad!!! Just 55 deaths mostly old people and back to a curfew mandated by King Trevino and his jester Trey!!! I'm not wearing no mask and there's nothing they can do!
