Thursday, June 18, 2020



Anonymous said...

Must be the caravan from dallas.

Anonymous said...

Why Albuquerque is responding to calls to defund police with a new unarmed public safety force

It will never happen here too many cowboys wanna be Wyett Burps and the scared shitless (excrement all over the city) city commissioners will do nothing

Anonymous said...

Three more Cameron County residents have died from COVID-19 related causes and 123 new cases of the disease have been confirmed here in two days.
Who's idea was it to open up everything? Thank you republican governor for giving us the opportunity to go to the other side...

Anonymous said...

The Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization covering the U.S. criminal justice system. Sign up for its newsletter, or follow The Marshall Project on Facebook or Twitter.

Anonymous said...

"The End of Policing" has become a de-facto manifesto for protesters and advocates of police reform. "Many departments know this and continue to use them primarily for evidence gathering and to protect officers from misconduct allegations — and it's not clear how any of that is aiding the effort at police accountability."

Anonymous said...

"The End of Policing" has become a de-facto manifesto for protesters and advocates of police reform. "Many departments know this and continue to use them primarily for evidence gathering and to protect officers from misconduct allegations — and it's not clear how any of that is aiding the effort at police accountability."

Anonymous said...

Dentists charging extra for infection control
True but the one I go to wanted 30 bucks I said NO GUEY!

Anonymous said...

U.S. Watched George Floyd Protests in 15 Cities Using Aerial Surveillance
Question can russia and/or china hack into this type of stupid aerial surveillance of America and they be used to plan for other things.
OF COURSE and thank the republicans

Anonymous said...

They look like Democrats following Pelosi and Schumer.

Anonymous said...

