Thursday, June 18, 2020


Supreme Court DACA ruling: Justices rule against Trump - Chicago ...
By Pete Williams
NBC News

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration cannot carry out its plan to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has allowed nearly 800,000 young people, known as "Dreamers," to avoid deportation and remain in the U.S.

The decision is a big legal defeat for President Donald Trump on the issue of immigration, which has been a major focus of his domestic agenda.

The ruling said the government failed to give an adequate justification for ending the federal program. The administration could try again to shut it down by offering a more detailed explanation for its action, but the White House might not want to end such a popular program in the heat of a presidential campaign.

Immigration lawyers told the Supreme Court after the case was argued last fall that frontline health care workers involved in responding to the coronavirus epidemic rely on about 27,000 DACA recipients, "including dentists, pharmacists, physician assistants, home health aides, technicians" and nearly 200 medical students.

"Termination of DACA during this national health emergency would be catastrophic," they said in an April 2 court filing. The Association of American Medical Colleges told the court last fall — well before the pandemic crisis — that the U.S. is unprepared "to fill the loss that would result if DACA recipients were excluded from the health care workforce."

The court said the Department of Homeland Security did not act properly when it ordered the program ended in 2017. In response to legal challenges, lower court rulings allowed DACA to keep going, letting young people in the program to reapply every two years and remain under its protection. Children of illegal immigrants were allowed to remain here if they were under 16 when their parents brought them to the U.S. and if they arrived by 2007.

DACA's defenders had argued that federal law required the Trump administration to give a detailed explanation before trying to shut the program down — an action that would affect hundreds of thousands of people and the businesses that employ them. Instead, they said, the government simply declared the program illegal. More than 100 business groups, including Apple and Microsoft, sought to preserve DACA, arguing many of their employees are part of the program.

Figures show that over 90 percent of DACA participants have a job. Nearly half are in school. Many don't speak the language or know the culture of their home countries.

To read rest of story, click on link:


Anonymous said...

Re: “Fox takes altered photos off website — Seattle paper noted misleading images in coverage of protests."

This really is a new low. Photoshopping pictures of gunmen into a picture with the purpose of spreading a message is TV news at its worst. Additionally, using pictures that are from a different place and different time to the story at hand is just immoral.

This should not be allowed in any form of news. These are signs that we must be more vigilant when consuming our news from any source. With evolving technology, it becomes harder and harder for Americans to trust what they see.

Anonymous said...

While the marches have been in response to Floyd's death, organizers called for local changes, including defunding Las Vegas' police department and ending racial inequities in policing. About 12.2 percent of the Las Vegas Valley's population is Black, but from 2015 to 2019, the share of people shot by Las Vegas police who were Black ranged from 24 percent to 40 percent, according to a statistical analysis published by the department.

Here its a diffent but similar situation or condition. 90% is mex and 10% is white more or less with 100% of people shot by Brownsville Police Department are Hispanics. WHY? There are a lot of white crimes here but none of them get shot by the 90% Hispanic police officers. Why?

Why are there NO protests here. WHY?


Anonymous said...

There needs to be a review of ALL killings by the local PD since now its a well know fact that police departments have not been truthful on these types of investigations.

Anonymous said...

Man killed in deputy-involved shooting near Los Angeles, authorities say
Now they are targeting hispanics since blacks protests every time they shoot a black and hispanics don't...

Anonymous said...

'It was an execution': Nicolas Chavez was on his knees when police killed him. His father wants answers This happened in HOUSTON...

Anonymous said...

Where are the gringo blogs why are they not saying anything? strange...

Anonymous said...

'RIP Taco Bell': People tweet homemade recipes to boycott chain, show support for employee who says he was fired for Black Lives Matter mask

I will no longer go to taco campana where's my chiguagua?

Anonymous said...

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pointed to clusters of “overwhelmingly Hispanic” day laborers and agriculture workers driving the state’s recent coronavirus spike — but farmworkers and industry associations argue that resources and testing came too late to those communities, according to new reports.

The Republican governor told reporters Tuesday that cramped living and working conditions for migrant workers and Hispanic construction workers are partly to blame, according to WFOR-TV.

“Some of these guys go to work in a school bus, and they are all just packed there like sardines, going across Palm Beach County or some of these other places, and there’s all these opportunities to have transmission,” DeSantis said during a press conference in Tallahassee.

Anonymous said...

Any person shot on the back while running away from any law enforcment agency officer should immediately be fired and arrested for murder. If more than two bullets hit a suspect by more than one law officer, both should immeiately be suspended and/or terminated depending on the evidence.

Minimum sentence for shooting someone on the back should be the ultimate punishment and/or life in prison with/out parole...

What's good for the goose is good for the gender an eye for an eye, good old european punishment.

Anonymous said...

Just thought that this might be of interest to followers of El Rrun Rrun

WASHINGTON – Do not expect President Donald Trump to tweet any praises for the Siena College Research Institute any time soon.

In its sixth presidential ranking since 1982, 157 scholars surveyed by the institute ranked Trump the third worst president of all time after Andrew Johnson (who was impeached) and James Buchanan (whose presidency was followed by the Civil War).

The Siena survey, released Thursday, is conducted after each new president has had a full year in office. It asks presidential scholars, historians and political scientists to rank the presidents according to 20 different categories.

Anonymous said...

In the Valley, she said, there have been several times when strangers have approached her while grocery shopping to ask if they could touch her dark skin

This is plain and simply a LIE I lived here all my live and I HAVE NEVER EVER HEARD OF SUCH supidity. There have always been people of color in all the schools I ever went to and this is simply a big lie..

In school we would rather hang out with the color students than with the whites and that is a fact.

Anonymous said...

If you "do noting" city commissioners, at least end qualified immunity, which protects police officers from financial liability in civil suits, this alone enables excessive force.

Anonymous said...

Look at the video on you tube
Brownsville officer Trujillo's shooting how did this officer get away with this its justice for all not just for some.

Anonymous said...

@4:49 It's "stupidity" idiota! Learn how to spell before commenting pendejadas!

Anonymous said...

