Friday, June 5, 2020


By Juan Montoya

The scorecard isn't even in yet, buth with a daily tally of 20 or more new positive cass of COVID-19 being reported across Cameron County daily, it's obvious that the response to the disease has been unsatisfactory and has resulted in increasingly high numbers locally.

Cameron County orders 'shelter-in-place' rule - The MonitorThis morning, another 21 new cases were reported by Cameron County - 11 in Brownsville - and Hidalgo County next door reported even worse with 45 new cases.

That brought Cameron's tally to 841 and Hidalgo's to 679, a far cry from the start of the infection when one or two positive cases caused a general alarm across South Texas.

Now, with hundreds recorded, we're slowly, but surely, inching our way to the 1,000 mark in Cameron.

Kind Gesture by Sheriff Omar Lucio, But No Flowers for Mary TiptonAnd the various departments across Cameron County - from the County Clerk's Office, the Tax Assessor-Collector's, even within the Health Dept. and Sheriff's Dept. and Public Works - has been one of trying to cover up the infection of its employees, a fallacy when dealing with a contagious disease.

In other words, instead of putting out the alarm so that the public can take precautions and avoid contagion hotspots, let's just make believe we're not aware that some of our employees dealing with the public have been infected.

EL RRUN RRUN: GUS RUIZ: NEW KID ON THE BLOCK TRIES TO MAKE SPLASHThis was not made easier by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott grandstanding and using the states' public relations spin machine to convince everyone that the worst was over. The numbers locally and across the state don't lie. We're not out of these woods yet.

The die was set when Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino sought to curry the favor of the Rancho Viejo crowd by providing personal cover for the infections (the first in the county) caused by their relatives bringing it back from Ireland and Spain and then hiding out in South Padre Island at the height of Spring Break congratulating themselves saying they were in self-quarantine.

Why did Pct. 4 Commissioner Gus Ruiz deny that one of his road crew had been infected and the entire crew sent home to quarantine to prevent spreading the disease instead of broadcasting it high and low to the crews' families and potential contacts in the community instead? The usually garrulous Ruiz, who cannot pass up a photo-op opportunity suddenly disappeared when sought by the news media.

The same - we now learn - applies to the county clerk and tax office. Sources who wish to remain anonymous for fear of their jobs say positive cases at their workplace were told to go home and not say a word to anyone. They were told to seek medical care on their own if they got worse and not to seek assistance from their employer.

Brownsville confirms two virus cases through drive-thru testing ...And when testing had to be done, the city's snail-pace results from the test site at the Sportspark often took a whole week.

In contrast the UTRGV test site at the TSC campus provided results overnight. Why? No one has been able to give us an answer. And if you want to get a test at the city's site at the Sportspark you have to get into the waiting line which can take days. What good is that if you are sick and can pass it on to family and friends, including the most susceptible like the elderly?

And one the stay-at-home and shelter-in-place order was given and requirements for only one occupant in a car and the required wearing of a face ask or covering was issued, the often heavy-handed enforcement of overzealous law enforcement generated ill will between the residents and the cops.

This is noting to sneeze at. The fines could range from $1,000 to imprisonment.

The law enforcement by constables from the beginning has been measured. During the first days, Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez said he personally stopped dozens of vehicles on the road and when they were able to produce written excuses or reasons for being on the road, were told to be on their way.

But on the county side, the complaints against the heavy-handed tactics used by deputies with the sheriff's department gathered during the early days of enforcement and showed up at the justice of the peace courts where the citations were often dismised, downgraded and small fines imposed, if any at all.

But the overkill there generated ill feelings against Omar Lucio's minions.

Scan and go: Cameron County rolls out electronic citation systemTake, for example, some of the cases that showed up at some JP offices.

*On April 5, a 20-year old woman who works at Texas Southmost College and her boyfriend had to use her ATV to go to the corner store in San Pedro to get some groceries after his truck developed problems.

They were stopped by a  Border Patrol truck, the sheriff deputies called in, and even after they told Deputy Mitchell Reyes they needed groceries - an essential function - she was cited for violation of the stay-in-shelter order by county judge Trevino. The citation was downgraded, but the unnecessary inconvenience caused bad blood toward the department.

*On April 15, a 52-year-old driver and his 23-year-old passenger were stopped on Military Highway and JoAnn LAne and cited for wearing no mask. Both took off their mask to talk to the deputy (L. Garcia) and cited. Garcia was not wearing a mask.

* On April 9th, at 4 a.m. a 34-year-old Brownsville man was getting home on Angel Lane when he was stopped and cited for a violation of the shelter-in-place order despite the fact that he was finishing his shift as a welder at the SpaceX space site on Boca Chica Beach.

* Similar incidents turned up at JP offices all through April and May until the order was lifted. In many cases the JPs dismissed some and downgraded the others when they were provided with a credible excuse. But the fact remains, heavy-handedness and overkill by deputies just made matters worse for county residents.


Anonymous said...

Hi Juan can you follow up with PUB's SHARE assistance program?

Have they shut down?
No one answers the phone or responds to emails.
Know someone who had PUB water shut off waiting for assistance.

Did someone at the program pocket the money and fire the staff?

There is no oversight. PUB raked in millions from PUB customers. Now in a crisis is their time to give back.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Lucio must go. His law enforcement style is like from the 1920s, when cops were brutes. VOTE NO ON OMAR LUCIO, goddammit!

Anonymous said...

True story...Three of the most disruptive students in my classes later in life became police officers. These three students were also “special education” students where their work was modified for them to be successful; for example, two choices on a test instead of four choices. They were all from Rio Hondo. My point, the cops in the Valley are both bullies and DUMB AS A SACK OF HAMMERS. I have no respect for Valley law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Judge trevino has totally mishandled this pandemic. He was more interested in being on tv daily to simply read statements prepared by others. He offered no innovation, confidence or leadership. Heaven help us if we get struck by a hurricane. How I long for true leadership during normal times or times of crisis.

Anonymous said...

Housecleaning at the Cameron County Sheriff's office is in order. New sheriff will fire all these badged outlaws!

Anonymous said...

I work in public health and NOT for Cameron County Health. This unprecedented event is a lesson learned for everyone. You cannot blame the spread of this disease on local public servants. Everything done by the county and local health departments was what needed to be done. Citations are ridiculous though. Lab infrastructure was poor and not ready for this amount of tests. The city has a contract with a private lab that receives thousands of labs per day from all over the state and country. UT-RGV has its own lab which helps with faster turnaround times. They have control over their operations and are self-sustainable.

The Governor opening the state has affected the spread a lot but we have to understand that people have to keep their businesses going too.

We need to put a lot of responsibility on the public as well. We have many people that don't care, that believe it is all a hoax or they are just ignorant of the facts (even if we teach them). I understand their desperation to live normal lives but just because the governor is opening the state doesn't mean that the virus is gone or that there is less risk. The general public has a difficult time making sense of this. Unfortunately, our cases are increasing because of the lack of consideration of our people and/or because of our low paying jobs in our region and they need to keep working to survive. Although it is important that people continue working, people are not being precautions and considerate of others. We have a very poor social aid system in this country that is not set for such a catastrophe either. Remember that in times of crisis people go into survival mode and sometimes people lose the sense of reality and the consideration for others. Survival of the fittest of sorts.

Everyone is trying to find a scapegoat but never take the blame or do anything to help the cause. Pointing fingers is easy when sitting behind a computer. Our public health is meant to educate, protect, and give people the tools to also protect themselves. It takes a village...

Anonymous said...

I was on the way to my outhouse behind my home when I was stopped by the local PD and cited for failure to yield righ-away to on-coming traffic. Needless to say the municipal ct judge forgave my fine because he was a no-show. That's the day all the bars opened...

Anonymous said...

I Don’t Need ‘Love’ Texts From My Gringo Friends

Anonymous said...

The chairperson of the Texas Republican Party would like to move the GOP convention to Texas, now that Charlotte, N.C., is no longer an option. I can’t imagine any big city in Texas wanting it and the chaos it will bring.

However, in this time of social distancing, I understand Marfa is available.

Anonymous said...

Trump brags on jobs numbers:

Trump is like a kid coming home from school and bragging to his parents that they now had a D- average instead of all Fs.

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio is a dinosaur.

The sheriff's style of law enforcement is from the Cavemen Era, when clubs were weapons. Using the old Texas Rangers model for collaring Hispanics is costing him my vote!

Anonymous said...

I thought the COVID-19 problem was caused by Linda Salazar....OOPS! Sorry, that was last election. The pandemic is, as Juan says, caused by Sheriff Lucio. ELECT ERIC GARZA AND END THE PANDEMIC NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump gloats over dubious jobs numbers:

Anytime you hear shockingly good numbers from the Trump cult, you should realize it's a lie. It's what they do. 20,000 lies, I know, but this time we have to give him the benefit of the doubt????

Uh, no...

Anonymous said...

Mexico lindo y querido:

Over 1,000 Mexicans have died from Covid-19 in the United States, and many of them did not want to be buried in America. Most had an unspoken agreement with their families and friends: If I die in the United States, take me back to Mexico.

Of course.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the now Chief of Police at La Feria, was special education student,
someone took the test, if any, for him,

Anonymous said...

Trump's premature victory lap:

This is like declaring victory after scoring a touchdown when your team is still down 42 points - and your team's fans are actually stupid enough to believe it!

Anonymous said...

Deputies doing their jobs
Wow unheard of
Great job guys
(Some people refuse to acknowledge we live in smuggler territory)
Im sure the mask was just probable cause

Anonymous said...

The county needs a lesson in emergency management and public emergency preparedness. The pandemic caught the county flat-footed. It does take a village, but also takes a lot of preparedness. The system in place in Cameron County is weak, at best. There are no strong partnerships between the county and the locals. Hay que hacer limpieza Juan!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

June 5, 2020 at 5:28 PM

Europeans which ALL gringos come from should do the same but sent them back in a plastic zip bag!!!


Anonymous said...

The cenote city of the valley (sanbene) or the current new name (gringo city of the valley) where ALL political candidates (MESKINS) use exclusive gringo names, talk about cocos.
Pobre gente idiota

Anonymous said...

Growing food in sustainable ways
Of course using city funding and resources how else?

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump Is Our National Catastrophe

With malice toward all

Anonymous said...

Your'e F-----G right the public has a "hard time understanding", what our so called leaders are doing to address this pandemic. From the very early stages, our so called county judge Eddie Trevino allowed the full blown virus to spread and kill our elderly victims. How in the world is the "PUBLIC" supposed to have knowledge of the virus if they are not informed? The Federal government has and still continues to give millions of dollars to our so called legless governor and he in turn gives it to these gritty money hungry political leaders, who in turn decide who to give it to. The medical community has received millions if not billions of dollars, but they still continue to use a private lab to do the testing. Why a private lab for third world labeled citizens? The public health is suppose to EDUCATE,PROTECT and give US, (people) the tools to protect ourselves. What F-----g tools? What F-----g knowledge and what tools? We Cameron county LEGAL citizens are led by blindness caused by our political leaders. They use the monies intended for the public else where. Filemon Vela is out protecting the Mexican government and making sure their corrupt dealings are in order. As to the local Cameron county Sheriff, well just look at his pitiful lost look and you judge for yourself. This is my opinion of this disgust.

Anonymous said...

Here if the people were to protest da mayor and most all elected officials would be handing out batons and weapons to all law enforcement people.

Anonymous said...

The homeless to honor George by staying over night at a shelter.

Anonymous said...

I just saw a cop kneeling but to pick up a coin on the grown maybe a buck.

Anonymous said...

They closed that program to pay the bank the 1.3 million

Anonymous said...

So why do officers lie in police statements?

Self-preservation: One of the reasons is simple: to avoid the consequences.

That's according to David Thomas, a professor of forensic studies and criminal justice at Florida Gulf Coast University and a retired police officer.

When officers misrepresent incidents in police reports, it is often to justify the use of excessive force or an unlawful arrest, he said. The officer knows that they have made a mistake and are trying to avoid losing their job, criminal charges or other disciplinary actions.
"Your motivation to lie, really, is to keep your job and hope that nobody finds out," Thomas said.

To justify an action: Another reason is what's known as "noble cause corruption," said Philip Stinson, a criminologist and professor of criminal justice at Bowling Green State University.

Officers might lie in police reports to justify an action they took, whether the use of force or a questionable arrest. Police are often operating under the mindset that they are keeping communities safe or getting criminals off the streets. So when they lie, the idea is that the ends justify the means -- that their actions were ultimately for a good cause.

How we can start systemically reforming the police
"It's an ingrained part of the police subculture in many communities across the country,"

Anonymous said...

To "My point, the cops in the Valley are both bullies and DUMB AS A SACK OF HAMMERS. I have no respect for Valley law enforcement"

You just lost respect from fellow educators

Sarah Pressler said...

I can tell you exactly why the UTRGV testing was efficient vs the city’s testing.

But it’s too much to type out. LMk if you want more info.

Anonymous said...

Abel Gomez is bragging about stopping all those vehicles? I though he swore to uphold the constitution and that pesky 4th ammendent. I wonder how he feels about these riots and lack of social distancing? Send him to New York where he can put those ninja skills to the test.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor is just as guilty for allowing public gatherings at restaurants well above the allowable limit just because he knows the person. Very corrupted city that doesn't care about public safety just to please friends.

Anonymous said...

Judge Trevino has handled this pandemic exceptionally well. If you don’t think so, you’re not right in that head. He shut things down, mandated masks, imposed a shelter in place order....why, because we had no idea how this pandemic would affect us locally, we didn’t even know much about the virus itself period! He went conservative, which was 100% the right approach. I’m not going to talk about local law enforcement....they were pulling over everyone on Alton Gloor...for what reason I’ll never know.

Former RGV LEO said...

Huh, to all you "wanna-be" doctors and health experts! I suspect that the reason that covid numbers have gone up is because people have been in contact with someone WHO has either hasn't been tested OR like our county commissioner gussie ruiz lie about who is infected or not!
Example: My nephew works for a doctor and is an Xray tech. He has told me that patients who are infected don't tell the doctor or lie when first questioned. So, it has nothing to do with being outdoors because if it did? Lil Eddie Trevino would be on his soap box about it! Most of your infected have been elderly and from nursing homes, period! Then the others who are infected have been from travel and then they don't quarantine themselves because they think their okay?
So Lil Eddie, settle down! If you were any kind of an elected official? You would take care of your home first before you decide to tell us in CC how to act!

Former RGV LEO said...

June 5, 9:47 A. M.

I guess this goes to how you taught back then or maybe you should take credit for them having careers? Oh, but I guarantee you stupid! That you would be very happy to see them when needed, pendeja! You know, like when criminal is about to do something that your husband doesn't do? Or, maybe a criminal about to do something to your children?
That' the problem with you LEO haters! You think we're all bullies and dumbasses! That' the small percentage and they eventually get caught! But, that' the same way about teachers? You get a good one and you get a bad one! It was up to US to figure out the one who really cared and taught us to get ahead in life!
So, were you the good one! Doesn't appear so, since of the way you think of these three LEO's. But you eat meat, right?

Anonymous said...

She's say in the first pic - really its that big!!!

Anonymous said...

BISD announced three confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the main office yesterday. Several employees were requesting to continue WORKING from HOME after this announcement. Notice they asked tO WORK from home not to take a leave.

Head Honcho offended because the employees dared to voice their fear and the state COVID-19 protocols were sent to HR head and the protocols say "encourage people to work remotely.

Did he comply and place the safety of BISD employees and their families first?

Did he allow those employees to CONTINUE working from home?

What do you think boys and girls?

In true BISD tradition, he RETALIATED and forced everyone to report work in the COVID -19 MAIN Office starting Monday to punish the employees that dared to voice their concern for their lives and those of their families and of course, "POR LOS MIOS, AHORA LO HACEN!"

And the board that is supposed to protect the children, which these employees have, the teachers, which are in the building and the public, which interacts with employees from the building in personal lives...has said nothing.

When the teachers complained that there was too much paperwork the board responded immediately calling the head honcho and his minions to stop that workload. It was stopped.

I guess ignoring the state protocols and exposing employees unnecessarily to COVID -19 is not as important as paperwork.

This the man and his minions hired by the board; this the board you elected folks.

By the way, masks are optional at the BISD main office as are gloves...look how well that worked for the three employees.

Anonymous said...

The chairperson of the Texas Republican Party would like to move the GOP convention to Texas, now that Charlotte, N.C., is no longer an option.
Move it to sanbene its full of gringos and wanna be gringos that use white name to get elected: daniel, joe, jack, alex, ben, Front Desk (don't know who that is).

Anonymous said...

If somebody wants to know what law enforcement department leads in killing its citizens, somebody made the statment that it should be the local pd and not any other city or any county here. Somebody take a count? any bloggers? I don't think so...
