Monday, July 20, 2020


By Juan Montoya
In a stunning turnaround, Cameron County Judge and Chief Medical Officer Dr. James Castillo today warned county residents to expect the numbers of reported deaths to dramatically surge upward as additional personnel assist the health department to gather information from doctors, hospitals and funeral homes.

"The numbers of deaths you're seeing now are from June and early July," admitted Castillo, adding that as the additional workers gather the details of the deaths, "we're going to be catching up those very soon. These numbers are weeks old."

"Those numbers are going to go up this week a lot," he warned. "They'll be much worse than what we're able to show you."
Castillo said that based on the estimated 6,000 positive cases in the county, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that it will result in about a 5 percent death rate, or about 300 deaths.

"You can expect 300 deaths while we are only reporting 96,"Castillo said, denying that the department was engaged in a conspiracy to hide the numbers and that county officials were not being transparent.

"If you are waiting for something to get really bad, it's here. Please change." 

"We know we are far behind," Treviño said, "by several hundred."

Castillo said that the CDC estimates that the number of positive cases recorded in any given community can be multiplied by 10 to come to a believable estimate of the infection there.

"We have had 5,891 tested positive, which means that there are some 58,000 people with the virus in Cameron County. You cannot go to many places without encountering this virus."

Treviño also said that the county is "looking at" reports of party boats over the weekend in the Laguna with between 70 to 90 people, the vast majority not wearing face masks or practicing social distancing to see what they can do to stop the violation of the county orders.

"There's been pushback on the wearing of face masks and stay in place orders," he said. "I'm experiencing this with the (SP) Island...Those people on the boat are not following our mandate...That video upsets me to the core...""

And he said that if only one person on the party boat was asymptomatic, he might have passed it on to other people on the boat who in turn would have carried it to their homes in the communities in the rest of the valley.

Additionally, he said that he had also had reports of scores of cars parking between the access roads to the beach and simply crossing over the dunes to get to the unguarded beach. The access entries to the parks are closed as per county orders.

"This is a disgrace that should not be happening," he said in Spanish to a reporter for a Mexican news medium. "Es una desgracia."

Trevino said he would be talking to the Texas General Land Office and officials from the Texas Parks and Wildlife to address the problem and to enforce the order issued regarding the closing of the county's beaches.


Anonymous said...

"And he said that if only one person on the party boat was asymptomatic, he might have passed it on to other people on the boat who in turn would have carried it to their homes in the communities in the rest of the valley."

I don't really want to be that guy... but.... has Dr. James Castillo who I assume advises Eddie Trevino, not kept up to date on all the coronavirus research? Even the World Health Organization has up dated their info... COVID 19 is transmitted most of the time from symptomatic patients not from asymptomatic.

I'm not saying COVID does not exist, there's people out there dying because COVID. But someone in the position of Eddie Trevino shouldn't be making public statements based on outdated information.

It makes sense why he wants to go back on lockdown, he still thinks that the majority of transmissions come from asymptomatic patients. Instead of working to fully lockdown the whole county, we should be locking down symptomatic people and really taking care of our people who are the most in danger; people with pre-existing conditions.

Anonymous said...

Well yeah but how many of those were matamoros residents seeking medical help in brownsville?

Anonymous said...

Donde están los PARK RANGERS Juan? Nomas andan en Brownsville, Parecen Brownsville PD y no PARK RANGERS puro peladera el segun chief y assistant chief.

Anonymous said...

It should not matter the great County Judge
should not have to baby sit no one every one
is responsible for the spread of this pandemic.
And the people on that boat were very irresponsible
because of this pandemic and didn’t do either
of the mandatory regulations (mask up and
distancing.) like kids :(

Anonymous said...

Of course there's going to be people from Matamoros that are sick and dying in the US no matter what. Hidalgo and California have the same issue. We already know that, it's a border city.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @7:25PM

Actually the WHO backtracked and clarified the statement about asymptomatic carriers. The WHO says 40% of transmission may be through asymptomatic carriers. The WHO REGRETS saying transmission for asymptomatic carriers is "very rare".

Report as of July 14, 2020.

GGL said...

Remember the medical people saying years ago if you drink coffee you were as good as dead. Remember they then changed and said coffee was good for you. Remember they said there was no human to human transmission of the virus. Remember they said to stay away from each other you can get if from someone. I'm from the government and I am here to help you. Remember all this bull came from your political hero's. Start digging we will all be living in caves before long.

Anonymous said...

And yet a county elected official goes into work With symptoms and infects many of the employees.. by removing her mask to cough ! Wow ends up in the hospital along with many of her employees.. that’s unacceptable

Anonymous said...

@9:48 pm... If 40% of transmission is done through asymptomatic carriers... that means 60% is done by symptomatic carriers... My point still stands... The majority (60% is still the majority as far as I know, which means most of the time :/) of cases are done by symptomatic carriers.


I never said that asymptomatic transmission is "very rare".

Anonymous said...

The county judge is losing it he now needs to be replaced or more people will DIE!!!! pinche idiota

Anonymous said...

They are gringos the superior race according to one of the founding fathers of this stinkin' town...
