Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

No one said a word.

No comments were made. But all eyes were on indicted Brownsville Independent School District Dr. Sylvia Atkinson as she attended a specially-called meeting today of the board where they voted to opt for distance learning instead of face-to-face instruction at the start of the school year August 25.

The board also voted that teachers will have the option of teaching remotely from home or remotely from their classrooms and approved an amended 2020-2021 instructional calendar and a resolution supporting orders from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, County Judge Eddie Trevino Jr., and Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez that schools remain closed for in-person instruction until conditions allow them to safely reopen.

The decision came almost a week after the Port Isabel ISD voted to choose distance learning and not hazard contagion of teachers, students and staff by CODIV-19 that could then be spread to the rest of the community.

During the meeting, Mendez told the board via Zoom that the city commission would vote to support the resolution at its upcoming meeting. Treviño addressed the board later in the meeting.

At Wednesday's meeting, Atkinson sat – at a social distance – next to board counsel Baltazar Salazar.

Before the meeting, Salazar – who cleared her presence at the meeting – had her address the board and Atkinson said she had "voluntarily" recused herself from the board because she though that the process would be cleared by February until, because of delays in the case, made it clear it would be August before the process would continue.

"I love this community and will stay engaged," she said.

Atkinson has maintained she had chosen not to attend BISD functions or attend meetings. But during her arraignment hearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge Ronald G. Morgan he laid out the conditions she must meet in order to be released.

The BISD trustee was required to submit a $5,000 cash deposit with the federal court, maintain and seek employment, and surrender her passport. Additionally, Morgan ordered Atkinson to refrain from contact with any witnesses, alleged co-conspirators or victims.

Three other BISD board members – Minerva Peña, Drue Brown, and Preisci Roca-Tipton – are named in subpoenas in federal court, and are potential witnesses. All were present with her at today's meeting.

The trustee and former Texas Southmost College employee faces eight federal counts of conspiracy, bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds, and violation of the Travel Act-State Law Bribe

And during a hearing in state court where she is facing a removal petition by Cameron County District Attorney Luis V. Saenz, it was learned from testimony by BISD Board Secretary Patricia Perez of communications between Atkinson and other board members, as well as Superintendent René Gutierrez, in the months since her arrest.

Her attorney Noe Garza referenced emails “dating back to January, but one as recent as June 23, 2020” — an email from Atkinson to Gutierrez regarding budget flexibility options, according to him.

“I think Ms. Perez, the point here is that Dr. Atkinson has communicated since Nov. 20, 2019 through the president with board members and the superintend and the superintendent regarding matters pertaining to the school,” said Garza.

At that time, Cameron County Assistant District Attorney Edward Sandoval took the opportunity to address the motion to compel written discovery filed on March 18, to which the state has allegedly received no response, filing two letters after the initial request calling on Atkinson to produce the documents, court records showed.

The Texas Public Information Act states that the current or former officers or employees of a government entity have a duty to back up all correspondence, whether on a personal or school district device related to school business, to fill such requests, the attorney argued.

“Ms. Perez has described that Dr. Atkinson has continued to send emails to members of the school board,” said Sandoval. Later, he added, “We actually requested that from the Brownsville school district and they have not provided it to us. Letters were sent on March 6 to the public information officer and cc’d to Mr. Salazar.”

Was Atkinson right in attending a meeting where potential witnesses or victims were present, or did she decide to unilaterally end her "voluntary" abstention from BISD business?


Anonymous said...

There she goes again. She manipulates everyone to do what she wants and now it includes the federal courts and Texas Rangers and FBI. What is she holding against whom that allows her to do as she pleases. If she broke the regulations set by the court, she should be in jail and her bond forfeited.
Does her shit not smell? But worse of all, she has the audacity to show her face in pubic when she has really "cagged" it. She knows no shame!

Anonymous said...

Salazar, I know you were born with your forever mask, but why are you not
wearing one, if only to protect Dr. A? You represent the law and you don't abide by it? The Atkinsons and the Salazars must be related, for they are the same selfish, self-centered idiots that they are.

Anonymous said...

Where's the FBI?

WICHO said...

No vale vergra el FBI !!

Anonymous said...

Shes lost it....she will take a few TSC Compadres down with her.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Atkinson. She is appalling. Does she really think that BISD is in need of her input?! What a lousy lot the entire Board is,.

Anonymous said...

I loved seeing Erasmo’s face when he saw Sylvia Atkinson there. It was like he saw a ghost . It’s obvious she will be found not guilty in her case. She is innocent until proven guilty Erasmo dumb ass. This is America not Mexico pendejo. Unlike you who resigned like a little bitch, she chooses to fight and she will win and you will scream bloody murder that the system is rigged. Your followers who are as smart as you will cry wolf as well not knowing that you are the problem with Brownsville. U keep people down with your behavior.

Anonymous said...

Lesbo Atkinson...what you do in these last days of FREEDOM is nothing more than a “death rattle”; that is, your last breath before PRISON TIME. I’ve heard ex-cons say that a restful nights sleep is impossible with the constant noise and lights. And the smell would gag a cockroach. Enjoy your stay...

Anonymous said...

Mom gets prison for son's online class cheating

Be careful you might land in prison FBI is looking at parents cheating next most important crime, forget about public corruption by elected officials...

Anonymous said...

Juan a thief is a thief no other definition, la rata mortem

Anonymous said...

Ya valio verga.

Anonymous said...

Great writing. Great reporting. Great context.

Anonymous said...

Who are the judges in this case? They should be held accountable and show enforce the stipulations that they placed on this idiot when she was released into the open. Is she working? Where? Is she keeping away from her cronies at BISD? Is she not attending BISD functions? Correct me if I am wrong, but she has broken every stipulation assigned to her and yet the judges allow themselves to be made fools of by this same idiot. Not only Erasmo was ghosted-out when he say this idiot at the board meeting; so were many of us whom she stepped on with her "better than thou" attitude towards us. Get her behind bars! Remember when we played "London Bridge?" "TAKE A KEY AND LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP! TAKE A KEY AND THROW IT AWAY, THROW IT AWAY, THROW IT AWAY!"

Anonymous said...

Lord Help Us!
Erasmo Castro is running an amazing BISD Election Campaign wouldn’t you think? He is one of the most narcissistic people I have ever encountered. He is exploiting the fears of teachers, staff and the community. He and his cohort, Frankie Olivo, take information from the city, county, state and country and only uses partial truths to “inform” the citizens. The incomplete rhetoric he spouts is simply the information he skims to run his own campaign. Anyone that voices an opinion on his “talk show” is chastised and blocked. Poor Guy. If he only knew how many people dislike him.
Most of all, I feel badly for the people who do not read the actual information to educate themselves. I do not agree with the delay in decisions the Superintendent and BISD Board have made but, as a current Employee of BISD, I have informed myself of ALL of the information that has been distributed. People in office have a responsibility to the citizens. If voted in, Erasmo, Frankie and Carlos will only vote with responsibility to themselves. Frankie can’t even string along a complete sentence or thought without stumbling over words that are too big for him to express. Carlos’ anger filled rants are incoherent and redundant at best. Erasmo Castro and Carlos Elizondo are simply running on vendettas against the District. Unfortunately, the sheep will vote for them. Don’t get me wrong, the BISD board has to go. It’s unfortunate that Prisci and Drew aren’t up for election too. Minerva Pena’s reign needs to end NOW!
People are free to believe what they want but please do not solely base your decisions or opinions on what these people give you. Anyone that runs with him will not have the best interest of the citizens of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Misplaced Atkinson. You damaged a lot of good people in and out of BISD. We hear it from Los Fresnos, Rio Hondo, Socorro and other places. The people you took to these places know you and how you used them to benefit yourself, only. Shame on Cowen and other board members for not speaking out against your behavior. Because of this board, they allowed you to continue hurting people and did not stop you from doing so. BISD is rotting because of people like you. The curse on BISD won't go away until you leave and don't forget to take your buds and honeys with you. Knowing you, we will probably see you on the ballot and I hope so because those of us who believed in you then do not now. I will not vote for Cowen, Pena, Garcia nor for Perezreyes because they helped you hurt others in destructive ways.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson should not be participating in these proceedings in view of her situation at this time. She belongs in prison, not on the BISD Board.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo there you go again hiding behind "anonymous" spewing out stupid shit like you always do. Your little cousin Frank Olivo, who you probably molested when he was young, follow you like a dog without a tail. You need to leave Brownsville once again like you did way back in the day when your own family kicked you out for embarrassing them because of your sick behavior. You won't win and neither will that thief Carlos Elizondo. He and you are so burnt and I'm surprised you got him to run in a slate with you and your little cousin. Carlos, birds of a feather flock together. Get away from that idiot because you look like an idiot now. Take care of your family and stop embarrassing once and for all like Erasmo has. Pendejos!!!

Anonymous said...

somebody is going to lose a lot of votes
