Wednesday, July 15, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Sources at the Brownsville Police Dept. say that assertions made by board member Laura Reyes-Perez during Monday's Specially Called Meeting that Chief of Police Felix Sauceda told her there have been an average of two suicide daily in the city because of anxiety of staying at home during the COVID-19 crisis cannot be confirmed.

The meeting was called to hear Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez's recommendations on the status of the district's response to COVID-19 Issues to include Curriculum & Instruction Update Business & Operations Update/FEMA. In other words, information for them to decide whether to have face-to-face instruction or distance learning this coming school year.

Perez-Reyes made the statements that were transmitted through the BISD's television channel urging that the district take action to address the rise of anxiety among district employees and to allay their worries over the coming school year. She argued that many people (teachers, staff, and students included) were suffering from anxiety over having to stay home. And she hinted that forcing them to do so by implementing distance learning could increase the threat of suicides among them.

"I've spoken to (BISD Superintendent) Dr. Gutierrez recently about potentially having a safety meeting soon in regards to these same efforts even for employees.

"I've spoken to the chief of police in Brownsville and he has assured me that we've had a suicide, one, two suicides a day since since COVID happened here in March..."

 While the police department would not comment publicly to deny the board member's assertions, they said they could positively confirm that Sauceda had not made those assertions.

Some of the COVID symptoms include periods of imbalance, dizziness, an altered sense of balance and place, possibly described as lightheaded, feeling faint, or as if head is spinning.

We would suggest that Perez-Reyes go to the city's testing site and take a few tests to see whether she might be infected or perhaps is asymptomatic to COVID-19.

Did Sauceda say this to Laura in confidence? Or did he say it at all? 


Anonymous said...

Abraham Vega, 48, ‘Peacemaking’ Texas Sheriff, Dies he was born here in Brownsville texas but nobody knows him WHY????

Anonymous said...

Cluless local daily is still lost in space... but if he were a gringo FORGET ABOUT IT.....

Anonymous said...

This is the person that is seeking to be elected to the office of "District Clerk" .... wow,can you imagine her handling of those responsibilities !!!

Anonymous said...

Walmart, the world's largest retailer, will require customers to wear masks starting next week.

Starting tonight at 11:59pm I will require all persons using my toilet to wear a face shield.

The county and city commissioners have just authorized the required use of face shields while using a restroom sitting or standing doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

It seems that BISD started their own virus some time back with all the lies that they spread amongst each other. The virus has spread to every single member of the board. Now that they are checking ALL the emails that board members have asserted to have always received from community members, the public will be able to find out just how much they do lie, starting with one member that professes her love and devotion to the Great Man - and no, it is not Gutierrez. She is truly a hypocrite and that virus has spread to the rest, including Drew Brown, the turn-coat. So now Laura is caught right in the middle of her copycat method. Shame on you Laura!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @4:07PM Better yet, stick a tampon in your ass, face masks safes lives.

Anonymous said...

Sounds about right there are over 120 names on the local daily on the obituary column...

Anonymous said...

July 15, 2020 at 10:00 PM
What you need is an ass mask not a face mask but you already know that and it didn't help your ass
