Friday, July 31, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

We have some bad news, and some bad news.

Let's start with the  bad news.

Last night, the Cameron County Health Dept. reported a record 731 new positive cases of COVID-19. That breaks the record posted the day before of 647 on Wednesday, which in turn breaks the previous record posted Tuesday of 576.

As if we weren't on a roll, Tuesday's 576 broke Monday's previous record of one day's positive cases of 374.

In all, in the last four days - if we are to belive these numbers - the county has recorded 2,328 positive cases, or one quarter (23.5 percent) of the 10,155 total positive cases recorded in the last four months!

Well, that's enough bad news.

What is the good news, you, dear seven readers, may well ask.

Well, according to the same announcement, there have been 206 COVID-19 related deaths during all this time, giving Cameron County a 2.02 percent mortality rate.

Stop the presses. We must be doing something right. The rest of the state, for example, has a mortality rate above 11 percent.

(At that rate, Cameron County should have just above 1,100 deaths. Now that would really be bad news.)

Could it be the water? Perhaps obesity and diabetes actually protect people from the virus, you think? Or maybe there's something about Hispanics that stops the virus in its tracks.

Or perhaps Brownsville physician assistant Eder Hernandez and his COVID-19 "cocktail" - or is it "quacktail", has the virus against the ropes? He and his wifey, after all, are claiming a 100 percent success rate in the 1,000 covid cases he has "treated."


Could it be, no, that's impossible. Could it be that we are being fed bogus numbers in the number of COVID deaths by our county judge and medical experts?

Oho, we're going back to the bad news again.


Anonymous said...

well that turned quickly....

Anonymous said...

well besides being only bad news guy , you are bad at math as well.

In Texas as of today there are 412,000 and 6120 have died .

That is 1.5 percent mortality rate

Amazing, you are just looking for conspiracies and bad news. I bet you will not publish this.

Anonymous said...

The virus positives are high because the tests batch that were sent to the valley are full of tests that are made to give false positives!!! My brother got tested and he came out positive for COVID-19!!! He was all scare and panicking, I told him that the virus is a hoax. I told him to go retest yourself the next day. He went to a different test site and he got tested. When he got his results, it came out negative. Wake up people! The flu is more deadly...If you are getting a positive result, retest yourself!!!

Anonymous said...

Gringos at SPI and meskin from across are NOT being counted.

Anonymous said...

The Texas mortality rate based on the data from the state:

6,274 fatalities in 412,107 positive cases is a mortality rate of 1.52% (NOT >11%).

The Cameron county mortality rate, based on data from the county:

206 fatalities in 10,155 positive cases gives a mortality rate of 2.03%

Anonymous said...

@3:23 And you pinche half coco racist mutt stop being a snitch! Go back to your closet and put on your mask pinche miedoso joto!

Anonymous said...

July 31, 2020 at 11:21 PM

Go back and knot your self in the trunk of your Nano with your queenie par de maricones. jotingo
