Friday, July 17, 2020


By Juan Montoya

She looked long and hard at the number of COVID-19 deaths reported by the county.

On Wednesday, the Cameron County Health Department had reported zero deaths. And she wondered, "what happened to the two COVID-19 deaths of two people I knew?"

And then this morning, the 10 deaths reported by the county were all seniors, and she –  fully knowing that some of the dead included people younger –  wondered what everyone else in Cameron County is beginning to realize: Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño is implementing a policy of covering up the real crisis at hand and giving the public a false picture of the invisible enemy already inside the gates.

Cameron County reported this morning that the individuals who died overnight were eight females, ages 63, 65, 82, 85, 85, 87, 92, and 93, and two males ages 90 and 92, all residents of The Rio at Fox Hollow.

The report, however, is obviously incomplete and doesn't reflect the reality on the ground. Just about everyone now knows – or knew – someone who has tested positive, has been hospitalized, died, or is dying. They pray their family members and friends will survive.

This crisis is all too real and its manifestations include this:

* Hired independent ambulance drivers from out of town sitting and waiting with COVID-19 patient transfers by the fire station next to Valley Regional Hospital on Alton Gloor for hours because all the ICU rooms are full and there is no space for them inside.

*Funeral homes that will not take COVID-19 infected corpses because they fear that it will contaminate their funeral parlors and those families that want to say goodbye to their departed loved ones.
* A hospital that has a mobile 18-wheeler morgue that is filled to capacity and a harried hospital director who is ordering another trailer to store the dead.

* People who desperately need to be tested and – once they fill out the questionnaire and are allowed to take the test – must wait for days for the result, freely mixing with the local population. Should they test positive, can health authorities identify all the contact they have had during the wait?

Cameron County under Treviño seems like a nightmare where death is chasing you and you desperately reach for the door...and it has no handle.


Anonymous said...

It's in the news guys, the hospitals are to begin reporting all data including deaths, to the Trump Administration and not to the CDC. The hospital data is not being made for public use which will affect the health officials.

Anonymous said...

As much as I admit our local officials are followers not leaders, hospitals, doctors, are working with what they have and trying to work best with what is available. DT has really screwed this one, but we, local citizens tend to criticize and not do anything to correct the errors, look at Eddie Lucio, Jr. he will gain more power and probably be retired from politics until he reaches the age of Omar Lucio. Why? Because there will always be those that defend him (such as our bishop) and keep voting for him or there will always be those that criticize but do not vote. CEO's from both local hospitals spoke to the population about NOT going to public places unless necessary, use mask, follow distance, what do people do? Blow them off UNTIL it happens to them, then we blame the government, the governor, the politicians. Shared RESPONSIBILITY, we should TAKE IT, 50% OUR FAULT.

Anonymous said...

If Gov. Abbott would have allowed Judge Trevino to keep the masks mandatory, we would not be in this problem. Sure open the economy, but at least allow Trevino to mandate masks, not open a lo pendejo. And yes it's 50 percent our fault because the RAZA ignorant.

Anonymous said...

They’re violating state law on reporting measures. They have a very tight window to report to the state deaths due to contagion especially in this situation. They’re criminals.

Anonymous said...

party hardy with the gringos bola de pendejos and tomorrow go to he hospital crying like a chango

Anonymous said...

Trevino should have had the balls to go against the governor. But it was his way out and not taken responsibility.

Anonymous said...

City of Matamoros should rent one or buy one and park it here and make daily runs to that city. Half of it would be full of free grocieries

Anonymous said...

It's Eddie Trevino not following the orders of the governor. He will do as he pleases. He doesn't give a shit.
