The Brownsville Herald
Cameron County authorities on Monday issued a subpoena to BISD Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez requesting messages, videos, and documents related to Board of Trustees vice president Dr. Sylvia Atkinson’s ongoing participation in district meetings and activities.
A status hearing is set in the pending petition to remove Atkinson from her position on the school board for Aug. 14 in the 107th state District Court of Cameron County. The litigation was filed by District Attorney Luis V. Saenz in March after other citizens failed to do so.
The subpoena mandated Gutierrez’s production of correspondence and communication exchanged between himself and Atkinson, any Brownsville Independent School District attorney/counsel, as well as Atkinson’s communications with BISD board members and counsel beginning in December 2018.
Cameron County authorities on Monday issued a subpoena to BISD Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez requesting messages, videos, and documents related to Board of Trustees vice president Dr. Sylvia Atkinson’s ongoing participation in district meetings and activities.
A status hearing is set in the pending petition to remove Atkinson from her position on the school board for Aug. 14 in the 107th state District Court of Cameron County. The litigation was filed by District Attorney Luis V. Saenz in March after other citizens failed to do so.
The subpoena mandated Gutierrez’s production of correspondence and communication exchanged between himself and Atkinson, any Brownsville Independent School District attorney/counsel, as well as Atkinson’s communications with BISD board members and counsel beginning in December 2018.
The request includes items from both privately owned/accessible devices of BISD board members and employees, as well as those from BISD-owned devices, and suggests an interest in materials specifically related to Atkinson’s pending federal bribery case.
Counsel asked for conflict of interest disclosures and/or statements filed by or submitted on behalf of Atkinson. Board members are required to file such documents with the district.
Additionally requested are campaign finance reports and finance disclosures filed by or submitted on behalf of Atkinson, as well as any and all complaints, grievances, or police reports filed against the trustee.
The district will have to turn over the agendas for any February 2019 BISD board meetings, any and all requests submitted for an agenda item to be placed on the February 2019 board meeting agendas, and video and minutes of those meetings.
Atkinson was in attendance at Wednesday’s emergency school board meeting. Following her December arrest, she announced on social media that she would be voluntarily refraining from attending in-person board meetings as well as any district-sponsored events until her legal matter was resolved.
If she were smart
She would resign
"Pero pa ******* no se estudia"
Juan Montoya, You should run against Erasmo or Frankie
The fat little bitch has always thought that what is best for the SPA is best for everyone.
Spa is a victim of her own Cult of personality.
Just put her condescending big ass in jail for a while.
She convinced some good people with the BISD that she was real. Now they have to go down with her. You know who you are.....
There is nothing to hide. FBI just fishing and intimidating. They have no case. Stay strong board members and show the FBI you all are educated and not afraid. Sylvia is innocent and she will prove it.
Hope they find something on the Super so us tax payers don't have to pay for that totally inflated salary he has ,thanks to the idiot board members who approved it while many lost jobs.Wonder if board members do this on purpose like the bisd attorneys salary so board members get kick backs for thier election coffers.,total conflict of interest.
Someone please request move of Minerva as board president. Covid19 is not a hoax. We need Drue to take the lead, step up and turn that sinking ship around.
After that idiota leaves BISD charro days ass should make him the Children's Parade Marshall
Folks really do you think the DA will do something about this or not? I think NOT.
Wanna read something really funny? to to July 17, 2020 at 2:57 AM
I know frankie Olivo really well , he has my support - Elver Galarga
Carlos Elizondo you are a pendejo, you are burnt. The firefighters will make sure you stay burnt. We like that you are running against Sylvia. You will see a real ass whooping. Youre not going against Otis stupid
we need this board out!
Put a fork in her, Adela, and Rodriguez as well. Did she ever contribute to Adela's campaign? Conflict of interest perhaps? Was she even really the highest scoring applicant for her TSC position? Inquiring minds want to know......
Up north there is rampant crime on the streets here it in the public offices. Donde esta el FBI?????
Elizondo will make a great board member. Whatever happened with the fire department is a different story. He will do well as a board member. I will vote for Mr. Elizondo over Atkinson. I will vote for anyone over Cowen.
Afraid to runb now that the FBI is looking at ALL elected offices in cameron county that's what I heard...
You mean a great cell mate! at July 18, 2020 at 9:50 AM
The more I see and experience in this life, the more I learn that
values and morals and respect are far-gone. To serve and to protect
are just words, probably repeated with the hand behind their back and
their fingers crossed as we did when we were kids and just kidding around.
We learned not to hate anyone but how can you not when a certain person gives you enough to hang them? This "lady" in question takes the cake! She has hurt so many people, especially those who dare not defend themselves, and she wants people to believe that she will be found not guilty. What would take the cake would be for some sold-out judge and lawyers are able to get her off and she will then turn around and sue everyone she can to make up for the money she lost while not working - even though the bond requirements were for her to find a job during that time. She was fired from TSC, so where does she work? So many questions and yet, no answers. Let us hope that soon we will hear the answers in court.
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