Tuesday, July 28, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Documents filed in federal court indicate a video hearing in federal court before judge Fernando Rodriguez will be held at 8:30 a.m. this Thursday at the federal courthouse at 600 E. Harrison St.

It is believed that the government has submitted a motion to revoke Atkinson's bond and have her held in custody until her trial, which is scheduled for next month. To see the proceedings, you must make a request to the district clerk at https://www.txs.uscourts.gov/content/brownsville-division-request-remote-access-courtroom-proceedings-press-and-public


Anonymous said...

No hay dia que no se llegue

Anonymous said...

someone better get her orange suit ready.

Anonymous said...

Juan, please help us out by getting into the case and letting us know what is being done. You have the clout to get in and not get in trouble.
I would be there in person if I had to drag myself, so please help me out!

Anonymous said...

That bond revocation should have been done a long time ago
so that she would not be making a joke out of it.

Anonymous said...

Shit’s getting real now.
I hope she gets her bond revoked. That way, if she does manage to wriggle out of this whole mess, she’ll at least have had a taste (see what I did?) of prison life. As tarnished as her rep is, surely she wouldn’t take another position in public life - oh wait this is Brownsville...
Atkinson for mayor!

Anonymous said...

Its just a show, she will get a continuance of bond until her trial and at the trial she will be found innocent because she has some kind of mental condition say like OCD or something like that, and she will be FOUND INNOCENT and she will be at the following board meeting - END OF STORY- .
Brownsville fairy tale.

The board will carry her on their shoulders yelling YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN. a la una, a las dos, a la bin bom oooops des mexican.

Anonymous said...

Have You Considered the Benefits of Crying?

Former RGV LEO said...

Interesting, sounds like the carpet munching crook has been violating the terms of her release while on bond? If so, consider it revoked! Doesn't surprise me that this cunt is violating? She thinks she' above the law because of her family legacy. I'm still wondering if this cunt will come out with the "I got something" card to get out of being incarcerated? It was about time that this cunt was caught! She needs to go to jail and have access to all that pussy!

Anonymous said...

3:32, let's hope your prediction does not come true, but I also have a feeling that she has something up her sleeve. That is the way she works and has gotten away with so much, so why not try it again. Just count the number of places she has been at and all the problems she has caused and gotten involved in and she comes out smelling like a rose. I wonder if they will ever open the first indictment they had on her for fraud when she was running for the state board of education. Luis Saenz should use that too and open up the sealed indictment of 2016 or 2017 - the reason she was dismissed from BISD and came back with a bitterness.

Anonymous said...

Don't get too excited boys.
Even the Corona virus is an overblown hoax.
Surely it is serious but not as serious as it's being portrayed.
Nor are the charges of corruption.
They're mild compared to Conrado or that Fajita guy.
Ms. Atkinson charges are overblown.
Once the dust settles they'll be a million dollar settlement.
It's just so terrible so many folks have passed away,
Any so many school employees got demotions etc.
Don't forget Limas.
People died because of his bribes,
Now lets see if PUB will ever recoupe money lst to worthless electrical plants or misapplied money never uncovered.
Bridges that were never built.

Anonymous said...

It is such a shame that all this has come to what it has. If she had gotten a degree in people skills and would realize that she is not "holier than thou," she could have been a great superintendent. And to refer back to a previous comment, she could have also made a good candidate for Mayor of Brownsville. She is a very intelligent lady but she needs to use that knowledge for the benefit of those who support her. Let's hope that the system of justice is working properly for her and that through this ordeal she will get it into her head that no one person can succeed on his own and his own greediness. One must learn to trust and believe in others and with a combination of skills, work towards making this life better. Sylvia, you hurt me and so many people who are my colleagues and friends and I have my own opinion of your, but I do understand there are always two sides of a story that need to be expressed. However, many of us lost all trust in you when you treated us like dirt. Forgive and forget? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

SPA would not, did not and will not make a Great Superintedent, and she is not as smart as she thinks she is. SPA, Charley, Mary, Sandra are all the same. They have convinced themselves and a few other gullible sycophants to buy into thier self imposed cult of personality. They are not Smart, just relentless and morally compramised.
The whole fam damnly thinks thier shit don't stink and the worst thing is that they have bought into thier own hype.

Anonymous said...

July 28, 2020 at 8:03 PM

"Even the Corona virus is an overblown hoax."

So you are saying there is something worst than death? Like what?

Even the feds and the states use death as the ultimate punishment if there was or is something worst don't you think the government and the state would be using it to punish bad and/or innocent citizens

Anonymous said...

Por eso estamos como estamos y somos el hazme reir de todos. For the English speakers...poor ezoh estahmohs cumoh estahmohs ee soomohs ehl hasmeh reheer deh tohdohz.

Anonymous said...

Aboru Aboye, Aboru Aboye Abosise guey

Anonymous said...

Manana a las 8:30 will there be a minute by minute undates Juanito? Video, pictures?

Anonymous said...

Yes, SPA chooses when she wants to be smart; when it is to her benefit.
She could care less for the peons that she considers unessential to her purpose of the moment. Dr. Montoya was so stupid and lazy that he passed on everything to Dr. A and it gave her the wings to do whatever she pleased. Dr. Montoya should have been the one to dismiss her when she was indicted for fraud and he was the superintendent. He was so scared of her and she ran the district for him, so he wouldn't touch her. And you know what, Drue knew this and so she is in cahoots with her since then. Montoya split and left town before he was kicked out and should have taken her to Judson in San Antonio.
Then, she stays around and gives hell to anyone who dare look at her the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

Can you run a live feed to this blog for updates with pictures? People want to see the live handcuffing!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to hear about it I want to see it da handcuffing!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

to bad that no one went after the other bully at bisd, rechel ayala , the mother.

Anonymous said...

too bad no one could get the other bully at bisd, rechael ayala , the mother.

Anonymous said...

Yes there is something worst than death. We all are going to die.

What is worst is wasting your life living in fear, hysteria and continuous room and gloom.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the hearing is not open to the public? I just got my request denied.

Anonymous said...

I would recommend El RrunRrun for an Emmy or whatever if they would do us all one favor. Would you climb a ceiling panel and record the handcuffing of this idiot and pass it on to us. She is still claiming she is not going down but will bring others down. She is making a mockery of the judicial system and the electoral process. Yet, she bares no shame cause she does not know the meaning of not being on top of everyone. Will they take her out the back of the building or should I go park in the parking lot to see her come out with her face in the sand and her hands behind her ass? I may even be willing to go wait in front of Carrizales-Rucker jail to get the joy of seeing her pay for all the wrong she has done. If there is a God, HE will see to it that she starts her punishment tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

No hay dia ke no se llegue

Anonymous said...

'Outright quackery': on right-wing media's conspiracy theories and there are some here quacks I mean...verdad jotito? lol

Anonymous said...

This lady will be taking people down with her.... Including her brother Charlie..lol
