Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Order issued delays in person school instruction in Cameron County ...

(Above is the latest daily report on COVID-19 deaths announced by Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño. He says that there have been 183 dead since it reported the first one April 7. But in the county's report to the state it asserts that there have been 272 dead. Cameron County is number 34 in the report.

Comparing the numbers in the announcement (183) to what the county is reporting to the state (272), there are 89 bodies missing. Does Treviño and his medical director Dr. Jaime Castillo, know where the bodies are at?

Hidalgo County, below, is number 111. It reports 244, 28 less than Cameron County. Curiously, in its daily announcement, Hidalgo states that there have been 467 COVID-19 deaths, 223 more than it has  reported to the state.

But as it pertains to Cameron County, why is Treviño not telling us what he is telling the state? Is he lying to us, or to the State of Texas?



Look up the numbers for yourself. In the link below, click on fatalities by county. This is the report that all counties submit to the state daily. Cameron County is number 34. Hidalgo County is number 111.



Anonymous said...

Pinche Montoya! Stop asking those questions! The high numbers of deaths is for getting more funding from the government! Trevino needs more taco eaters dying of heart attacks and then adding COVID-19 to grow the deaths rate! It's all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

The state is tallying things via death certificate cause rather than relying on county counts. Death certificates have to be lodged within 10 days of a death.

"A death is counted as a COVID-19 fatality when a medical certifier, usually the patient's doctor, determines COVID-19 directly caused the death.

This method does not count people who had COVID-19 but died of an unrelated cause."


Either reporting method is easily manipulated as there do not seem to be set standards across the board being mandated on how to determine if a death is directly related to Covid. If anything there should be a statistical distinction of direct Covid and Covid complicated/adjunct deaths.

Anonymous said...

It is what it is - i think or is it or is it not. The missing numbers are from gringos that fell off that boat cruiser at the island

Anonymous said...

Begal fat gringo eaters can't swim so they stunk and sunk.

Anonymous said...

@3:41 This is how you comment when you have a 6 grade level brain! Pinche loser go back to school and learn the English language!!! WTF is "Begal" idiota bastardo mongo!

Former RGV LEO said...

Like any statistics, they can be manipulated! Which is why check cashing owner, eddie trevino wants you to stay indoors! Because us Mexicans don't listen and do what to do! eddie knows that we wont' obey and go do what we want! Just like in New york, all the labeled covid deaths on certificates gets NY $3900.00 per person! Its all about money when it comes to this covid! What we need to do is what Dr. Liebert & Dr. Immanuel have indicated: Take hydroquiline, vitamins D, C, Zinc, go outdoors and get some sun and sweat it out! Because the shelter in place ain't cutting it and or social distancing! Why is it that you can get covid for being at beach, church and other events BUT not protesting according to eddie and that dr. fraud, dr. brac! Honestly, you want to blame President Trump for this? But I believe that the CDC & the terrorist director from WHO dropped the ball!

Anonymous said...

Everyone is befuddled by Covid 19.
Give the Judge a break.
Had he been provided proper staff he could have reported better.
Even appropriate Health Officials have their heads in the sand.
But this is serious.
We need the truth.
Sadly our present local leadership isn't up to this task.
Time to change.
If you can't do the job STEP ASIDE.
We need a local COMMAND CENTER set up to coordinate.
I would turn all Covid 19 business over to the local State Senator's office who oddly has been very quiet so far.
Maybe instead of the State Senator, the U.S. Congressman.
But the U.S. Congressman is also silent.
Maybe we could appoint a Covid 19 South Texas CZAR.
Maybe have a retired medical person run the show.
There are multiple names that come to mind.
South Texas has many fine Doctors.
We also have many knowledgeable educated professors at UTRGV and TSC.
Someone please STEP UP TO THE PLATE.

We need new blood.
God save us.

Anonymous said...

July 28, 2020 at 4:47 PM

so the stupido at July 28, 2020 at 2:06 PM has a college degree because he used taco eater and the bagal eater commenter is a 6th grader. Moron the idiot here is YOU racist republican idiota...

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that if you make a comment against stupid gringos somebody will call you out but racist comments against hispanics are ok. Well that will never work pendejos...

Anonymous said...

@8:24 Racism is wrong no matter what color you are!!! But there's this pendejo half coco mutt cotoro commenter that belong hanged by the balls and feathered/tarred and then send to hell! He hides in a closet with his mask and keyboard all afraid!!! Afraid of dying and ending up in the fridge trailer that is full of dead bodies! Lol Pendejo guey!!!

Anonymous said...

It's Bagel eater pendejo!!!

Anonymous said...

July 29, 2020 at 6:18 PM

Half wit moron full coco racist republican, get your head out of his ass, just maybe your brain hasn't decay by the action of his feces, bacteria and fungi and decomposed.
Bud juding by the your idiotic postings, you no longer have a brain idiota
