Texas State Rep. District 37
To Commissioner Mike Morath
Commissioner, Texas Education Agency
Thank you for all that you have done to support Texas public schools. The current health crisis
![Elected Officials Directory: Texas Representative Alex Dominguez ...](https://static.texastribune.org/media/files/f5dce7e5a1b0960a1e0cfa4ea65c2bbe/Alex_Dominguez1.jpg)
I am requesting your guidance and reconsideration of TEA’s current position on school re-opening for the upcoming school year in light of the recent surge in new cases and hospitals quickly running out of capacity.
I do not write this letter in a cavalier manner or with the intent to achieve notoriety.
Rather, I am growing impatient with the State’s response to the current pandemic as it relates to our public schools. As a former educator, I know how passionate our educators are for the educational well-being of their students. I also know that they are not robots.
Having taught in a classroom, I have first-hand experience with having caught a cold or flu inside a school building often. Similarly, the possibility exists for countless students, teachers, administrators, and support staff to contract and spread the coronavirus.
Already, a Number of teachers and staff in schools throughout the Rio Grande Valley have contracted the virus. At least two in my city have recently died from it. I have inquired with administrators and
educators in my district on the precautions their schools are undertaking and their comfort level
outright frightened.
It only takes one or two students who are asymptomatic to spread the virus to classmates
and/or educators campus-wide. The family members of the newly infected students and of the educators would then be at risk of likely infection as well. If only one person were hospitalized per campus, these new hospital patients would be in trouble.
Already 10 of the 12 hospitals in the Rio Grande Valley are at capacity. All of the hospitals in my county are beyond capacity. If any one school campus in the Valley were to have an outbreak, the potential for grave illness and loss of life is very real. Of similar import is the lack of confidence by parents and students to be kept safe inside a school building.
Currently, numerous public schools are considering delayed start days, limited in-person instruction, remote learning, etc, based on TEA’s Planning Guidance dated July 7, 2020. I have grave concerns that TEA’s guidance is not based on actual public health concerns.
TEA fails to address why Texas public schools should begin at the start of the Traditional calendar or why on campus instruction is even necessary.
Currently, infection rates in Texas are at an all-time high. It would be prudent to wait to see if the number of cases vastly reduce as well as waiting for hospital capacity to increase.
Furthermore, you do not provide a compelling argument as to why in person instruction is necessary. Colleges and universities nationwide are transitioning to virtual instruction and their students only attend classes for 15 hours per week.
What is really driving TEA’s push to return to campus?
In addressing the risk and impact to educators should the state require in-person instruction, TEA should take into serious consideration not only the health of Texas educators but also the quality of instruction should educators become ill or heaven forbid, an educator succumbs to the virus. How quickly will schools run out of substitute teachers?
Furthermore, how likely are schools to even obtain substitute teachers for a campus where educators are getting infected?
Additionally, I am concerned with some of TEA’s guidance given on Page 4, Paragraph 1.i. under Individuals Confirmed or Suspected with COVID-19. I am worried at a 72-hour period after a fever has reduced is not only not enough time for a student/staff member to return to campus and that there is not enough medical evidence to ensure that that person is no longer contagious.
TEA fails to address why Texas public schools should begin at the start of the Traditional calendar or why on campus instruction is even necessary.
Currently, infection rates in Texas are at an all-time high. It would be prudent to wait to see if the number of cases vastly reduce as well as waiting for hospital capacity to increase.
Furthermore, you do not provide a compelling argument as to why in person instruction is necessary. Colleges and universities nationwide are transitioning to virtual instruction and their students only attend classes for 15 hours per week.
What is really driving TEA’s push to return to campus?
In addressing the risk and impact to educators should the state require in-person instruction, TEA should take into serious consideration not only the health of Texas educators but also the quality of instruction should educators become ill or heaven forbid, an educator succumbs to the virus. How quickly will schools run out of substitute teachers?
Furthermore, how likely are schools to even obtain substitute teachers for a campus where educators are getting infected?
Additionally, I am concerned with some of TEA’s guidance given on Page 4, Paragraph 1.i. under Individuals Confirmed or Suspected with COVID-19. I am worried at a 72-hour period after a fever has reduced is not only not enough time for a student/staff member to return to campus and that there is not enough medical evidence to ensure that that person is no longer contagious.
I strongly believe that you are in the best position to convince Governor Abbott that a delay in the start of the school year is prudent and that schools should be given deference as to the best method of teaching their students not only for the sake of the students but also educators and staff.
In conclusion, I am asking that you and TEA do the following: delay the start of school until the virus spread decreases and/or allow school districts to decide for themselves what level of in person or virtual instruction is appropriate, maintain public school funding at least to 2019-2020 levels, and reimburse schools 100 percent of necessary building and transportation expenses needed to provide safe schools. I await your response and hope to continue an open dialogue in the best interest of all Texans.
He would have been better off getting a number of other state legislators to sign-on to this letter. One guy from the Valley won't mean crap to TEA.
no se le quita lo pendejo do it right or don't do it at all
Aid group: Gov. Abbott decided against field hospital for Valley, opts for hotels
Should have done both idiot
All IDEA Public School campuses in the Rio Grande Valley will begin classes 100% virtually on August 10. This decision comes after careful consideration from IDEA leadership.
BISD can't get their shit together with that indicted person still on the board making decisions VOTE EVERYBODY OUT
Thank you Representative Dominguez for caring enough to stand up for your constituents and stick your neck out against the Austin clique.
The commissioner is in lock step with Abbott and Trump, history will show they were not acting in the interests of the State of Texas and its teachers and students. Parents will resist on behalf of their children the foolish idea of placing 25 kids in a classroom with no air circulation and small room size. The political miscalculation by placing children and their teachers and all their families in getting infected by Trump and his cronies without adhering to science is a throw back to the dark ages and as a result more people get infected and pass away
Hold your ground Representative Dominguez you have the guts to do it, dont expect any help from your fellow representatives it might cost them a committee assignment or chair position in the next legislative session as Radio disc jockey Dan Patrick will put the word out as our Lt Governor who wont listen to medical professionals in protecting our children.
RGV don't be fooled. Cameron County officials are under the direction of Gov. Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and Trump. Their hands are tied! We need to vote these devils out of office this November; vote BLUE all the way. We won't get anything done with this current Republican cult- I mean, agenda. Especially with Trump, by turning a blind eye on the pandemic, which results in literal Hispanic genocide. Vote the clowns out; we need swift, effective leadership and a more thorough response to the global coronavirus pandemic.
Our governor Abbott is simply trying to be a 'team player' and stay on the good side of our president by obeying the Republican party line of 'full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes.' The problem is, we literally are in a life or death situation here because if all students are required to return to school and attend class face-to-face five days a week, there is no way that they can maintain the social distancing that the CDC suggests. We risk our students being exposed to the COVID-19 virus and the very real possibility that they will take it home with them and infect their parents and grandparents. In epidemiology, they will unwillingly become what is called a 'vector' for the transmission of the disease.
State rep ALEX (gringo) has done NOTHING but create one of those scratch by back board and is paying his supporters from tax funded monies OTRO MAMON...
19 deaths listed on the daily but I heard that the people from matamoros living here are not listed so far as of this week I have heard that the total on that list is about another 15. That makes it about 34 this week.
A little too late for his action.
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