Wednesday, July 15, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: They catch you coming, and catch you going. 

If you make a living in these lean times as a commercial driver on Cameron County highways, you might want to seek shelter at home. It looks like the Texas Department of Public Safety is out in force training its rookies on the art of issuing tickets. 

Local truckers and even Mexican drivers who come to the Port of Brownsville through the Veteran Memorial Bridge at Los Tomates are painfully aware that the DPS trains its troopers there and once they stop you it seems that they are under an obligation to cite them for all and any infraction they can find or even anticipated ones (a warning).

When former Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos was on the Public Safety board of directors, he complained long and loud to the commander of the DPS that the DPS training unit was driving (no pun intended) truck traffic to the bridge at Pharr to avoid the overzealous rookies trying to impress the boss at Los Tomates. All that was to no avail and the training unit continues to harass Matamoros-Port of Brownsville truck traffic, pay huge fines, and place their commercial licences in danger.

In the stretch between San Benito and Brownsville (El Valle del Zorrillo), one DPS team is stationed on the northbound lanes and another on the southbound, and pull all trucks to make their inspections. The employees of truckers, who have seen their income wither because of the impact of COVID-19 on the economy, will now have to shell out scant profits to the state and try to help the drivers keep their license for the sake of their livelihoods and for the training of DPS rookies.


Anonymous said...

With all our troubles of late, you are worried about the inconvenience of law enforcement keeping us safe? Really?

Anonymous said...

They train here because it is a violator rich environment.

Anonymous said...

Those trucks are transporting the goods that keep us safe at home, we should care about excessive inspections that may keep them home.

Anonymous said...

Mass Death Is Not Inevitable

Nearly 140,000 Americans have been lost to coronavirus, and many experts fear the deaths will only accelerate in the fall as cold weather forces us indoors. By year’s end, half as many Americans may have died as did in the four years of World War II.

“You know the five stages of grief — denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance?”

We’ve all heard of the Black Death and perhaps the Plague of Justinian, events that may have killed up to a third of mankind and rewrote the fates of empires.

during the influenza epidemic in 1918. That epidemic killed 675,000 Americans. from the nyt today...

There is still time to stop this nonsense stay at home wear a mask when going out and only for essentials...

Anonymous said...

The BISD Board of Trustees will vote on a resolution relying on the Cameron County judge and Brownsville mayor to let school officials known when it is save to return to in classroom instruction.

WHAT? Shit they can't close the SPI bridge and the bars do you expect thsse bozos to do that????

Anonymous said...

RE: El Valle Del Zorrillo, DPS Units Targets Truckers

Spare us the hype and your deliberate or feigned ignorance. Do your research so you can understand what you're talking about.

It is not about training troopers in what you call the art of issuing tickets. It is the obligation of DPS to inspect these trucks and issue citations or warnings as necessary. As it say on the website, "to protect the rights, privileges, and safety of the general public in the use of the public highway system.".

Fines can be avoided by maintaining their trucks and remaining in compliance.

You can see similar inspection stations along highways as you enter other states in the U.S. It is their job. Click on the link below to read.

Objective and Mission

The objective of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Service is to reduce commercial motor vehicle accidents through the enforcement of Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. This allows us to protect the state highways from unnecessary damage by securing compliance with state laws and regulating the weight of commercial vehicles. Additionally, our goal is to ensure equitable payment of commercial vehicle registration fees by enforcement of registration laws to protect the rights, privileges, and safety of the general public in the use of the public highway system, in order to secure compliance with traffic laws and regulations applicable to the operation of all vehicles.

The basic mission or responsibility of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Service is weighing and checking commercial vehicle traffic operating over the public highways of this state so that compliance with the statutory provisions of law regulating weight, motor carrier safety, registration, transportation of persons, hazardous material and other property can be obtained. It has joint responsibility with the Highway Patrol Service to conduct Traffic and Criminal Law Enforcement primarily on rural highways.

Anonymous said...

They need to be made to pay for all the broken windshields that we have to replace. The flaps those truck have are flappier than paper-shields. Check those and ticket them for breaking my windshield two days after I had just bought my new car.

Anonymous said...

They "train" here to keep our area economically impoverished
These citations are no joke
The small companies here take a huge hit and the DPs drives the insurance rates higher down here
They dont so thisnin Pharr because the chamber and elected officials would raise hell if they lostbcommercial truck trafgic
Theres a reason companies wait 2 hours to cross in pharr instead of 10 minutes at free trade bridge harlingen
Its because DPS
Why doesnt DPs go harass the white owned trucking companies up state? Is it because their owners arw politically connected and make heft campaign donations?
Just sayin

Anonymous said...

Some years ago between Cameron County airport and San Benito, I caught a DPS trooper in his unit in uniform screwing his girlfriend in a farmers field (Jaime was married). His Sergeant in the Harlingen office defended him tooth and nail. DPS is the MOST CORRUPT law enforcement agency in the Valley.

Anonymous said...

Trump talking:
Truck drivers use drugs, they do not sleep, they drive more than the allowed driving hours, etc Some kill motorists.....the lawyers appear......

Some are decent and honorable drivers. Some help other motorists. Some face reckless drivers. Some get super tired driving because they have to work.

Some record all their avoid issues with the police.

DPS has to do their job. If not the people will get angry.

The roads have to be kept safe for all drivers. There are grandpas, grandmas, kids, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers etc on the road.

Anonymous said...

Ticket maids in commando uniforms hahahahaaaaa

Anonymous said...

The last remaining fat cops on the planet.
