Monday, July 13, 2020


By TMP Noticias

(Ed.'s Note: While many Matamoros businesses suffer through the pandemic and have been forced to close and many are on the brink of bankruptcy, that city's mayor – Mario Alberto López Hernández – makes his purchases unimpeded at the Walmart on Alton Gloor, at the same time working to limit the crossing of residents of both sides of the river to the other side for nonessential purposes.)  

H. Matamoros Tamaulipas a July 13, 2020.- With an eye to diminish the rising levels of contagion due to the COVID-19 crisis, Matamoros Mayor Mario Alberto López Hernández and his Brownsville counterpart Mayor Trey Mendez announced a joint effort to try to limit the number of U.S. citizens entering Matamoros from the U.S. side and vice-versa.

Nonetheless, López – known as La Borrega – who has struggled to keep municipal services such as trash pickup and other city services functioning – is seen regularly shopping on the Brownsville side presumably under privileges allowed to Mexican government officials and not to the average Matamoros resident with a visa.

And while businesses and commerce in general in his city face a crisis because of mandatory closings imposed by the city government and citizens are urged to stay a home and maintain a social distance, the mayor is seen frequently in Brownsville businesses doing his shopping.

 Meanwhile, during a video meeting held recently, members of the liaison committee with the Tamaulipas state government, Lopez, Mendez, and Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño, they discussed reaching an agreement to restrict non essential travel between residents on either side of the border.

It's another case of do as I say, and not as I do with Lopez, it appears.


Anonymous said...

So you pushing for wal-mart? Did you go out on bids?

Anonymous said...

La Michiocana sells borrega heads already cooked very delicious

Anonymous said...

Next time I go to Matamoros and they question me if my visit is essential,I'll show them the picture of "la borrega" and ask what is the difference.

Anonymous said...

Would do that if I were you you'll wind up in el caracol.
