Monday, July 20, 2020


By A. Colleen DeGuzman
McAllen Monitor

As a response to the surge of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the Rio Grande Valley, Hidalgo County Judge Richard F. Cortez enacted a shelter-at-home order Monday, mandating residents to remain at home, obey curfews and wear facial coverings in public.

Under the order, residents are only allowed to leave their homes for necessary reasons, or to obtain necessary resources, such as medication or doctor visits. Anyone under 17 is mandated to be accompanied by a parent or guardian while out of the house for these activities.

A curfew for residents older than 18 is set from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.

The order goes into effect Wednesday and expires Aug. 5.

“Our rise in numbers and fatalities says that we need to take action now and do what’s in the best interest of our community,” Cortez said in a news release. “This action will help us do the right thing to save and protect each other from this deadly disease by sheltering at home.”

John Wittman, spokesman for Gov. Greg Abbott, explained that without the governor’s power the order can only be taken as a recommendation.

“This order has no enforcement mechanism, which makes it simply a recommendation for those to stay home if they can, which Governor Abbott supports,” Wittman said in a text message Monday. “However, this order does not force businesses to shut down in the Rio Grande Valley. Enforcing the existing protocols, including wearing face coverings, is proven to slow the spread of COVID-19. It is essential that local authorities enforce the existing orders.”

Following the order, an individual’s second violation, and each one after, can not exceed a fine of $250.

Read the new order in its entirety here.


Anonymous said...

No balls cameron county elected officals will not do anything unless they get something in return, that's the way its been down here for the longest time, TIME FOR CHANGE VOTE ALL THESE MAMONES OUT WHER EVER THAT IS A NEXT ELECTION...

Anonymous said...

Had to go to HEB today to pick up some essentials it took me 15 minutes to get there normally its takes me 5 minute, People are justing driving around for nothing. They're gonna need some more refregerated trailers. GO LOOK AT ONE BEFORE YOU BECOME INFECTED

Anonymous said...

Here in Cameron County the judge says Oh I can't do that 'cause da governor will get mad at me and than he won't appoint me to a higher positon, no, no, no.

Anonymous said...

If you idiotas asked about help during a hurricane just maybe you would have gotten another tent
