Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Notice that Sen. Chuy Hinojosa doesn't mention Mayor Trey Mendez, the CEO of the largest city in the Rio Grande Valley. That's because Trey – for the second time that Abbott has been here in the last three weeks – did not attend the meeting.

The only one to represent our area in the meet – apart from barnacle and do-nothing-but smile-under-the-mask Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., tired from bashing his female opponent in the Democratic Party runoff and fighting COVID-19 during his campaign – was County Judge (what bodies?) Eddie TreviƱo and District 37 State Rep. Alex Dominguez. 

And there were plenty of issues that affect us that could have been brought to Abbott's attention given our location on the U.S.-Mexico border and the impact of the virus on the health of the border community and the local and state economy.

Instead, Trey posted about the local troop of Girl Scouts who visited his law office during their drive selling cookies. To his credit, he did defend them for momentarily removing their face masks for the photo only to quickly replace it after the shoot.

(Ed.'s Note: Da Mayor's equal-time response; "Unfair article Juan. I wasn't told about nor invited to the governor's press conference. I was told it was for county judges and state official only.")

Still, in Hinojosa's post above he mentions that McAllen Mayor Jim Darling and Harlingen's Chris Boswell were in attendance to give Abbott and earful of their needs. Did they crash the party?

Still, Trey's answer didn't sit well with another GS mom, who said:


Anonymous said...

Juan dont be cruel, we should not expect anything less from our great Brownsville do nothing mayor trey pizza parlour

Anonymous said...

This little cabronas are not six feet apart Juan!! Que desmadre!!

Anonymous said...

Trump lied. Americans died.

Anonymous said...

Trey is pathetic. You should have posted what he said about the girls and criticism. What kind of man hides behind a girl scout's skirt? The girl scouts are a wonderful organization, but the parents who allowed for their children to be used for this stunt should be ashamed of themselves. With the number of children coming down with Covid a real leader would have told the girl scouts he really appreciated the gesture, would use his facebook to promote the sale of their cookies, but it is best for the parents to keep the children at home. No, Trey wanted the photo shot at the expense and safety of the children. This is his Trump photo holding the Bible in front of the Church. As to telling the children they can take off the mask real quick for a photo is so devoid of any understanding of Covid, it is mind numbing. The parents need to be investigated by Child Protective Services. The girls did nothing wrong. They are children and were used as a prop by the parents and mayor.

Anonymous said...

Bud Abbott "If he don't give a shit so why should I" the governor is referring to mayor shorty not attending the meeting. You idiotas voted for him now tell us why?
Its not because of the pizzas he hasn't lowered the price.

Anonymous said...

Yes, why did the parents allow them to remove their masks. This could have been a positive influence on many by seeing these scouts with the preventive measures. I wonder if he even fed them a free piece of pizza? Why is Brownsville so condemned with political officials?

Anonymous said...

Manana a las 8:30 will there be a minute by minute undates Juanito? Video, pictures minute by minute updates.

CNN will telecast with da judge proving color. By that I mean crayons.hahahahahaha estupido

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Dr. Eder go?

Anonymous said...

No show Mayor Trey Mendez says he wasn't invited, yet knew about it and still didn't try to attend to speak with the Governor. Two subjects were spoken about in this summit of local leaders, Hanna Hurrican aftermath and COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Why wouldn't he not be invited if Browsnville, TX has made Country new with deaths and infected people with Covid-19. As a leader ( which he is NOT) he should have made a point to speak with the Governor staff and made a point to speak with the Governor. The Governor would have met with him with or without an invitation. No seas Mamon Trey. Ponte en la Bola o salte del Puesto. Brownsville hasn't had any real represtation in Decades. We thought Trey would be better than Tony Martinez but we have been proven wrong. If he doesn't have Adela Garza telling him how great he is and how smart he is, he can't do it by himself. Grow Up Trey. Oh I forgot Sylvia Perez Atkinson said you are only there to be her puppet and she got you in and Not You.

Anonymous said...

How many cookies did he buy "ONE"? pinche muertodeambre!

Anonymous said...

The cheaters play the dogers at 6:30pm take a trash can and you go in free.

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan tell Trey to get his lies straight. He says he didn't know about the Governor coming to Weslaco,TX, yet it was announced by the whole News Media and press releases, then turns around and says he was told it was for County Judges and Represantives.

Which lie to we believe Trey? That you didn't know, or that you did know but was told it was for County Judges and Reps? So you did know but didn't care to represent us. You were told but didn't do anything but eat Girl Scout Cookies. Did the Girl Scouts bring you one of their skirts for you to wear to?

Anonymous said...

Said it before and will state it again,all politics. NO BODY WILL DO ANYTHING!!! Just showing off with trump 2. Why are they not on the ground helping the people that NEED HELP NOT TALK. One two three years from now we will have the same results.

Anonymous said...

When the whole school board stands inside a school or inside a classroom I will sent my children to school teach by example ONLY

Anonymous said...

How Quack Doctors And Powerful GOP mamones Spread Misinformation To Millions

There arw some of those pendejos here

Anonymous said...

Where is Trump? The Valley needs paper towels.

Anonymous said...

“We are turning the situation in the state of Texas,” Texas Gov. Bud Abbott said earlier this week on CNBC. “It’s just going to take a little while, but we’re going to be fine.”
Yea in about 6 months and 20k deaths here in the valley pinche pendejo republican.

Anonymous said...

Nine of the top 10 U.S. coronavirus hot spots are in Florida and Texas
Sure we are alright

Anonymous said...

Mayor Trey of Brownsville was not allowed to sell his PIZZA at the meetingin the hall way? , that's why he didn't go.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:16 Pendejo! What's "proving color"??? You are a Convoluted idiota! Lol Learn to spell before you correct others joto!

Anonymous said...

Trey you are a real disappointment

Anonymous said...

@1:43 The pendejo is you! "arw" is not a word idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

Trey is just another puppet. Worthless. The men didn't want the little boy in the meeting speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Abbott

Anonymous said...

Correction. Trey knew about it and he wasn’t invited. Boswell and Darling crashed the meeting. State Rep. Lucio was there.

Anonymous said...

'Outright quackery': on right-wing media's conspiracy theories

Anonymous said...

He's a sarsen that's why. A big head only

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a shit hole. The sewer of the great state of Texas. All the money is made in the upper valley. Brownsville nothing but a welfare drain.

Anonymous said...

Hey Trey... Do you need your mama Adela to do the job for you ?

Anonymous said...

Da plane Da plane is not designed to carry children that's why he wasn't invited, is that they don't like you, they hate you. idiota
