Wednesday, July 29, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Apparently, federal judge Fernando Rodriguez has agreed with Dr. Sylvia Atkinson's defense's request that the public be barred from the hearing on a sealed motion by the Ass. U.S. Attorney of the Southern District which reportedly wants the court to revoke her bond.

Former Socorro schools superintendent indicted on federal bribery ...
Prisoners could expect no mercy from the dreaded Court of Star ...The court has scheduled a a video hearing Rodriguez which will be held at 8:30 a.m. this Thursday at the federal courthouse at 600 E. Harrison St.

It is believed that the government has submitted a motion to revoke Atkinson's bond and have her held in custody until her trial, which is scheduled for next month.

A federal grand jury issued eight federal counts against Atkinson for conspiracy, bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds, and violation of the Travel Act-State Law Bribe.

The federal district clerk informed the public and the press that they could submit an application to view the proceedings. Now numerous applicants are reporting that the court has turned own the requests. It's not like having access is going to overload the video transmission. That's ludicrous. Is there anyone who has received approval to see the video hearing?

Are we back to secret Star Chamber proceedings hidden from the public?)


Anonymous said...

I believe it cause I see it written down, but that does not stop me from recognizing the fact that this criminal does get away with murder - just like Trump said he would do if he shot someone in the New York Streets. I just would like to know what she has hidden under her skirt that is on her side.
That judge better be playing it by the book or she'll get him in trouble. That is the way she works and some people did not want to sign up to see the trial for fear that she would find out their names and come after them. I guess it turn out even better for her. Due process?????????? Only for certain people?? She will at sometime have to account to someone with higher power for the wrong she has done, so she better start making a list now and have it ready for St. Peter when and if she goes up there. This is truly unbelievable and worst than the Rona virus! Her's is la ronia fever.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I didnt. Was told no member of the press or public will be allowed...smells bad. Is there a reasonable justification? This seems challengable.

Anonymous said...

Did everyone get their response around 1600hrs so as to leave almost no time to challenge it? I sent my request in the day before in the morning so as to leave ample response time...

Anonymous said...

Its a bond revoke its not going to effect national security whats wrong with the judge? Besides its a local citizen and we should be allowed.

Anonymous said...

Bad Education nothing else open it up to the public shame is what is needed down here and no judge can provite it, PITIFUL...

Anonymous said...

On Wednesday, Trump slammed Republicans for distancing themselves from his efforts to secure funding for a new F.B.I. headquarters in Washington as part of the recovery package, saying that, “Republicans should go back to school and learn.”
There is one pendejo here that keeps posting uneducated shit that's what trump is talking about GO BACK TO SCHOOL ESTUPIDO REPUBLICAN you know who you are jotito hahahaha lol

Anonymous said...

Montoya, why did you take off the article about Carlos Elizondo? Your three readers have a right to know how Carlos abused his power along with his wife Cindy Huerta Elizondo (Rivera Counselor) who neglected her responsibilities as a lead counselor. This story will not go away because when students are negatively affected by this lady, then justice must prevail. Carlos being on the board will show the world that uneducated individuals like Carlos Stifle the progression of student growth. Cindy would leave work for hours to go to luncheons with Carlos. Classified teachers would see her leave at 9:30am and maybe come back by 4:00pm. She needs to transfer out of Rivera so the school can improve. Norma Jean Canales needs to be held accountable. She let Cindy take advantage because she was too scared to hold a board member's wife accountable. Well I tell you this for sure, all eyes will be on Cindy this upcoming year! Enough is enough! Not only is she incompetent, its a slap in the face to see her leave without a care in the world. She is dumb witted and clueless to how privileged she acts in public.

Anonymous said...

Where's the elizondo story? Did he try to bully you? Was he crying so much that the valley was flooding. I'm one of the 3 readers very interested in knowing. Persons like this should never be in charge of anything especially our city.

Anonymous said...

The feds will revoke the bond AFTER THE TRIAL that's how it works here AND ONLY HERE I guess the feds have joint the list of incompetent officials we have here WELCOME!!!
