Tuesday, July 28, 2020


By Katie Rogers and
Noah Weiland
New York Times

WASHINGTON – An hour before Dr. Anthony S. Fauci threw the first pitch at the season opener between the New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals, President Trump stood on the briefing room stage at the White House and declared that he, too, had been invited to throw out his own opening pitch.

“Randy Levine is a great friend of mine from the Yankees,” Mr. Trump, referring to the president of the baseball team, told reporters on Thursday as Dr. Fauci was preparing to take the mound. “And he asked me to throw out the first pitch, and I think I’m doing that on Aug. 15 at Yankee Stadium.”

There was one problem: Mr. Trump had not actually been invited on that day by the Yankees, according to one person with knowledge of Mr. Trump’s schedule. His announcement surprised both Yankees officials and the White House staff.

But Mr. Trump had been so annoyed by Dr. Fauci’s turn in the limelight, an official familiar with his reaction said, that he had directed his aides to call Yankees officials and make good on a longtime standing offer from Mr. Levine to throw out an opening pitch. No date was ever finalized.

After the president’s announcement, White House aides scrambled to let the team know that he was actually booked on Aug. 15, although they have not said what he plans to do. Over the weekend, Mr. Trump officially canceled.

“Because of my strong focus on the China Virus, including scheduled meetings on vaccines, our economy and much else, I won’t be able to be in New York to throw out the opening pitch for the @Yankees  on August 15,” Mr. Trump wrote on Teitter on Sunday, using a racist name for the coronavirus. “We will make it later in the season!”

And so continues the tense relationship between Mr. Trump, a president who hates sharing media attention, and Dr. Fauci, a renowned infectious disease expert who doesn’t mind the spotlight. He appeared this month in a spread in InStyle magazine, lounging (fully clothed) poolside.

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Anonymous said...

Read Mary Trump's book and you will immediately identify
what is wrong with our so-called President. There is no
way that he should have qualified to be a smart president.
That poor little boy lives in fear since he was a little boy
and there is no way we are going to get him to change. He
does not know how to act human and so everyone else is wrong
except him.

Anonymous said...

Coronavirus Live Updates: National Teachers’ Union Authorizes Strikes if Safety Measures Fall Short

President Trump shared a video with misleading coronavirus claims.

If they protest will the idiot at the WH call the marines on the protesters?

Anonymous said...

@9:52 It's "Read Mary Trump's book and make her a rich woman pendejo"! Mary should earn her money by working hard fir it, like President Trump did! Instead of Peddling a book full of lies!

Anonymous said...

Will the President visit the Valley to see the devastation caused by Hurricane Hanna? He can practice throwing paper towels at the people in preparation for his first pitch at Yankee Stadium (which he invited himself to do so and now has canceled the event). Como decia mi Tio, "pobre vato".

What is wrong with our community leaders? Did they forget to invite the President to visit the Valley after the devastation of the hurricane. Bloggers if our community leaders failed to invite the President, what are you waiting for? Invite him, we need paper towels.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:11, is that you Jethro? Mamma told you to stop playing with cousin Emily. We don't need any more inbreeding in the family. Look at you, you can't stop believing what Fox News reports everyday.

Anonymous said...

That doctor threw the ball and landed inside the pitchers mount the idot from the WH will stick the baseball up his ass. Oh he already has?

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that pos Dr. Fauci be in a closet with his mask on all afraid!!! This gringo is so brave throwing a ball when there's a very dangerous vicious deadly virus all over the world!!!

Anonymous said...

@3:12 Why should Trump come here Pendejo??? Idiota! Hanna didn't hit directly here! Sorry that your pinche casa hecha de cartónes got damage, but I'll donate to you a big carton box! I just bought a 75" TV from BestBuy! Lol

Anonymous said...

@3:29 Otro pinche CNN half coco taco eater mutt! You're mom was with so many men that you don't know what you are! Lol Pinche mutt go Ancestry DNA and check your family tree roots! You might be related to hillbillies, Mongols, gypsies or Un pinche cotoro joto! Lol

Anonymous said...

July 28, 2020 at 5:16 PM


Pinche moron most all commenters dislike your ass and are not your friends estupido. There are a lot of posters here that would like to take you into a closet and knot your ass pinche guey idiota and its not LOL

Your doggie friend trump already sent you the second stimulus check and you went out to best buy and bought a tv, other wise you would have to take a wall out of your house to donate a piece of carton guey LOL bagal panzon gulper

Anonymous said...

@3:44 "idot" is not a word pendejo half coco mongo mutt!!! Pendejo corrects others, when he only has a 6th grade education!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6:22 p.m.

Amazing! Jethro who graduated from 7th grade can spell five letter words. If only he had stayed in school, Jethro would have his own blogging website.

Anonymous said...

Those ate the voters that trumputo seeks half wits and morons
