Thursday, July 30, 2020


Special to El Run-Rrun

There  have always been shenanigans in the courts of Cameron County.

But with the advent of off-court proceedings via Zoom because of the COVID-19 crisis, we thought these had been resolved to some degree.

We were wrong.

Just this morning, lawyers and defendants were tuned in to the proceedings on the docket of Judge Estela Chavez-Vasquez in Cameron County Court-at-Law #5 and things were going along swimmingly until a voice that did not belong to the participating parties of a case broke through the portal reserved for the court reporter. But what it said no court reporter would have dared.

"I want the see the judge's fat pussy!," the voice said loudy to the shock of the Zoom audience.
"And I want to see her ass, too," said the anonymous hacker.

The proceedings, of course, came to an abrupt halt as the court and technicians tried to discover the source of the embarrassing utterings.

It wasn't until later that it was discovered that someone had managed to secure the court reporter's password to participate in the Zoom proceedings and made their motion to see the judge's (fat?) genitalia.

The events that transpired put an end to the docket for the day, but not before the lawyers and defendants - and we're sure the judge as well - had a few red-faced guffaws for one day.


BobbyWC said...

I hope the FBI can nail this bastard. We cannot preserve our democracy if our courts are not protected. Everyone knows I will not think twice about calling out a judge, but preserving our courts is a different issue. You know people maybe some of you may not like this judge, but human decency says we stand with her. This is just totally unacceptable.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

It's horrible that you reported this, Juan.

Anonymous said...

It was the brother

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who "doesnt" want to see her genitals? She is ugly ass chick.

Anonymous said...

(Am I the only one who "doesnt" want to see her genitals? She is ugly ass chick.)


Anonymous said...

Human decency in Cameron County courts, the so called judicial system, has been gone for a long, long time. Corruption mostly, runs Cameron County. Remember, convicted Judge Abel Limas and all the corrupt judges that he named were just like him. Remember convicted District Attorney Armando Villalobos and his cronies lawyers who got away from so called corruption "justice". Corrupt Cameron county judges who gave away free easy money to so called Guardian ad litem attorney for their choosing, who later collected as forfeiture monies shared by both lawyers and judges, the hell with the victims was their only concern.
Nepotism, election fraud and all the other essential that are needed, are what runs Cameron county JUDICIAL system. So if this judge cannot stand the heat in the so called judicial system in Cameron county, then she can walk away. Offended by name calling is a misdemeanor, or at least at the very least offense to the common person. This is victims denied justice in Cameron county. Life is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Based on the language I suspect it was Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

July 31, 2020 at 10:34 AM

It really all depends on the feeling or arousal of sexual excitement and also what is available at that moment.

Anonymous said...

Bertha Butt one of the butt sistas doing the butt boogie "come hea com hea" says one of he Troglodyte over at the court house.
Way back in time troglodytes were cave man, now they're call ATTORNEYS sock it to me
By the way they all converge over at the fed building protected by the JUMP OUT BOYS. Just saying they all met monday

Anonymous said...

Its the behind that counts.

Anonymous said...

After she cut the cheese the fed judge holding his nose yelled at the top of his lungs "ADJOURN ADJOURN ADJOURN", and ran out the fed courthouse lol
