Monday, August 31, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Judges in the American Public Transportation Association Mass Transit division annual contest for Bus  Stop Innovation have awarded Brownsville Metro its top blue-ribbon award for advanced design and construction.

The panel of judges composed of mass transit managers from across the nation said B-Metro's "simple, but effective design incorporating local flora and recycling components into an environmental and aesthetically pleasing and cohesive unit made the Brownsville entry stand out above all submissions from national mass transit systems."

"B-Metro's multi-modal approach to mass transit must be commended," the announcement continues, "In the near future fortunate Brownsville mass transit consumers will have the option of jumping on an energy-saving hybrid bus, transfer at La Plaza at Brownsville Multimodal Terminal, take a route to the SpaceX Astroport at Boca Chica Beach and launch off to Mars – all on the same day. We salute this visionary approach that provides the mass transit consumer with limitless options. To envision a simple bus stop as the portal to space travel is revolutionary."

The judges praised B-Metro's use of components like a discarded milk plastic crate as a subtle encouragement to recycling and its placement of the bus stop sign close to local flora that provides a natural shade for waiting bus riders. The placing of the the bus stop sign at a respectable distance from the shade also encourages personal fitness and exercise, they said.


Anonymous said...

I like that. Classic Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

When will we get an award for best bike city in America??? Puro pendejadas! Lol

Anonymous said...

Y el half Coco mutt mongo que hace?

Anonymous said...

El Jerry is back to Porn. What a loser!

Tony Knopp said...

Is that a star-hopper proto-type behind the plastic crate?

Anonymous said...

That association should pay a visit to see firsthand the reality of conditions before awarding anything. All this selection process is based on what is submitted, which is far from reality.

Anonymous said...

Gringo cat fight going on here? Why here?

Anonymous said...

Replace those buses with smart cars plus they are empty 90% of the time. Wasteful spending!

Anonymous said...

I wish the bike paths could be utilized for mass transit. maybe the narrow trains used in kid's parks are a design that could be upgraded to adult size. Hmmm. Just a crazy thought.

Anonymous said...

The city paid 150k a yeear for 50 years (sounds familiar) to join that bus organization and they promised some type of award. Now you know the rest of the .....

Anonymous said...

Maybe after the brain implant that musk suggested things will get bette, just another crazy thought...

Anonymous said...

@7:31 IT'S spelled "BETTER" Pendejo mongo!!!

Anonymous said...

September 1, 2020 at 10:59 AM

I D I O T A!

Anonymous said...

@12:04 You're the IDIOTA YOU CAN'T SPELL!! Go back to 6th grade where you left off!

Anonymous said...

September 2, 2020 at 8:44 PM

left off?

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

At every turn I see new red lights blinking is there a board or somebody that dictates to this idiota where to put blinking red lights? Or he just thinks and puts up blinking lights anywhere he wants.

I remember a previous traffic guy that was purchasing traffic lights from himself and had a storage place at his home.

City commissioners and city directors RUNNING WILD but with our tax monies.

