Thursday, August 13, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

We have been unable to confirm this rumor, but have enough indications to believe that there may be some substance to the report to divulge it: Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio, who lost the Democratic Party primary in a runoff to former Cameron County District Clerk Eric Garza, will today endorse Garza's Republican opponent in the November 3 General election John Chambers. 

A call to the Sheriff's Dept. has yielded no confirmation, but a dispatcher said that the sheriff's office has indicated that there Lucio will make and announcement at 1 p.m. from his office. We will keep trying.


Anonymous said...

sore loser Mexicans are a dime a dozen, bro.

Anonymous said...

Do you blame him I would also do the same think, wait, endorse a racist republican and a gringo hmmmmm, BUT I would never endorse nor vote for a
house mouse and paper pusher NEVER!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio has no class. Totally predictable.

Anonymous said...

Good job to Omar Lucio for endorsing the candidate with the MOST Experience. It’s is important to show bipartisanship for the good of the county. If only our leaders in Washington could actually follow what’s good for the country.

I believe Mr. Chambers kids are Hispanic so how can he be a racist ? One of his kids actually is the youngest mayor there has ever been in the small town they live in.

Anonymous said...

Why would you think he’s racist? His kids are Hispanic, his grandkids are Hispanic, his ex wife immigrated from Mexico when she was 9 years old and he’s married to a Hispanic woman.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes is harder to do the right thing. Kudos to the Sheriff for putting partisan efforts after the good of the county.

Anonymous said...

Ya me canse de la bola de maricones defendiendo al Erik. El Sheriff hace lo correcto y tiene los huevos para hacer lo correcto. El chamaco de Garza no tiene experiencia y se lo van a tragar vivo. Arriba Lucio!

Anonymous said...

Wait for it... wait for it... Erick Trolls in 3....2....1

It's not over 'till it's over!

Lucio take a look at those brass balls! Good for the Sherif.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lucio, you did the right thing. I am a Democrat and will forever be a Democrat. Voted since Ray Ramon. I admire your courage to stand up to what is right. Garza had his announcement at Adolios! what does that say about him!

Anonymous said...

Hola Mr. RrunRrun,
Do you know who is running for BISD Trustees?
Position - Person presently on such Trustworthy position
2- Eddie Garcia
3 - Cowen
5- Laura Perez Reyes
6- Minerva
7- Silvia Atkinson

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 10:05am
John HAS OUR vote!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this true? I vote democrat always. I the current Sherif which is Democrat endorses a Republican, how bad is the Democrat candidate? IS Erick that corrupt?

Anonymous said...

Lucio must realize that in order to have order in Cameron county, John is the only choice. He has my vote.

Anonymous said...

What a joke and cowardly thing to do, what a so loser you have nobody to thank for your loss Omar Lucio but the Reyna brothers

Anonymous said...

Eric garza is a joke lol do you really want a clown with now experience to win this position lol come one guys lol

Anonymous said...

Remember that Eric Garza worked as county clerk, before that he worked for Judge Arturo Nelson, who was named a corrupt judge, just liked Abel Limas. Paper tails says it all, keep in mind that all the errors such as wrong address, ages and juvenile cases were handled by Eric Garza. All arrest made by Lucio let these discrepancies slide. He labeled criminal negligence doctors as 10 year old. He well knows that pay back is due. Check to see if Valley Baptist and his president as well as Will Hughs made huge contributions to Eric. All forfeiture monies are due.

Terry Frady said...

John Chambers has 26 years of experience in criminal justice, 14 years as chief of police, and has the highest certificate in police degree that can be obtained in the state of Texas that is "Master Peace Officer".

Anonymous said...

But if you're Hispanic you can't vote Republican. You're not allowed to. You'll be criticized for thinking for yourself. Vote Democrat otherwise you're a racist and mean. I don't care if you don't believe this. I command you to vote Democrat and criticize and hate the Republicans. Remember we're the party of unity and tolerance.

Anonymous said...

No pos ya valio madre!

En la Lavada sale Todo.

Y k tiene!

Arriba Eric..round 2


Anonymous said...

If good old Lucio had won..
Would you vote for chambers?in Nov?

Kind of doubt it very much.

GGL said...

For you democrat's that say no gringo for sheriff, what about K Harris for VP? Who is her mother? Who is her father? A black VP give me a break. She isn't black. Wait I forgot no one has any common sense to see how they can just say she is black end of story. So Tony Garza is a Gringo because he was a republican, I get it!

Anonymous said...

Going to mail in my republican vote for sheriff, IF el jotingo trump will allow it.

Anonymous said...

Vote for experience it is vital. If there is a major crime here what will he do reach for a pen and paper? hahahahahaha pobre condado de cameron.

Anonymous said...

The Reyna's are desperate enough to convince the old goat to have no dignity. This is the guy they indicted on a felony. What a damn loser.

Anonymous said...

Chambers has my vote!! Eric has no experience! Omar Lucio is looking out for our county and he knows that Eric is not the right choice.

Anonymous said...

The Sheriff is sour grapes who's decency and loyalty are only for himself and his providers. The Reyna's.

Anonymous said...

Vote against the Reyna's wrath. Vote against Chambers. The Brownsville Candidates Facebook account belongs to Javier Reyna. Vote against who he supports. A vote for the candidates he supports is a vote for corruption. He's too scared to have his name on it. Muy Chingon! Mas Joto que la chingada.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Eder for Sheriff

Anonymous said...

So can I vote for one candidate that is republican and vote democarate for the rest??? How?

Anonymous said...

August 14, 2020 at 6:43 PM

Dr. Who? He should be at the animal shelter counting dogs and cats. PA shit...

Anonymous said...

I only vote republican when I'm drunk so all the bars are closed that means a democratic vote.

Anonymous said...

Chambers ran a tiny town....... smaller than fucken palmvalley experience my ass probably has same experience as mr accountant overthere

Anonymous said...

August 16, 2020 at 2:11 PM

Pendejo how can you comapre a paper pusher to a law enforcement officer estupido...

Oh I forgot the paper pusher has arrested millions of papers hahahahaha lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A todos los ardidos que El viejito Omar Lucio no le pudo ganar a Erick Garza ni con toda experiencia que tiene de 50 años de servicio asegun el que es el Master Top Lawmen. Si ustedes supieran lo que pasa en la Officina del Sheriff. El Lucio llega a travajar a la hora que quiere, se toma su siesta a las 10am y se dispierta para hirse a comer. Los lambe guevos de Los Reyas se turnean todos los dias aver quien le paga la comida. Despues de la comida esta comadriando en el telefono y luego se avienta otra siesta 2pm y lo despiertan como a las 4pm para que se vaya para su casa. Oh pero la jente pendeja no mas abla por mover el osico creyendo que el viejito Lucio es efficiente y dedicado a su travajo. Mierda solo le importa cobrar su checke y que los culeros de los Reynas hagan su desmadre maltratando y humillando a los empleados.

Anonymous said...

Si El viejito Lucio realmente le hubiera importado su travajo hubiera hecho mas por la cumunidad del condado Cameron. Que alguien diga cuando lo vieron asiendo algo bueno por la cuminidad, cuando pinches dio la cara y hiso algun acto humanitario para alguien de la comunidad. Cuando se mirava en publico ayudando la jente en alguna trajedia, necesidad oh que buscara la ayuda del publico para ayudar alguna familia necesitada. Aver todos eso pinches osicones que tienen muy en alto al viejito Lucio digan cuando ayudo a la comunidad en este aspecto. Cuando mandava colectar jugetes en Navidad disque para los a niños pobres del condado, Lucio, Gus Reyna, y Domingo Dias escojian los mejores jugetes que se avian donado y se los llevaban para sus familias y de esto ay testigos que el Richard Uribe con la esposa Lelina Uribe les echavan los jugetes al Lucio y Gus Reyna en sus trocas para que se los robaran por que eso eran lo que estavan haciendo se robavan los jugetes donados por la cuminidad para los niños para su huso personal aste para eso heran ojetes que no gastavan su dinero para comprar jugetes para sus propios hijos oh nietos. Puros corruptos el pinche viejito Lucio y Los Reynas.
