Monday, August 10, 2020


Pursuant to Chapter 551, Title 5, Section 551.041, of the Texas Government Code, the Texas Open Meetings Act, notice is hereby given that the City Commission and the Brownsville Public Utilities Board of the City of Brownsville will conduct a Special Joint Meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at 5:00 P.M. via Zoom (Click on graphics to enlarge.)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Now's our chance.

Wanna ask the members of the Brownsville Public Utility Board and honchos what happened to the $500 million Tenaska gas-fired, electric plant?

EL RRUN RRUN: PUSH COMES TO SHOVE: WHY PUT UP WITH THESE 3 CLOWNS?You know, the one that was supposed to be funded by the $325 million raised by an increase in utility rates starting in 2013 and ending at the end of 2016 to pass bonds for its construction.

Well, the end of 2016 came and went, the 2017 projected completion date passed and sill no plant, but the high rates have never came down.

Tenaska was going to raise the other $175 million and divvy up the 800 MWs in electricity with 200 MWs to the city and then other 600 MWs for the company to sell on the open market. That's right. PUB ratepayers would pay 65 percent of the cost and get 25 percent of the electricity.

This is what Bruciak told the city commission on December 2012 when he was pushing for this disastrous public-private "partnership."

"The multi-year rate plan will support growth (and)...the bond issue will take care of our future needs (for the next five years out into October 2016)....The rate increases will take care of our future needs and provide low-energy costs to the residents of Brownsville."

“We looked at a lot of things. We did an integrated resource plan on the power supply that looked at everything in the state that was available. This hands down was the most economical and efficient for our residents.”  Brownsville Public Utility Board CEO John Bruciak at a joint meeting of the commission on and PUB board Dec. 11, 2012.

Based on the advice of this sage utility guru, the city commission then adopted upwards rate hikes that saw city residents pay a 36 percent increase in electric rates over the next four years, a 20 percent increase in water rates over the same period, and a 6 percent hike in waste water costs over two years.

EL RRUN RRUN |Page 30, Chan:68680479 |"It was all there, they tell us, in the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) drafted by then-PUB legal counsel Eddie Treviño, formerly mayor of Brownsville and now Cameron County Judge, and signed by then-Mayor Tony Martinez and the PUB board. (In fact, PUB kept paying Treviño for months after he left his position as PUB counsel.)

You know which MOU that is. It's the MOU that Tanaska has fought to have keep under wraps claiming its competitors would be privy to "proprietary" information. What else is in it? And why wasn't it made public? And if its "proprietary" we're talking about, who owns PUB if not the rate payers? Shouldn't we know what they are doing with our money?

Supposedly, that agreement is no longer binding after PUB went through all the hoops and jumped through the hurdles to get out of it. There's talk of a  $9.5 million "write-of" associated with the reported $100 million in extra cash from the higher rates. Now we hear the number $29 million thrown about. PUB is reportedly trying to spend the last of the loot on an LED lighting program that the city was going to do until Bruciak and the gang stepped in and derailed it.

What happened to the rest?

And why was PUB trying to keep all these sordid details around the spending of the $100 million out of the public eye by asking the city to place the item in executive session but unable to cite any  exceptions to justify it? We are promised to get an accounting of the money raised from off the backs of the ratepayers to the municipal utility in the poorest city in the nation.

And if the plant wasn't built and the MOU is no longer binding, why have the rates remained artificially high and the money not been returned to the rate payers?

And those of you who complain about the exorbitant fuel surcharge on you bill, do you know that Bruciak and the boys spent about $50 million raised through unjustifiable high surcharge without telling the board, the city manager, or the city commission?

You will be able to tune in and, hopefully, get to ask the overpaid PUB honchos like GM-CEO and General Manager John Bruciak, GM-COO Fernando Saenz, and CFO Leonardo Garcia what the hell happened to their mistaken forecasts of a shortage in electricity and their astronomical pay increases doled out once the higher rates kicked in.

 Bruciak, who lives in South Padre Island, has gone from $184,059.20 in 2013 to to $303,576 now, an increase of $119,517, or 39.37 percent.
Asst. GM and COO Fernando Saenz, who commutes from Austin weekly, went from $160,014.40 to $273,603.20, an increase of $113,598, or 41.5 percent.

And CFO Leonardo Garcia has gone from $160,014 to $263,286, an increase of $103,271, or 39.2 percent.

Those would be some enlightening topics to ask these fellas. And while we're at it, maybe they could tell us how a CFO, CCO, and CEO who between them pocket almost a $1 million in annual salary and benefits failed miserably to put basic safeguards in place so that it couldn't happen?

To watch the performance, click on the link below.

Teleconference Meeting by logging on at:

To try to get in a  question or two form these gents, use the numbers below.

Or iPhone one­ tap : US: +13462487799, 86541616621# or +16699006833, 86541616621#

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Anonymous said...

maybe the entire thing is to justify why they are not doing anything about the rates. Do not forget the city gets part of the revenue the BPUb raises. If the city lowers the rates they lower their revenues. If people have more money to spend it will mean more money circulating in the local economy which will mean more tax revenues.

Anonymous said...

If the rats from PUB are going to make the representation forget it its just a another up our asses and continuation of bad decisions

Anonymous said...

Harlingen gave checks to ALL taxpayers why not this stupid city???

Anonymous said...

About dam time we citizens want our money back plus return the rates to where they were 7 yrs ago.board members and commissioners better have a solution and not just a kick the can down the road Meeting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like they applied the Extra Funds to their massive pay raise. Must’ve been a standard of living cost compared to NY and SF metro area. The only difference is they have millions of people churning millions of dollars. Quit ripping us off! That whole PUB lifestyle is so Fucking Easy. They have an open account at our expense with no one to answer to. Why, our City Leaders are castrated and soft spoken fools!

Anonymous said...

Trump lied. Americans died.

Anonymous said...

Why not just hire Erasmo Castro?
That guy is a genius.
He can fix anything.
But then again, when asked a basic question he deflects the question and babbles on about nothing because he’s a downright loud mouth idiot with education and definitely no professionalism.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Dr. Eder will get the LED lighting contract for the city from PUB. No bids of course.

Anonymous said...

Trump won. You cried.

Anonymous said...

☝🏻Shit his thieving wife’s mother got the printing contract without any bids! Let that sink in: wellness screenings, printing contract, Covid testing center (all no bids) and. SWK, Urgent Care and compounding kick backs.....I think he is qualified for the Solar Light contract PUB streamline this already!!

Brownville is surrounded by thief’s !!!!

No Bids from our previous board members NVV!!!!

Anonymous said...

the bozo show live at 5pm

Anonymous said...

Finally, COB and PUB a touching version of Sondheim's "Send in the Clowns" from the 1973 musical "A Little Night Music."

Anonymous said...

The City can disband the PUB with a simple motion to do so. Get rid of those ratas and start over.

Anonymous said...

What's the use if they don't fire any of them they've been there 75 years time for a change fire all of the and investigate them call aaaahh ice or ? or dea or somebody?

Anonymous said...

It's not Dr. Eder's fault. It's the mayor and city Commissioners that let him get away with it. As a taxpayer I want my money back. Pinche bola de ratas. God certainly is good to Dr. Eder. At least financially.

Anonymous said...

Fire all of them any body that lives in harlingen should immediately get fired kkk country.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The way we can change this corruption is to vote them all out.The city commissioners think they own the city and PUB, people get on the phone and make them accountable to you and the citizens of Brownsville.Make them understand that we own our city and Pub.

Unknown said...

Folks calm down, nothing is going to happen at the PUB and the City, these pretty boys need their high salaries, we will still be getting our Chorizo san manuel up the rear for years to come.

Anonymous said...

El Target shoplifting que?

Anonymous said...

PUB is going to order pizzas every day at noon and that should care of everything.

Anonymous said...

If shorty fires at least SOMEBODY or ANY BODY he'll be called the savior of browntown and everybody will be eating crow oooops I mean pizzas.

Anonymous said...

juan not bad a $300k salary for bruciak, not bad for a guy who has a computer science degree, check it out.

Anonymous said...

August 11, 2020 at 10:55 AM, you believe that because your a coward and afraid to speak to these shit heads.They want citizens to believe what your saying so nobody questions these F*kers.They ain't shit just of bunch of St.joe pussies pencil punchers, get in thier face and they will cry like little bitches!! SAS

Anonymous said...

Y el bidding que?

Anonymous said...

Keep voting (D)

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Y el online doctorate degree que?

Anonymous said...

"Y el target shoplifting" Idiota mongo go hide in your closet with your stupid Spiderman face mask all afraid!!!

Anonymous said...

