Saturday, August 8, 2020


Special to the El Rrun-Rrun

During the last depressing and recurring public exhibition of failure that Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño calls a press conference on COVID-19 infections this Friday, he said something scary.

Order issued delays in person school instruction in Cameron County ...He said that state law makes him the maximum authority on whether local school districts continue with distance learning or start face-to-face instruction.

"We are in close contact with all the superintendents and right now the majority plan is to have distance or virtual learning for the first four to eight weeks," Treviño said.

"We're tying to clarify some of the discrepancies and confusion with the state of Texas with regards to who's in charge and we feel clear that the law allows the county judge in coordination with the superintendents to determine their direction with regards to their learning and their plan. I will always defer to the educators and but I will support them in whatever shape or form they require and all of the have requested our assistance to support their virtual plan for learning..."

Let's hope so, because given local cities' and the county officials' performance during this crisis, they have been playing a constant game of catch-up that has resulted in the confusion and discrepancies of their own making. We cringe to think that this same type of approach to handling the virus outbreak will be used as a blueprint to open local schools. 

Treviño made this assertion of his authority on school openings after he and medical director Dr. Jaime Treviño and his Health Dept. Director Esmeralda Guajardo performed verbal somersaults trying to explain the divergence on the numbers of infected, hospitalized and dead residents the county has reported compared to the state numbers listed on their vital statistics reports.

"The numbers we report will always be lower than the state's" said Castillo, who expressed a "cautious optimism" that they would start top decline. Guajardo said that the county's totals were approaching 85 percent on parity with the state compared to a 50 percent parity in the past.

None of the duo's explanations for the under reporting fueled the confidence in the county's leadership in residents. How could it?

During his introduction, Treviño reeled off the rocketing number of positive cases that have made Cameron and Hidalgo counties the state's leading "hot spots" for infection. He said that although Cameron County is the 12th largest of 254 counties in the state it was the 8th in the number of cases. He also said that it was the sixth highest in the number of deaths in Texas.

And he said that although Tarrant County (Ft. Worth) had two to three times the number of positive cases than did Cameron, Cameron County had double the death rate.

It was obvious that there is little doubt that Treviño and his medical and health directors have lost the handle on confronting the virus spread in their jurisdiction. At first, their numbers were dramatically under counted until the state stepped in an sent personnel to give them an accurate picture of the situation.

The results were astounding. In just then last month (July) – at an average of about 400 cases a day – the number of positive cases jumped by about 13,000. Even more dramatic was the that the number of deaths soared during that same time period from 70 to 341.

The mantra from the three has always been the same: "Wear a face mask, maintain social distancing, and avoid crowds." Treviño hasn't seen fit to order shelter-in-place orders like his Hidalgo Couny counterpart Richard Cortez has done twice now in the last 30 days. Instead, he urges people to stay a home and to "avoid crowds."

The disconnect continued with Cameron County Workforce Commission director Pat Hobbs incongruently encouraging county business to "open and rebuild" the economy and Cameron County Clerk Sylvia Garza-Perez urging residents to participate in the U.S. Census.

These three seem to be operating in a parallel universe where people in the barrios and neighborhoods of Cameron County can just choose to remain at home instead of going to work to support their families. Simply, they just don't have the luxury of not working. A county employee said that unlike well-to-do populations, the average county resident here does not have a source of income other than work to sustain their family income.

"We don't have the luxury of staying at home," she said. "Even if we know someone has tested positive at work, we still have to come every day. Many of our local families are extended families who live in the same house. They have their parents living with them and when we come home, we have to be very careful that we don't being the virus home. It's not like the people in Dallas or Ft. Worth where families live alone."

The idea, she suggested, was that Treviño and local officials realize that the outreach with the virus information and suggestions on how to stop its spread be made with site-specific approaches that take that unique social setting here into consideration and form their plan to address them. A press conference once a week where they throw out numbers – until now not based on reality – isn't doing the job.

"They just don't get it," she said. "The well-to-do can afford to stay at home and go to South Padre Island and rent a condo to keep to themselves," she said. "But here some of our parents and grandparents live with our families and some of us have to leave the house and go to work. Most of the people who are dying aren't the well-to-do. It's the people from the barrios. The county judge and the medical people have to come up with a better approach to get the message home to these people on how to protect themselves and their loved ones. The last thing we need is for them to be in charge of whether to open the schools or not."

In the same vein, while cities like Edinburg make grants and financial assistance available to people, the city of Brownsville – sitting on a pile of money from increased utility rates which they were going to use to build a plant – has done nothing to provide assistance to the city dwellers. Mayor Trey Hernandez has refused to attend meetings with Gov. Greg Abbott and as a result assistance from the state to set up medical personnel and facilities have gone to McAllen and now Harlingen instead of to the largest city in the valley.

And the Brownsville Independent School District has stopped providing fee meals to hungry children because it cannot handle infection in its Food and Nutrition Service Dept. and toyed with the idea of face-to-face instruction until the state ordered distance learning.

The virus has shown that Treviño and his counterparts at the city and the school district have failed the residents of the county, city and school district. They should remember that all the people who have gotten sick or have died have relatives who vote and will remember their performance come November.


Anonymous said...

In other words "NADA" again
Great job judge

Anonymous said...

That idiota failed to mention that there are no good paying jobs here and that elected officals have never cared about bring good paying jobs, now that idiota complains, typical of ALL elected officals. Go stick your brainless head in the sand at a beach of your choice either SPI witht he gringos or BC before a rocket blows everybody to kingdom come gueya

Anonymous said...

section 8 hud housing teepees will not be included in the new stimulus package this second time around as per the world pendejo trump

Anonymous said...

This whole COVID-19 health crisis can be attributed to a lack of leadership. It reminds me of the Abbott and Costello 'Who's On First?' radio skit from so many years ago. Since our illustrious leader has no clue about what to do and his muzzling of the CDC, the excrement just kind of 'rolls downhill' from there on in with chaos and indecision at every level of decision making. I knew that we would have a recurrence of COVID-19 here in Texas shortly after seeing Trump congratulate Governor Abbott for reopening businesses to get the economy moving again. Since there is some truth to the saying that birds of a feather flock together, being congratulated by a moron is sad commentary for Texas' leadership.

Anonymous said...

We need Dr. Eder for County Judge. He has a doctorate in Medical Science and Trevino doesn't.
The Honorable Carlos Elizondo

Anonymous said...

If you want beter figures look at the local daily they average from 10 to 20 per day these elected officials will do anything to look good and that includes not telling the truth. Its like stepping on the dead NO TIENEN VERGUENZA MONEY TALKS THE DEAD DON'T.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Trey HERNANDEZ? You are so fucked.

Anonymous said...

Judge save us, our mayor and our local commissioners failed us with the testing sight. It was a scam from the beginning. Get some real Drs involved. Set up some testing sights with rapid testing. Save our community from the Greed! Andale do some good for Heaven Sakes. This Eder and his associates got a Golden Parachute they are laughing all the way to the bank. Now he’s taking the money and running!

Get the OIG involved: (512) 419-2000

They know how to investigate these matters if you leave it our leaders they will fail us. You’re an attorney first it’s the right thing to do. We can retrieve our wasteful tax dollars back. You have an obligation to us get it BACK!

Anonymous said...

So what does the death toll tell us about the quality of medical care in Cameron County? I have good insurance and if I get Covid I am heading to MD Anderson.

Anonymous said...

Don’t tell anyone I’m involved at Southwest Keys I’ll be your silent partner and we will refer patients to my clinic on the side and to the hospital. I got someone there we can trust. Sound familiar Diego?

Anyone can call the OIG for that matter ... you can be compensated for the $$$.

Anonymous said...

Pinche King Hitler Trevino again wanting more power! This guy is worst than pendejo NY Governor Cuomo!!! As long as his Family owned cheap Furniture store is open, he will screw everybody else pinche ojete!!!

Anonymous said...

Pray for our leaders.

Anonymous said...

Our local Brownsville judge Treviño and state governor Abbott are both under sway of our president. I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt as to their tastes in leadership if it were not a matter concerning the health of our Texas citizens and the economy of the state of Texas. Both of these clowns and Trump lapdogs should be run out of town with senator Cornyn as a follower in close pursuit.

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?

Anonymous said...

Incompetency at its BEST. Don't worry mi raza will continue voting them in. They throw in some fajitas and pisto and they got our vote.

Anonymous said...

Its concerning to know theres an infection outbreak with the county employees...Sheriffs office, tax office and county clerk have it out of control.County clerk continues to put employees at risk by not wearing her mask at her office... Her assistant died of this virus...
Has she not learned??? County Judge needs to enforce guidelines in each office because Dept heads arent doing their part.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, are we being ignored by our leaders and taken advantage of because we live in poor communities in South Texas? County, City, School leaders do something to save us. Don't just stand there, KNOCK on the door, RING the doorbell, get the GOVERNORS attention. DO SOMETHING! What we are doing right now is letting the State play triage with Cameron County and we are at the losing end. Are we becoming collateral damage? As of today,I know 6 people that have died from this virus. How many more will have to die?

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares about our area when our city leaders run for office they swear to protect and serve us and all they care about is the number of likes they get on FB. They run around as passengers on convertible vehicles during our parades waving and smiling promising to fix pot holes and do away with back door deals. All they care about is getting ahead of the poverty curve in our 3rd world area at the expense of us tax payers (both commercially and residentially). They entrust our futures to thieves and conniving pseudo Drs with underlying motives. We are to blame never holding them accountable. Things are gonna change and no senator or house representative has stepped up to speak a peep to what is going on. That’s true leadership at its finest, why are our leaders so quite? Covid hasn’t silenced your endeavors you just won re-election we got the calls “we really need your help these new candidates are serious and it’s gonna take a miracle to win.” Well, you won where are you, and that all mighty your praise to is waiting for your part it’s time. What you gonna do? Sit back and let your pawns take the hit! Step up fools! It’s go time! We want leadership here!

Anonymous said...

Under pressure: EMS units step up during crisis
The only ones that DON'T step up are all the elected officials shorty the mayor the ball-less c judge and all the rest of them.

BUT let them built custome bike trails and don't close no stores and bars, cause have some ourselves...

Anonymous said...

August 8, 2020 at 7:09 PM

Yes pray for them to leave and never to come back.

Anonymous said...

@7:26 Stop being so nosy pinche idiota!!! Like in your family is all saints!!! Go hide in your closet with your stupid mask on and keyboard all afraid!!!

Anonymous said...

In addition to comment @ August 8, 2020 at 11:44 PM, People , let's do our part in taking responsibility in not gathering , mask up, clean up and last but not least, What are our local State Representatives ,Jr and III Lucio's, F.Vela doing to get help for our area? Yes, elections are over and JR. what did your mail postcard photo ops with masks represent? Elected Officials are you Knocking on doors in getting through to get extra help for our area? To all elected leaders, be it State, County, City, School District STEP IT UP NOW !!! THE SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE OIL!!! HELP!!

Anonymous said...

You mean the squeaker gets the grease and gets to keep it...

Anonymous said...

I am just a poor working guy. I have just a simple question, why do I as a tax payer have to buy a guy, the Judge, a shirt to wear. That is a nice shirt in that picture how much di it cost us. How much money does this lawyer have? Do I buy his underwear also?

Anonymous said...

August 9, 2020 at 4:03 PM


Anonymous said...

Stupidity also is included with his clothing and that one is free of charge to US...
