Friday, August 7, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Brownsville Physician Assistant Eder Hernandez has submitted his letter putting the city on notice that as of today he is terminating his contractual relationship and will no longer be conducting COVID-19 testing at the Brownsville Sports Park.

Hernandez, who operated under the supervision of physicians at Valley Med Urgent Care (owned by a Dr. Abdur Rauf with a Houston office. There is no physician listed locally), was the Brownsville poster child of COVID-19 testing and often acted as the city's very public lightning rod on their virus efforts. His personal association with Mayor Trey Mendez and commissioner Jessica Tetreau played no small role in his snagging of a monopoly for the testing as far back as March.

In a way, Hernandez and his crew are taking the money and running. Things have gotten a bit warm lately. The new transformation is to offer private night time COVID-19 testing to cash in on a service no one is offering.

Hernandez got the endorsement of the mayor who said patients seeking tests with health insurance would be referred to Hernandez's private clinic and those that didn't would be funneled to the city's Sports Park complex also operated by Hernandez.

"The people who are looking for the test, if they have medical insurance, then the medical insurance will be taken through the office of Dr. [Eder] Hernandez,” Mendez said then. “If for any reason they don’t have insurance, then there are funds available through the City of Brownsville to cover that."

Until two other firms were hired in the first week of July to handle the increased demand for tests, Hernandez owned the COVID-19 testing monopoly in town and decided who would get tested based on a questionnaire.

During that time, his meter was running and the invoices of the tests – whether the results were positive or negative – were processed by the city's finance department and duly paid out to Hernandez's Valley Medical Urgent Care LLC.

The first invoice was for a modest $2,027.10. But 89 invoices later, on July 24, that total has risen to an astronomical $814, 851.60.
(Click on graphic to enlarge.)

The other two late comers – The Port Occupational and Medical Clinic LLC and Reliable Urgent Care and Occupational Medicine – lag far behind in chips. The first has been paid in $163,464 in testing bills, and the latter $63,286, but both are quickly gaining ground on Hernandez's outfit.

All told, as of July 30, the city had paid $1,041,601 for the COVID-19 testing to the three firms and Hernandez's clinic has gotten 78.2 percent of those payments. That's just for the testing. What Hernandez' clinic and his employer have earned from the patients seeking medical care after testing positive or referred to them by the city because they had insurance is anyone's guess.

But the city's cozy relations with PA Hernandez – who along the way nurtured social media fame – fueled criticism from people who complained that the city should have a medical doctor in charge of its COVID-19 efforts since ultimately a physician had to sign off on treatments and assume the legal responsibility for those decisions.

And a mounting number of complaints said the method used by the city's COVID-19 testing efforts were outmoded and were contributing to the spread of the virus because of the length of time between having the test performed and the time before they were informed of the results. All that time, they said, the patient was interacting with the general public and possibly infecting people and their family.

They questioned why the UTRGV test site and others could cut the waiting time for results by more than half compared to Valley Med Urgent Care.

Be that as it may, everything was rolling along fine until Hernandez started pitching a treatment method (a "cocktail") that included FDA-approved drugs ivermectin and dexamethasone.

He was not shy about sharing it with social media and when someone lifted his claims from a local page and passed along his recommended treatment on Facebook, things fell apart.

Ivermectin is an FDA-approved drug initially used to treat intestinal parasites and heart worms in animals and river blindness, parasites, and head lice in humans. Dexamethasone is an anti-inflammatory medication said to be effective to help COVID-19 patients to breathe after the virus invades the lungs.

In vitro data suggest that ivermectin has direct activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), although no current data are available to support its use for management of COVID-19, and no group has recommended its use.

The "treatment" has not been approved by the FDA which frowns on any claims of a "cure" for the virus. And as far as the use of nicotine patches, news reports indicates that the supposed effectiveness has been anecdotal in nature in France and has not been scientifically proven.

Hernandez and wife claimed that they had had 100 percent success rate in the treatment of more than 1,000 patients who had tested positive for COVID-19.

When it was tagged on Realtor Craig Grove's
Brownsville Living page, Facebook shut it down which set off Grove after Hernandez went on a local podcast and debunked a similar method used by a team headed by a black female doctor.

In a podcast with Groves in April Hernandez predicted that the city would flatten the curve on COVID-19 "in the next two weeks."

That, of course, never happened and today Cameron and Hidalgo counties are the "hotspots" in the State
of Texas.

The question then becomes, since the city was Valley Med Urgent Care's primary medical referral for COVID-19, would any patient having adverse reactions to the treatment they received there result in a legal liability for the city?

Social media consumers who have read Hernandez's posting have detected a hyper-defensive evangelical streak which he reveals when his methods are criticized.

In numerous instances, he has called upon the wrath of Lord Almighty to smite his foes, return and take his children in the Second Coming and later, when posters are skeptical of his self-righteous posturings, succumbs to the demon's  temptation and just says "fck 'em."

Nonetheless, just as he has his detractors, he also has a rabid following who call upon God to come to his defense.

"Your attempt to defame him is pathetic and shows the evil hearts of people on this post...Your comments are baseless and not credible but only show your evil lying men Hearts. He is a hero on the eyes of many and no matter what lies you post about him or his family. He has won, as he puts his trust in God not men."

That was quickly answered by: " Are you delusional? Not only was he not the first to set up testing, he did it all wrong. He did not follow the NY model which had mass testing before Brownsville even thought of it. Every medical professional in the country believes the system he is using is actually spreading the virus. He wants his money so he will not call out Trey for only giving him a system which every medical professional has deemed as contributing to the spread. A true medical professional would refuse to be party to the city's refusal to use the current testing system. But Eder wants his money so he remains quiet and helps the virus spread."

And the middle-of-the-roader who suggests that: "Let's do bids. Bid this COVID testing out. This virus will continue for awhile and this pseudo doctor is getting wealthy off our tax dollars. Come on City Commission and Mayor do your job and bid this testing out the way it should be. DO YOUR JOB. Get a real doctor or at least a PA that doesn't pass himself off as a doctor."

On its face, this would seem like a good idea. Since we have the University of Texas Medical School in Edinburg and its satellite campus in Brownsville, maybe they could borrow some of the equipment they have in Austin that can do this.Trey is a Texas-EX, maybe he could put a bug in his alma mater's ear. 

"The university can test hundreds of symptomatic students using in-house labs and has three rapid testing machines that can provide results in 15 minutes. The university will also continue to conduct voluntary contact tracing through a partnership with Dell Medical School and Austin Public Health."

How about it Trey? Now that prophet Eder has taken his swabs and gone home, you are our only salvation.


Anonymous said...

City combats coronavirus spread with quarantine checkpoints

Anonymous said...

If Trey is our only salvation, we are seriously "fck-ed"

Anonymous said...

But what about all the taxpayer money spent on obsolete testing? Who checked the applications? Who verified the billing? Why would the city pay more than market value for obsolete testing? This type of testing is worthless. Where were the real doctors (MD's) supervising this PA? Why wouldn't the city bid it out? Why won't the Mayor and commissioners explain this to us?

Anonymous said...

To little. To late. Taxpayers already got screwed. I don't blame the pseudo Dr.. I blame the mayor and the city Commissioners for allowing this.

Anonymous said...

A better approach would’ve been for the city to select both screening and encourage the rapid, why? Results are faster (with a bit of false +/-) yet people would not be waiting around for results spreading the virus to their family and friends that you swore to protect. I’m sure it was a local lab “ consultant” that pushed for the later hmmm cha ching, at our local tax expense. Way to really think it out city, when we are surrounded by some of the best critical care drs at every level. Our public officials “not all were” driven by some external factor, La Plata!

Anonymous said...

How much does it cost to get a Doctor of Medical Science degree online?

Anonymous said...

Hernandez used UTRGV CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC LABS FROM THE MEDICAL SCHOOL along with other CLIA certified labs. My results had UTRGV clinical diagnostics labs. This man was working at the highest capacity with the best laboratories while others where sitting around. He never gave up JM, I’m happy with my experience personally.

Anonymous said...

I hope that the city Commission do the right thing now and bid out this service instead of benefiting certain vendors. Get with the program and start doing contracts the correct and transparent way.

Anonymous said...

Covid-19 is not an experience, it is a deadly disease you Dumb ASS FooL. How irresponsible of Eder Hernandez and his Dumb Ass Wife to post that going to get tested and wait 10 days to receive results is an experience. When people end up in ICU at hospitals dying and suffering because they can't breathe, that is NOT AN EXPERIENCE. DEATH IS NOT AN EXPERIENCE. To the commentor at 8:46 am (Eder Hernandez) to say it is a good Experience is by far your stupidiest comment ever. You are nothing but a Ego Maniac that desperatley using the Fear Of the Pamdemic to enrich himself. He will soon him eating Tomohawk steaks, with Expensive Wine at Maderias with his wife. It is dissapointing that our Mayor Trey Mendez and Commissioner Jessica T. Kalifa are so money hungry that they didn't do anything to prevent the spread of Covid Virus by making sure they Bid the testing out and given results in 15 minutes. All for Money. We will remembe this Trey Mendez and Jessica Tetreu Kalifa. People Died because of your lack of balls and no leadership decision making. And you can't hide under Gov. Abbott or County Judge Eddie Trevinio.

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya once again you arΓ© outdated!!! You don’t even know what the fuck to write about!!! Get a real job instead of talking about everybody and your mother. No matter what you say Dr. Hernandez is a hero in this COVID success story PERIOD. A bunch of low lives on this blog including yourself. The funny thing is that no matter what you continue to write about of course funded by low life idiots that are paying you “with illegal money” say Hernandez will always come out winning. He has thousands to back him up, years of experience, and most of all his family that loves him! We’re you mistreated as a child? Or do you mistreat your own? Nevertheless have a blessed day Juan Montoya btw cut your grass πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Anonymous said...

Yes 8:46 am others were sitting around because they didn't get the contract. There was no bids. Dr. Eder got the contact without bids.

Anonymous said...

Let's look at facts:
FACT: Dr. Eder is not an MD. He's a PA.
FACT: Being a doctor in anything does not give you the legal right to practice medicine.
FACT: Dr. Eder can legally practice medicine because he's a PA. BUT HE NEEDS TO BE SUPERVISED BY A REAL MD.
The question is...has he been practicing medicine while he is supervised by an MD? If he is not being supervised by an MD he is practicing medicine illegally. Supervised means supervised not just using a doctor's name and splitting the profits with the real doctor.
The city could be liable.

Anonymous said...

All of this was a money grab!!! I'm sure the Mayor and commissioners were getting kickbacks from this scam. He's smart enough to hightail it before things get too hot! Next time you hear about Eder, he'll be in an island in the Bahamas getting a tan!

Anonymous said...

I think Trumps stepping back from all his threats and attempts to bully is really because he is and has always been a SCARED LITTLE BED WETTING BUNKER BOY. HAHHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH All those Trump supporters thought they voted for a tough guy and they really got the biggest pussy in the entire world HHAHHAHAHAHHAAH

Anonymous said...

There is a silver lining.
Some people got rich, some people got tested and some truth is unveiled.

Anonymous said...

Has one determined how much he was charging per test. Where is the itemized invoices. ?

Anonymous said...

BENJAMINS thats all this is about $$$$$, taxpayers money, titan comes too mind with city projects millions lost in the past, cha ching cha ching. And the beat goes on.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line...the appropritely vetted procedures were not implemented by the City of Brownsville leaders to deal with a very challenging pandemic. This crucial mistake, more than likely or very likely was one of the variables that contributed to the propagation of the virus in Brownsville. it ethical for a PA to call himself a Doctor? PA only stands for physician's assistant.

Anonymous said...

‘Screw COVID’: 250,000 Bikers to Defy Common Sense for Nine Days at Sturgis Rally

Bike Alley is next a total of 7 bikes and 1 shorty will gather at the repair shop (7 dumb witted city commissioners). Theme screw the citizers

Anonymous said...

Eder is trash. Incompetent. Worthless. Not an actual doctor. The list goes on and on.


Anonymous said...

I have been waiting for 26 days now for my results. Does it even matter if I get them now? Send that guy home. He ripped off the city

Anonymous said...

You want answers to this!? The city commission haven't even answered the PUB Tenaska scam and why we citizens haven't got a rate decrease or a reimbursement on the rate money they stole from us,this is way more important than this Eder guy.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn’t for him, more people would be dying. I got tested two days ago and got my results personally from him. I don’t see how irresponsible that is, I’m very grateful. He also advocated on when people are testing they need to consider themselves positive and isolate and stay home, but the Raza from Brownsville gives no shit and headed out to HEB And SAMS. He can’t strap and tie down people, he can only educate but people don’t listen. When the results were taking longer it’s cuz the big major lab corps stopped taking samples! They got overwhelmed so it back logged everything! The labs were not prepared for the mass testing and that’s why it was taking longer to get results. This is not just here but in other states as well like Arizona. So it wasn’t his fault, the labs couldn’t keep up and it just made it that much more difficult. Idiot people who were out and about after getting tested are to blame for the spread. Stop picking on the man that took initiative and has saved lives, not just now but in the past. He’s a damn good PA and he can be called Dr because he has a doctorate that he worked hard for. He is always researching and seeing what things are working in places like France etc, no one is taking the initiative here so why even complain. He’s trying he’s best to save as many lives as possible and prevent the spread.

Anonymous said...

So by the time you get the test results back from PA Eder it's been so long that you either have to be retested again or you're already in your deathbed and infected everybody near you along the way. Has anybody died from Covid before they got the test results back from PA Eder? Is the city liable? Is their a real doctor supervising PA Eder as is required by law? If there is a real Dr. supervising Eder did he authorize the unapproved tretments? Does he have liability insurance and for how much? Why didn't the city take bids? Why didn't they use real doctors to administer the test?

Anonymous said...

Erasmo Castro endorsed and stroked Eder ego so good.

What a real POS.

Erasmo Castro & Carlos Elizondo are not trustworthy giving eachother handies under the table.
DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM. Brownsville sadly has too much to worry about already

Anonymous said...

“Hernandez got the endorsement of the mayor who said patients seeking tests with health insurance would be referred to Hernandez's private clinic and those that didn't would be funneled to the city's Sports Park complex also operated by Hernandez.”

The statement above sounds so familiar, brings back so many bad memories for me and my family, lost my job At his clinic to the former Health Benefit Manager Micaelas brother. He took a job (wonder how) at the clinic once she declared that his clinic would be the spot for wellness checks for BISD. You wonderful teachers of BISD do remember that? This is the same platform that’s trying to take over the whole system again. Wake up! Who is pulling the strings. Animo Brownsville Animo Open Your Eyes. Don’t let others dictate your life! Ya con la pendejadas!

Anonymous said...

A good job pays off period! We work and we get paid that’s how it works. Hernandez did a job and got paid for it! Or do you all work for free? He can choose to do whatever the hell he wants with his well earned money. What do you all care? Lo mantienen o que?

Anonymous said...

He did it. He got job done. Saved lives. Others sitting around. He worked with UTRGV Med school lab and other labs. He was ahead of the curve and boom success. A labor is worthy of his earning. Local success story . Booms. No need for corrupt outside firms or doing other business with non local political influenced folks. Stop hating.

Anonymous said...

Pinche Pedorro.

Anonymous said...

So this doctor
Us school or mex school?

Anonymous said...

Can I do Covid testing for the city? I have a doctorate degree in Chicano Studies and I went to a real university to get it. I didn't buy my degree online.

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?

Anonymous said...

This is just the beginning of this case, we'll hear FBI, insurance fraud, revocation of licenses, etc, etc, etc.... to be continued

Anonymous said...

Joke of a mayor that can’t be found during times of need. Marinara is not blood and pesto is not plasma you dwarf, so if you can’t handle the heat, never mind all you have done is stayed in the kitchen. Anyways, the testing site called me twice with two different dates even though I was tested once but I’m sure there were two invoices billed for. I’d like to invite everyone to move away from this future of a Flint, Michigan city called Brownsville. What do you expect from a worthless mayor and city commission, excellence? Heck no! Non coordinated bidding, amigo system job proposals, and a look of invisibility from an elected official. The system at the sports park was poorly handled and inaccurate due to the patients (I was one) being asked to swipe the cone of their nose on their own. Explain to me how those test could be accurate if not one person would self inflict discomfort? Test should not be no more than $25 per person considering the length of days it took to receive results (in the mean time spreading the virus) all while ABC pediatrics charged $80 for a frontal sinus swab and results in less than 3 hours (very uncomfortable btw). I think the consensus can agree that we are no longer being fooled by the faΓ§ade of Trey da Mayor. Lastly, tell Groves to drink Clorox and let us know how it goes, maybe it’ll fix his good eye!

Anonymous said...

Y la Sylvia Atkinson que? Y todo el dinero illegal y todos los doctores y los achichincles que tienen? Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia

Anonymous said...

6:14 p.m. you missed it, Grove already drank the clorox. That is how he became so ignorant. He may know real estate, but he knows nothing about science or politics. His friends tell him to shut up, but that clorox he drank just keeps him going.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo and Carlos Elizondo advocating this guy should have raised red flags on how shady EDer is. Scum hangs out with scum. Carlos, take your wife and your kids and get out of Brownsville. You are embarrassing the Huerta family constantly. Shameful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Carlos will win
Erasmo will win
Grove is a winner

Eder won fair n square ,other clinics upset that they came in too late. That’s ok , no one had the balls to step up. He did. Won, Wrote the book on how to do it. Then the city copied his operation and hired two more firms later on. That is how good he really is. Took those ppl to school and back only to find out he was super Some Type of hybrid monster workforce that crushed covid19 in our community, he took no
Prisoners. That man deserves a medal for bravery.

Leave Craig’s eye alone please. What if your child was that born that way?

Anonymous said...

He look like an honest man from his picture.

Unknown said...

Wait what? He’s employed by South West Keys or his Partner Diego is? Hmmm, who else is part of the SWK side show? Get the Office of Inspector General involved. Call 512-491-2000.

Double dipping with Health and Human Services?

Anonymous said...

Eider didn't get any thing fair and square idiota it as GIVEN to him for sucking up to shorty the mayor, guey

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?

Anonymous said...

This guy figured that since meskin can't get ride of cockroaches they won't be able to get rid of corvid19 he'd make a killing on testing but he was in the wrong city and NO BIDS killed the idea pendejo

Anonymous said...

Someone wiped their FB page of all his special medicine recommendations and religious postings. Another fraud perpetuated on the people of Brownsville. After years of being taken advantage of, neglected, robbed, and abused, the voters of Brownsville continue to vote for the scum that let this happen. Look no further than Jessica whatever her last name is today, John worthless Cowan, Trey pizza boy Mendez, Rose worse OBGYN rated in the valley Gowen, Nurith I attack exwives of my lover and let me daddy steal from the taxpayers Galonsky. We get what we deserve. And the 3 mensos, Castro, Elizondo and Olivo will be voted into office because our voters are hacks, just like the 3 mensos.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's got a plastic Pretend Doctor Stethoscope hmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Are those expensive Pretend Doctor Stethoscope? I hope not I want one.

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to investigate Dr. Eder and find out who gave him that contract. Call the Attorney General because the mayor and City Commissioners won't do anything because they're in it also. Taxpayers getting screwed by somebody that is not an MD and who used obsolete testing and overcharged for the testing. HIS TESTING INCREASED THE SPREAD OF THE VIRUS.

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?

Anonymous said...

I also wouldn't be surprised that a lot of these comments may be coming from C.G himself.. He got really upset when they shut down his FB page..Too upset.. That guy really needs a life and a therapist. I really do feel bad for him.

Anonymous said...

The Lord Jesus gave him the stethescope.

Anonymous said...

The stethoscope makes him look like a doctor instead of a PA.

Anonymous said...

Eder es Una excelente persona. Siempre ha cuidado de mi y mi familia y nos a ayudado. Si no fuera por el la gente de brownsville estaria muriendose mal. Gracias a Eder que ayudo. El es el mejor PA y seguire viendolo como paciente.

Anonymous said...

An amazing health care provider we have been his pts for over 10 years and we know that recently he finished a special doctorate program designed for only nationally certified PAs not every level and finished in 2018. He is the top 2% of all PAs in the nation Brownsville is lucky to have someone like this.

Anonymous said...

Elder isn't saying his SINLESS
only that his BLAMELESS in this Fiasco.



Anonymous said...

Top 2% of PA's....No mames! If you're gonna make shit might as well say he's top 1%. Better yet just say top .5%. Once you start making shit up you lose all credibility. Once you have to lie to defend him you become like him. If you say he's in the top 2% then prove it. Tell us where you got that from. It you want to defend him then be truthful.

Anonymous said...

I am under the impression that the best test for the coronavirus is a real time PCR. I confirmed with multiple sources and specifically family members that tested positive by his testing efforts. Sure enough all of them where SARS COV2 RT PCR by highly reputable laboratories from UTRGV MED School and CPL. Sounds like he used the best diagnostic laboratory exam for the patients. Those RT PCR tests are very expensive and lab costs are very expensive, so after 4 months the big winners where the laboratories, but important it is my understanding that office produced over 2,000 COVID19 + cases. Can we put a price of a life? This man and his team helped us directly and indirectly. He stepped up when other offices closed , scared, had no prepared for the pandemic that was already happening in NYC. No wonder why he was on top of it from day 1. Kudos to that team of physicians and non physicians. Brownsville proud. I think others are just discontent with a winner, a typical rascal low RGV attitude.

For initial diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2, CDC recommends collecting and testing an upper respiratory specimen.

Anonymous said...

He could have been somebody!

Anonymous said...

Physician assistants who are considering study at the doctoral level have a range of options depending on their educational and career goals.

Doctor of Medical Science
Some physician assistants may wish to obtain a doctoral degree in order to continue to grow as a practicing PA. These professionals may wish to consider earning the Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc). The DMSc is typically designed to provide research and LEADERSHIP training to practicing physician assistants. The degree can often be earned in one year of study while maintaining practice as a PA. Courses may include healthcare LAW, health economics, and DISASTER MEDICINE.

I saw he also is recognized by FEMA by the Emergency Management Institute for DEDICATION TO SERVE IN TIMES OF CRISIS in Fundamentals in Emergency Management.

Not much more to say...
Eder is one of the best in his professions.

Anonymous said...

"This man and his team helped us directly and indirectly."
How in the hell did he help me (a taxpayer) directly or indirectly by getting a contract with the city without bidding on it. He got the contract under the table. Who set the price of the test? Who gave him the contract? What authority does the city have to give him this contract legally without a bid? Who was PA Eder's supervising MD as required by law? If there is a supervising MD did he approve the non FDA approved treatments? Is the city liable for this?
If you want to defend him that's fine but answer these questions. Don't ignore these facts. If you defend him and don't answer these questions then you know something is wrong. Just the fact that he passes himself off as an MD Doctor tells you everything.

Anonymous said...

Some programs are even advocating that through this extra training and degree, advanced practice professionals could one day be considered autonomous. Many consider the doctor of medicine program as a way to combat the upcoming physician shortage, which is expected to be up to 90,000 by the year 2025. (Weiman, Darryl 2017).

Weiman, Darryl (2017). The Doctor of Medical Science. Huffington Post, 5 July 2017.

Eder, You got this! Keep moving up!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:43 pm Yes,some day he might be autonomous but in the meantime it's illegal for him to be autonomous.

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?
At least it was stealing wheelchairs. Right Carlos Elizondo.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he the man.

Anonymous said...

@739 why do you keep saying he passed himself as a MD Doctor??! Where and when does he do that? He always states about his degree and corrects people all the time. He always says he’s a board certified PA but he does hold a doctorate degree so that’s why he is called DR. Being called Dr doesn’t mean you are a medial doctor, you can have a doctorate in many other fields. Are you an idiot that can’t understand this? Go back to school so you can learn about this. Thanks’

Anonymous said...

Your are beyond stupid. Of course he has supervisors, he is super Eder. He Always ahead of you. He has them in internal medicine, emergency medicine , and family medicine... all board certified physicians. FDA can give recommendations on drugs but any healthcare practitioner can use non fda approved pharmacology therapy to combat COVID19. Read cares act by President Trump and Alex Azar.. Pendejo. Give you a quick example, a healthcare practitioner can prescribe the famous “scream cream” for low libido in women which contains Viagra. Keep up the good work. Btw , how the Hell can a city be liable for the patient care given. City has nothing to do with patient care other than putting up the testing site with some tents. All three clinics operating in COVID19 testing have the same price that Eder help set up. What does that tell you. The price was right. He wrote the book bro. Get over it. Thank him , he might invite you to dinner. He’s that kind of guy.

Anonymous said...

We want our tax money back from the uninsured over priced patients that Trey sent to Eder!!!! The commercially insured can take it up Their Insurance carriers.

Anonymous said...

I can see Eder seeking a congressional seat soon.

Anonymous said...

10:45 p.m. in every podcast not once does he correct anyone. There is tons of evidence on this which has been downloaded. So keep up your lies, and the federales will use his own words or lack of words in all of the podcasts.

Why do you think he cleared his FB page. He destroyed evidence failing to understand it cannot be destroyed. The mere act of trying to destroy evidence is a crime.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Online Doctorate Degree in kickbacks. Just call me Dr.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody ever not pass a doctorate degree online? Assuming they pay in full of course.

Anonymous said...

Eder is top of the line, best of the best. You all posting negative things are plainly uneducated. I feel sorry for you.
There’s still time to register for fall classes! And get an education :)

Anonymous said...

Y el Target shoplifting que?

Anonymous said...

You all keep talking shit about a great Doctor yes Doctor whether you like it or not !!!! Why didn’t a real doctor step up to the plate. Eder along with his staff were out there in the front line risking their health along with their families’ well being. But you guys don’t see that. By the Grace of God and Eder’s quick action in treating my husband he is alive & getting better everyday along with myself. You can’t blame Eder for the virus spreading!!!! That is all due to stupid people that don’t listen to the guidelines. In many post or interviews you here Eder telling people to stay home if they thought they were sick or if they were waiting for results. But I’m every freakin corner u see gatherings, no face masks, unnecessary outings, no social distancing. Is this his fault too. People have to their part. You really need to get your shit together first bitching because he had the contract and now you’re still bitching because he dropped it. You really must be an unhappy person or you found a target that will boost your Blog. You sound like a very envious person.

Anonymous said...

Carlos and erasmo will win, ppl are tired os the same bull just look at what happen with the race for sheriff between Eric Garza and Omar lucio, Barney fife and clint Eastwood, bolas perico, lucio is still scratching his head wondering what happen. adios pepes

Anonymous said...

Y el bidding que?

Anonymous said...

He was getting paid, not volunteering.

Anonymous said...

"You really must be an unhappy person or you found a target that will boost your Blog."
Are you referring to the"Target" shoplifting?

Anonymous said...

How can a real doctor step up to the plate if there were no bids and the tranza was done behind closed doors. There are probably good doctors that would have volunteered to do the testing for free like the doctors in Donna. How can people be defending this pseudo doctor? Maybe it's the pseudo doctor defending himself and using anonymous postings to do it. Robaron al pueblo. Quit defending what is completely wrong, immoral and unethical.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to do something do it right

Anonymous said...

Put my comment bunch of the ones that are putting those bad comments are jealous Drs he did an excellent job to the community get over it bunch of idiots!!! Dr Hernandez is my great Dr like or not and he did a great job and I will shout it as many times as I please hope you post my comment!!!!

Anonymous said...

Notice his facebook post
Who is he with?
Frankie olivo.... yes the guy running for bisd ....
Here come more tranzas!!!!

Anonymous said...

Los mamones nunca se ven la cola MAMON

Anonymous said...

August 10 @8:16 pm

Anonymous said...

First of all Mr. Hernandez should not have negotiated a deal with the city of Brownsville without the consent of doctor overseeing him. Secondly, Mr. Hernandez is practicing outside his scope of practice this should be reported to the Texas Medical Board because he deceived the public and attained reimbursement for services. Finally, I can assure you that the majority of patients attaining these test were individuals from Mexico seeking this service for free. There was no internal protocols in place to mitigate this from occurring. Mr. Hernandez also inflated the test numbers in order to attain a profit offer 10% commission to the first whistle blower and he will talk.
