Saturday, September 12, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Described as one of the best bands south of San Antonio, the 1950 Brownsville High School band musicians marched in step to the top of the mountain, or in their case, the shores of Lake Michigan way up north.

Director James Murphy and Assistant Wayne Coleman put Brownsville on the map with the band’s performance in Chicago. Their sparking performance drew praise from the music experts in the “Windy City.”

The Midwest Clinic International Band, Orchestra and Music Conference each year displayed top ensembles throughout the music conference to showcase the newest ideas and talent. From students to professionals, performers have a chance to exhibit their talents to a supportive and enthusiastic audience with an interest in furthering music education. Each band and orchestra conference is unique and offers attendees the most up-to-date music styles and education techniques.

The following wire from the National Chairman of the Clinic in Chicago, was sent to the Brownsville Herald:

"With James Murphy conducting thrilled the more than 2000 band masters of high school and college bands at the “Grand Finale” session at the Sherman Hotel.

These 100 Texans who crossed the United States to entertain and inspire the directors from almost every state in union completely captivated the hearts of their audience. Hats off to Brownsville

They stole the show at the National Mid-West Band Clinic."

The BHS yearbook editors wrote in their 1951 issue:

"The Brownsville Golden Eagle Band has made a name for Brownsville. Among many things that this band has done to their credit is the outstanding performance in Chicago and the untiring efforts that won them honors in Harlingen. This organization has done much for our school and we are grateful."

Murphy and the BHS band would travel to the Second City again in 1952. It wouldn't be until 1962 and then again in 1968 that a BHS band would perform at the Midwest Clinic, but his time under band director Robert Vezzetti.

But it was way back in 1950 that the mold was set for Brownsville high school musicians to make their mark in the shores of Lake Michigan.


Anonymous said...

Students knew about pride and respect and made Brownsville Proud. This continue to the present, but it is now the adults that mess things up for these students. They give their hearts out to succeed and our adults fight and argue over self-serving needs and wants. We are all part of a great district when it comes to the students, but we really mess it up when it comes to electing or selecting our leaders.

Anonymous said...

All history is gossip.

Anonymous said...

Who cares!!! Playing for the gringos & Cocos audiences!

Anonymous said...

Remember when the county commissioners wanted a raise and Joey Lopez was behind it all? Not to long ago. And who was trashing him? No other than Jerry McHale! And now he’s supporting Joey Lopez’s daughter! Jerry was all over the courthouse with Nurith recording him opposing these raises. The articles about Joey Lopez are still in his blog and videos are still on Facebook. How much is Joey Lopez paying him? Does Daniela know how he went after her daddy?

Anonymous said...

No pun intended on the mold issue previously at hanna huh?

Anonymous said...

History is not gossip if you happen to be a primary witness. Some of us are still around and remember the 50's and 60's when we used to have a blast hanging around friends who are still friends. The Internationally Famous Golden Eagle band had every right to march down the field at the end of the half-time performance playing our fight song. Friday nights were Friday nights and we looked forward to cheering our Eagles down the field. Quit knocking down history for without it, we would be nothing but political idiots who could care less.

Anonymous said...

Gringo band directors made Eagle band great!

Anonymous said...

That band idiota director (rv) wrote a book about how the meskins were here to shine the boots and to serve all the gringos its a fact I read the book...


Anonymous said...

Great band ... hard working directors ... they put Bville on map

Anonymous said...

The one I knew was and is a racist. He got paid to do a job PERIOD...
Brownsville was already on the map guey

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much was the train ride to Chicago... Did lollipop joe Rodriguez pay for it

Anonymous said...

5:23... why does everything have to be racist ... u sound like a typical leftist

Anonymous said...

Gringo leadership put this town on the map. Mexican leadership wiped it off the map. Now it is the poorest and least educated city in the country famous only for systemic corruption.

Anonymous said...

12 40 i Agree!!!

Anonymous said...

12:40 Half coco mutt leadership fill it up with racism and 6th grade education monogos!

Anonymous said...

No such word as "monogos". Must be some kind of border barrio slang/gibberish. These low class people can't even formulate an insult in either good Spanish or English. Must be a real challenge to be ignorant in multiple languages.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is that today’s bands r to much into classical music. How about playing some Marches at the football games... half time programs are boring

Anonymous said...

The HS bands of today are all about winning trophies...and not to entertain. In yesteryear they would performed in city wide concerts
