Monday, September 7, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Brownsville Independent School District administrators have said they would like to start face-to-face instruction as soon as possible as it is deemed safe, perhaps as early as the projected Sept. 28th opening.

But if what happened at Lopez Early College High School last week is any indication of how they handle positive cases among staff at the campus, parents must take notice and decide for themselves if they want to send their kids there.

To begin with, only certified staff (administrative staff, teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, etc.) were given the option of working from home. Classified staff like maintenance, aides, etc., are required to report to work.

A week ago last Thursday, one of the classified staff handing out backpacks containing school supplies for the coming year tested positive for COVID-19 and was sent home. The worker had been personally handling the backpacks and school materials given out to parents and students at the school.

Fellow workers were told to stay home on Friday, but to report to work on Monday. That following Monday (August 31), the classified staff arrived to find that the campus had not been disinfected. In fact, it wan't until last Thursday (a week after the worker was found positive) that the facility was disinfected. The classified employees worked for four days before the facility was finally sanitized.

The worker had participated with the rest of her co-workers at an in-service and came in contact with the materials (laptops, hotspots and iPads) being handed out to students and parents. Even after the positive case was detected, the materials that had been handled by the infected worker were not disinfected but distributed anyway.

How many homes received a dose of the virus last week? It's anybody's guess.

But not to worry. Principal Dahlia Aguilar opted to work from home after the infection was discovered. Meanwhile, the staff there has run out of Clorox and are using hand sanitizer that has an expiration date going back years. Shields and inexpensive (read ineffective) face coverings are the only PPE

The administration has kept the issue of positive cases at the district's campuses hush hush, but as it is, only skeleton crews are present because of the detected infections. The planned Sept. 28 opening is still on track. But judging by this early performance with COVID-19, should parents feel safe exposing their kids?


Anonymous said...

"all of the Brownsville Independent School District’s nearly 60 campuses and other facilities are completely empty all at the same time, presenting an uncommon opportunity to fix everything that needs fixing"


Anonymous said...

Juan, why are being such a horrible person? Do you not have children? They are being ridiculed because you talk so much bad stuff just like that erasmo castro clan. Here people thought you were more respectful than the low life, unemployed, sorry excuse of a human being erasmo castro and his clan. Que triste Juan, que triste!

Anonymous said...

Public education was founded on the overriding principle that every child, from every neighborhood, deserves a robust, high-quality education. When some districts redeploy their classified staff to help with academics and others don’t, the inequity gap in education widens even more.

The classified staff members in RGV school districts are professionals who have been trained to meet our students’ needs. They’ve passed background checks and built strong relationships with their students. They are an important part of their students’ education, and they are ready and willing to be deployed.

To avoid additional learning losses during the pandemic — and make distance learning a success — classified employees should be seen as what they are: essential staff.

Joe F. Rodriguez said...

This is not very reassuring. In fact it would scare me if I had to send kids to school. We need to have widespread testing. Unfortunately, as long as the Republicans are in control, we are very much on our own to fight this pandemic.

FEMA announced that effective Sept. 15 they will stop paying or reimbursing states for certain PPE (masks, respirators and sanitizing supplies) for schools and elections agencies. FEMA will regard these items as non-emergency supplies for schools and many other local institutions.

"Supporting schools and other functions — courthouses and other related functions — are not a direct emergency protective measures and therefore they're not eligible for [public assistance]," Turi, FEMA assistant administrator for recovery, said on a conference call.

I would say that with COVID19 infections rising and 1,000 Americans dying per day would constitute an emergency.

According to unsympathetic & desensitized TRUMP “It is what it is”.

Absent widespread testing, Texas schools have limited tools to prevent coronavirus spread

Absent widespread testing, Texas schools have limited tools to prevent coronavirus spread.

Anonymous said...

It’s just so disgusting. BISD is the worst! All they care about is their precious sports!

Anonymous said...

Juan, they're saying that Frankie Olivo was arrested in the parking lot of the courthouse, not dragged out of it in handcuffs.

Anonymous said...

Trump Campaign Official Mocked Joe Biden For Visiting Graves Of Late Family Members

Anonymous said...

6,279,152 U.S. CASES
662,428 TX CASES


Anonymous said...

all the information that you got from your poorly informed informant is wrong. the only thing that you got right was that Lopez was infected. how, when, who came to work, who didn't come to work, what was infected, when it was sanitized all wrong juan, you are better off starting this story all over. plus i heard that the principal was sent home because of a family member.

Anonymous said...

Man makes passionate speech about renaming boneless chicken wings

Anonymous said...

Are Denise Garza and Eddie Garcia using the same political workers to put up their campaign signs around town? Their signs appear side by side in front of a new apartment complex on Parades Line Road next to the telecom call center. Makes you think about whether or not Denise and Eddie are running as an unofficial slate. Did Sylvia give her blessing to Eddie to run for position 7, her place on the board? It seems that Eddie announced his intention for position 7 before Sylvia stated that she would not seek re-election. Was this a deal between her and the county district attorney who is thought to be related by marriage to Eddie? Does all this mean that Denise and Eddie are part of Sylvia's slate of chosen candidates? Follow the campaign contributions of these two and you might likely find a link.

Anonymous said...

The media has focused on all the positive test at colleges, what they don't tell you is there has been zero hospitalizations. If you don't want your kid in school is your right, don't want to teach? its your right not to. But for the parents that want their kids at school, it should be their choice also. We will never be disease free.
As a side note hispanic businesses that have failed here in Brownsville:
Los Camperos
All Chinese restaurant dining is closed
El Piquin
Dirty Al's (they say for remodeling)

Anonymous said...

Joe F. Rodriguez: Why in earth would you want to test 50000 students? to acquire more stats?
And why are you commenting? you don't even have kids

Anonymous said...

Joe Rodriguez, no one cares what your self serving, criminal behavior opinion is. Your 15 minutes we up decades ago. Pull out of the school board race. The people have spoken and you are not wanted.

Anonymous said...

@4:21 Pendejo the death numbers are padded and infected are high because of mostly false positives idiota! You don't care about education, since you only went to the 6th grade pinche mongo!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Juan for keeping it real!
All of the shit you put up with just to the truth out there is amazing!
Rock on, my man! You the Gizz in the hizz

Anonymous said...

It is the beginning of the end of brick and mortar public schools. It is the beginning of the end of academic and intellectual sophistication. DISTANCE LEARNING will be DISTANCE CONFUSION for most. Children depend on adults for structure in the classroom; no child has the self-discipline to do this alone. Computers, tablets, and wi-fi will all be FLUFF in the final analysis. At the end of the year student will see very little to no gain in ability and academic skills. This is the beginning of the LOST GENERATION.

Anonymous said...

In terms of delays in sanitizing schools following possible contamination you have to know how long the virus lives outside a host. That is, how long it will live on a desk, on a computer, on a poster or piece of paper. If you know this you can simply wait it out. However, if you are bringing people into contact with contaminated surfaces before the virus has had time to die a natural death then you better squirt it with something. As a parent, I would not send my child to school at this time, especially with the possibility of a vaccine on the horizon. Lets all hope it is a medical vaccine and not a political vaccine.

Anonymous said...

Vaccine on whose horizon, 10:17? Are you injecting Lysol into your kids?

Anonymous said...

Is ok
Its population control

Anonymous said...

If you would educate yourself instead of talking negatively about everyone you would know that this isn’t merely a district issue, it’s a state issue. It is the states decision to open up schools, giving students the choice of going back or not. This is not only happening in Brownsville but is happening all over Texas. Instead of talking down on people for sport, use your time to better inform yourself. If they went against the state, which they really can’t, and the state cut funding causing teachers and other workers to be fired due to insufficient funds im sure you’d have something to say about that too.

Anonymous said...

We have always thought of political signs and tv ads as viruses and uncurable.

Anonymous said...

The kids will be known as the Virus generation! All low inteligente monogos youth will ruin the world! Enjoy your vaccine idiotas!!!

Anonymous said...

September 10, 2020 at 12:54 PM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

