Tuesday, September 8, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Is Brownsville Independent School District board counsel Baltazar Salazar a convicted felon?

Some say yes. Some say no. That dispute has cast another black eye on the district which has recently endured the resignation of one board member for DWI and the federal indictment of another for bribery and conspiracy.

The trustee who resigned, Erasmo Castro, is on the ballot in the November 3 elections again. The indicted trustee, Dr. Sylvia Atkinson, opted not to run for reelection to focus on her defense from the charges.

And at this stage of the game, does it really matter?

The controversy centers around his tenure as board counsel with some trustees saying that he has told them he represents only the majority of the board, has not provided board members with the status of litigation as required in his contract, hired costly outside counsel on cases, and that he has been helping with the defense of Atkinson in federal court in contradiction to his claims he doesn't represent trustees individually.

The board will meet during a special called meeting this Thursday – September, 10 – for "consideration and possible action to review, amend and/or terminate...Salazar."

BISD trustee Laura Perez-Reyes and her supporters say his 1985 conviction for felony theft by check for $5,700 by Judge Melchor Chavez in the 107th District Court that he appealed to the 13th Court of Appeals which upheld the court's ruling proves he is.

He and his supporters say that his petition to shorten his probation from seven to four years granted in July 1985 by then-107th District Court Gilbert Hinojosa which they claim "sets aside" and erases the conviction proves he's not.

Two other theft by check charges (totaling some $5,800) – one after more than six years of protracted litigation by his lawyers – ended up in dismissals for violation of the Speedy Trail Act. and the other for "want of prosecution."

In 2011, when Salazar applied for the position of BISD Administrative Staff attorney – not the board counsel position he now holds – HR examiners declared him "ineligible" citing the 1985 charge and conviction he said was set aside. Salazar has countered that if he had been a felon the State of Texas would not have admitted him to practice at the bar, he could not be a certified teacher, and – has said it repeatedly – that he would not be allowed to own a gun.

(Coincidentally, one of his references in his 2011 application was attorney Noe Garza, one of Atkinson's defense attorneys.)

Before he graduated from Texas Southern University, he applied for admission to the bar and signed a an authorization and release for the Texas Supreme Court of Board Examiners to investigate his moral fitness and character which included all records of his behavior. But it wasn't your normal release. In it he pointedly included these eye-raising clauses directing the examiners' attention to:

Was this a deliberate preemption to the examiners who would find the charges and conviction in the district clerk's files to suggest that he was not the same person when he committed those violations that he was now as a law school graduate some 10 years later? Was he cured of these maladies by then?

Apparently, it worked because Salazar was admitted to the bar in 1994. What he didn't realize was that the entire files –including the authorization and release – would become part of the public record and is included in the 1985 theft-by-check file.

His attempt to expunge his criminal record was granted by 107th District Court Judge Ben Euresti on June 26, 2012, only to have the Texas Department of Pubic Safety appeal it and the 13th Court of Appeals reverse the court's ruling on August 15, 2013.

And even after the reversal, the district clerk's office delayed returning the files until after 2015 when the court order was brought to their attention.

But by them Salazar had been hired by the BISD board as their counsel on April 2013 – despite his purported "ineligibility"– and is the position he now holds at a $25,000 a month, or $300,000 a year, salary.

Things grow more and more bizarre as the controversy – and black eye on the BISD – continues.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Otra vez? Either he is a felon or he is not and the only one that really knows it Salazar. Will he be discovered or is it another cover-up in unison with Atkinson and her defense. Que vuergueNZA PARA SUS PADRES

Anonymous said...

Republicans: Erasmo, La Frankie and El Paya Jerry McHale.

Never forget.

Anonymous said...

How Many Lives Would a More Normal President Have Saved?

Trump failed to meet the Covid-19 challenge.

Anonymous said...

Someday...Minnie Pena will learn she is loyal and fights for all the wrong people. They ain't your friends (or that good )

Anonymous said...

Celina Manríquez Diagnostician at Los Cuates Middle School is wondering why her husband has been “very close“ with a candidate for BISD. Aver qué pasa raza, se va poner bueno la cosa.

Anonymous said...

According to Number 13-12-00771-CV, Court of Appeals Thirteenth of Texas, "We REVERSE the Trial Court's Order and RENDER Judgement DENYING the petition for EXPUNCTION AS TO ALL THREE OFFENSES." 83-CR-416-A and 85-CR-450-A, Salazar presented NO evidence and therefor did NOT meet his burden of Proving that ALL statutory requirments were satisfied as to those offenses. We hold the evidence is LEGALLY Insufficient to support Salazar's Eligibility for EXUNCTION AS TO ANY OF THE OFFENSES. Is this rat a felon or not speaks for itself. Notice the big Rats that are behind this corruption- Gilberto Hinojosa, Ben Uresti, Aurora De La Garza, and attorney Noe de la Garza. Noe de la Garza has defended Carlos Elizondo, and many high profile cases such as corrupt police officers. His wife Adelda de la Garza is a big player in the BISD. Is Baltazar Salazar a FELON? YES,YES. and YES. HAS BEEN A FELON AND STILL A FELON. Oh forgot that PROBATION Judgment is a defense AGAINST EXPUNCTION. Also keep in mind, that in the convicted Armando Villalobos 's trial and convicted Abel Limas trial, these names such as Gilberto Hinojosa, Benjamin Uresti, Aurora de la Garza were mentioned as crooked individuals. This is my oinion

Unknown said...

Laura really if you ever were serious about saving money for the taxpayers this BISD Atty salazar firing matter should had been an agenda item YEARS AGO not now that you are leaving,

Anonymous said...

El Jerry just copying your stories, Juan. Two more today! Is he just lazy or stupid? Does he think we haven't read them here? What an asshole!

Anonymous said...

If you think this is bizarre imagine erasmo castro and his dumb cast running bisd.
Erasmo Castro: no more compadre system in BISD
Also Erasmo Castro: vote for my compadres so we can have a compadre system

Anonymous said...

El Paya McHale now pushing Democrat Eric Garza, after he shit on him for weeks! McHale has no brains!!!! Lying Blog!

Anonymous said...

BISD Board has become a destination of all sorts of crooks and scoundrels.The money to be handed out in contracts attracts them like flies to filth. But the ignorant votes keep on putting them in office. Now just who is to blame?

Anonymous said...

If he cared about the district he would resigned but he doesn't he only want his 300k salary and whatever kick back he gets.
Fire the SH now he don't give shit about the district nor the students nor anybody....

Anonymous said...

Is the FBI really afraid of her???? I heard they left town.

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder why Frankie and Erasmo want control of the board? Erasmo got a taste of putting his hand in the cookie jar and now wants full control so his nephew who will soon be jobless soon can get his fair share. Joe Rodriguez will teach this slate how to steal from our children and teachers. Wake up, Brownsville!! Erasmo, Carlos and joe have all had their chance and every time failed our district. Frankie we don't want a man who who is a wife-beater and a sexual harrassed/Stalker. Will Frankie's victim/victims please come forward for the safety of our teachers, students, and staff. It's time to show him you are not a victim but a VICTOR.

Anonymous said...

If Laura didn't speak up sooner, Cati already had. No one would believe her not listen to her and Lucy and it has now come to the top. Salazar will now know how it feels to be in the same shoes. Next election, we need to support Cati for whatever or whomever position she runs against - Drue's, Prici.
JOE, CARLOS AND LOPEZ. (the one who did so much for the district that I can not even remember his first name.)

Anonymous said...

So if Baltazar Salazar has psychiatric issues then why is allowed he allowed to carry a concealed handgun. Or maybe he lied on that application as well.

Anonymous said...

Salazar needs to be reported to TEA licensing service. His credentials need to be flagged. Atkinson has refused to pay the bloggers to protect him as she promised she would do.

Anonymous said...

Come on everyone let’s be serious here! Laurita la vaquita, ratita, transita, has promised Elia Cornejo the attorney position for bisd board. Elia told Laura to make sure she got Baltazar Salazar fired before she leaves bisd, so that Elia could get the job. Why do you think Elia is going around town calling in favors from venders and business people for her slate of bisd candidates; erasmo, marisa, viró, frankie & carlos. Laurita what damage will you bring to the district clerks office, once you leave bisd in shambles! FBI are preparing to go after your next case; at the District Clerks Office. It’s only a matter of time until Laura totally gets in major trouble.

Anonymous said...

Where is Sylvia getting the money to pay the bloggers? Isn't she on the unemployment line right now?

Anonymous said...

All bark and no bite like a fart in the wind. I got a call from the super today about filing my census, why? So you shit-for-brains can take more for yourselves and your cronies.

Anonymous said...

Ok with all this drama and scandal can we afford another black eye if people actually vote Erasmo and Frankie into office? I checked and Erasmo has applied for BISD substitute five times and was denied because of his 9 arrests which some were deemed harsh enough that BISD said he lacked moral turpitude. So if he can't even be a substitute as per BISD, then how can he end up being a boss of it? BISD should vet each candidate and hold them to the same standard employees of the district have to adhere to.

BobbyWC said...

Some of these comments drive me crazy. Which bloggers are blogging for Sylvia Atkinson? You delusional trolls post your nonsense and think we will pretend to not know what we know. As to Leal, Joe Rodriguez got Castro's nod not Marisa and the documented evidence shows she is with Castro's opponent Daniella Lopez Cortez.

Anonymous said...

In a perfect world all the BISE Trustees and top administrators would hang their heads in shame and resign in mass. A special election could be held for a fresh start.

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya and McHale have helped Sylvia through proxies. Also Juan can't even speak spanish

Anonymous said...

@1:41 And do you want to elect apresident that should be in a adult nursery, senile, and a rapist?

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment made by Bobby. He finally admitted to his state of mind what many of the blog readers have known for so many years.

Anonymous said...

After every TV ads by Biden, at the end they should say "I am Joe Biden, I don't remember this message"! Com'on Montoya this was very funny, please approve & post this comment! Hahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Wow. Philip Cowen goes on and on at the last board meeting about Baltazar Salazar not getting paid enough to represent the school district in special education. I guess the Philip forgot when Lucy Longoria as a board member at a board meeting read a letter from the then special education director listing her concerns about Baltazar admitting to her that he did not know anything about special education. The former special education director shared in her letter that Baltazar would cause more problems. It seemed that Philip bases his opinion of Baltazar's special education expertise by eavesdropping to phone calls that should be confidential. I guess Baltazar does not know to keep things confidential by talking on the phone in front of a board member who cannot control his mouth. Maybe the special education staff in the district need to be asked in they are in agreement with Philip's opinion about Baltazar.

Anonymous said...

My dad is a BISD bus driver. When Sylvia Atkinson was running for the board, she had a meeting with several bus drivers and monitors where she promised to give them raises if she was elected to the school board. At the meeting, a few bus drivers who did not believe Sylvia said that she could have provided raises sooner when she was in charge of human resources and the compensation plan. These brave people were quickly quieted down by the majority at the meeting. Move forward four years from then. Where are the promised raises for the bus drivers and monitors. Empty promises. Bus drivers and monitors do not believe the lies from the board members who running for re-election. They have failed to deliver to all of you and my father.

Anonymous said...

Baltazar shud of gone down for the barbacoa gate !

Anonymous said...

Thanks gringo for telling us we are just plain stupid gracias guey
