Tuesday, September 1, 2020


2. Discussion, consideration and possible action to review, amend and/or terminate BISD Board Attorney. (Board Member Request Laura Perez Reyes, Board Support Eddie Garcia)

By Juan Montoya

It had seemed too good to be true. And it was.

Two members of the board have placed and item on Tuesday's consent agenda of the Brownsville Independent School District that could result in the termination of board counsel Baltazar Salazar.

On the other hand, the agenda item also includes the action to "review and/or amend," that is, to grant Salazar an extension of his contract.

Salazar was hired by the board on April 2, 2013 by then-trustees Otis Powers, the late Enrique Escobedo, Minerva PeΓ±a and Jose Chirinos who chose him over vastly more experienced and able law firms. Seven years later, he is still there and now drawing $283,000 a year from the BISD.

That board chose him despite the fact that the Texas Department of Public Safety was successful in negating a court order expunging his criminal record of three felony convictions for theft before he attended law school. The reversal of the expungement was announced by the 13th Court of Appeals on August 2013, four months after he had been hired by the BISD.

The 13th Court of Appeals issued its decision and noted that while Salazar claimed that he "has been released, that the charge has not resulted in a final conviction and is no longer pending, and that there was no court-ordered community supervision...."and that prosecution "is no longer possible because the limitations period has expired," the record reflected differently. In other words, he had misrepresented the truth to the court and to the BISD on his job application.

At an average of $250,000 a year over eight years, the BISD has paid him about $2 million for his services which are mainly attending one meeting a month. And the practice of outsourcing district cases to private firms has continued despite his April 2013 statement to the board that "lawyers love chaos" because they make money. "Chaos" would be one way to describe the state of affairs in the district now with resignation of one board looking at court removal and the indictment of another in federal court.

And the BISD counsel always seems to be right in the middle of the chaos, the latest example being the federal trial of board member Dr. Atkinson on eight counts of bribery and conspiracy involving selling  materials and services to the district. Most of the board members – and it is safe to assume that includes Salazar – have been subpoenaed as witnesses and have received notice of their conversations with Atkinson having been recorded though her court-approved wiretaps.

With the potential of a new board taking over in November, the agenda item on Salazar is similar to the one considered in a recent meeting where Superintendent Rene Gutierrez' contract was extended by two years. In case the new board wants to change general counsel, they will have to negotiate an exit settlement with Salazar just as they will with Gutierrez should they decide to change superintendents. In other words, negotiate a buyout.

We know that Salazar's has buttressed his relationship with some board members by contributing to their campaigns which has been questioned before as being contrary to a clause on his contract that states he should not give gifts, money, etc., in return for approval of his contract. He blithely answered that he was not doing in return for keeping his job, but because he wanted good board members.


We don't expect that the current board members will vote to terminate or extend his contract. Rather, it is safer to assume that they will kick the can down the road and continue his employment on a month-to-month basis and let the incoming board decide his fate. It's been a good run for the board counsel. BISD has been very, very good to him.


Anonymous said...

The city has also obtained funding to hire an entomologist — a scientist who studies insects, as well as a vector tech to support the drone’s mapping capabilities.
How about a bike trails professor and a warehouse full of mosquitos spray cans for the new million dollar drone.
The new entomologist will be housed in the southmost area so I hear. Great job that gringa from the southmost.

Anonymous said...

another millionaire, seems like there are quite a few of those running around the city getting rich on the taxpayers dime. bola de mamones...
and coming from the poorest city in the country NO HAY VERGUENZA NUNCA!

Anonymous said...

I am a local Republican and I do not endorse Trump.

I will vote for Democrat Joe Biden and decency.

Anonymous said...

Trump Is a Coward.

Joe Biden calls the president weak on crime, Russia, and the coronavirus. Trump proves him right.

Anonymous said...

This is a smoke screen, there is a sitting compadre waiting for that job and they will have the votes, at the rate of $5000.00 to be put on the vendor's list, these high paying jobs have a tag price too. How much to be a principal, how much to be a custodian? ass, gas or cash, nobody rides for free...

Anonymous said...

In regards to the 8:34 comment, clean your local government, before you get to play with the BIG Boys. Cameron county paying these huge salaries to these corrupt so called professionals is insane. These huge Rats have a lot of little mice that answer to the Rat. Cameron county needs to get rid of NEPOTISM in regards to hiring their own. These huge salaries for a third world run community is unbelievable, this lawyer was a crook way before he was even hired and he was protected by what judge? What judge expunged his felonies? What administrative clerk stood by and covered-up for such corruption? What about our so called sheriff? All these entities are main players in the cover-up corruption that run Cameron county. Keep an eye on our so called new Sheriff, our newly elected district clerk, and our same corrupt judges. Check to the the dockets of the estates and probate judges and see where the payoff for the forfeiture monies comes in. No wonder former Hidalgo county District court judges like former convicted Rudy Delgado and Cameron county district judge Arturo Nelson attended Commissioners meeting to make sure THEIR STAFF got pay raises. After all they were key players. This is corruption at it's best. Even a lay common person, without education is aware of such corruption. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Attorneys can be terminated at any time contrary to what Salazar tells the Board that his contract needs to be honored for it's term.

Anonymous said...

I am a local Demonrat and I do not endorse Biden/Harrios.

I will vote for Republikan Don Trump and ProLife.

Anonymous said...

Idiocy of The Day from Booby:

"The BV has pulled back on reporting the numbers because Labor Day is coming and the BV fears with the numbers looking better every day, people will get lax on Labor Day and we will experience another surge."

ja ja ja ja. The man is acting the fool again. News pulling back? ja ja ja ja ja.

Anonymous said...

What is a MAP person? Googalealo!!! A picture of Erasmo comes out. He is one sick puppy. Some of us were around Erasmo’s sister Melissa yesterday and that pendejo Atkinson is right, she is disgusted with her brother Erasmo. I learned this acronym last night MAP. Is he described that for her brother who is currently on probation and is asking us to forget about that. Ta pendejo el mendigo. Him and his sick nephew Frankie are mentally ill sexual predators that we can’t have our children around.

Anonymous said...

I am a taxpayer and have BEEN ALL MY LIFE I do not endorse corruption, scams, politicians that lie, endorse violence, hate, racism and therefore I will NOT VOTE for Trump.

Anonymous said...

BISD getting close to digital parity
They're still using remington tpye writers can't afford computers to may top dogs making 30k to 40k A WEEK...

Anonymous said...

This guy is what's wrong in Brownsville and he is just one of many.

Anonymous said...

I am a Democrat turned Republican after seeing all the shit the Democrats do.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice to get a 300k a year salary plus all the emanities PLUS FRINGE BENEFITS (we like to know what they are),
and they don't like your ass but you still get your check?

Taxpayers funds makes all these shananigans possible, BISD of course any any other agecny that is funded by the taxpayers...

QUE RATISMO the kicker is of course WE ELECTED THESE SOBS

Anonymous said...

8:34 & 10:27 same person commenter is all confuse on who to vote! Much be a transgender mutt lol

Anonymous said...

I would still rather have this guy than a bigger fatter rat , Frankie Olivo was asked last night on the Erasmo Comedy Show if the rumors about bringing Cornejo on to the board we’re true , rather than dismissing them he said he would abstain from any vote regarding that because it was a conflict of interest , not the best reply Frankie now we know who your puppet master will truly be ! Vote no to Cornejo VOTE NO TO FRANKIE OLIVO , ERASMO, LOUIE LEAL,CARLOS ELIZONDO and the other DEADBEAT DAD!!!

Anonymous said...

I still looking for a 7.25 dollar an hour job but I must vote for these DEMOCRATS πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ rats to get a janitor job. BISD don't want Republicans on board because Republicans can do what DEMOCRATS cannot do: get rid of the trash in staff, teachers, security, contractors, etc. BISD is running on bicycle with no wheels.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Democrat, but this year I'm voting for my favorite "Grab them by the pussy" president Donald Trump.

He's the best President ever. We have to have the most liar, racist son of a bitch ever to run the United States of America!!!

There's no other way around it, that's what America has become, bring it on Donald Trump.
TRUMP 2020

Anonymous said...

@9:35 You'll get your wish soon idiota mierda!!!

Anonymous said...

Laurita it is obvious that Elia Cornejo is calling in favirs with you. Rumor is Elia Cornejo wants to be the next bisd board attorney. Well Laurita you just validated the rumors. What is next Laurita? You wheeling and dealing at the court house as the next Cameron County District Clerk? Anyone that thinks this is not true ask yourself, why did Laura all of a sudden ask Eddie GarcΓ­a to help terminate the board attorney. Why didn’t Laura ever bring this up before? She has had four years to do this and now it’s urgent. Is this who Cameron County wants to be in charge of the district clerks office. Voters beware!

Anonymous said...

Sent the stimulus check for 1200 and I will vote for ese pendejo I need a bigger tv more beer and pizzas. Uuuuy uuuuy uuuuy pasa la tequila guey

Anonymous said...

I am a homeless gringo and I will vote for my good buddy the democrat trump

Anonymous said...

What he can't get another job? Oh he has to work if he gets another job soooo sooorrrryyyy.

Anonymous said...

Traditionally bad attorneys always look for public funding, cause they can't hack it on their own, hence bad judges, bad agency attorneys, bad company attorneys, bad JPs and on and on.
