Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

After Sen. Eddie Lucio joined the appeal by board members of the Brownsville Independent School District to allow the district to delay face-to-face instruction for the regular student body until 2021, some details about previously unknown COVID-19 infections on its grounds.

Let's keep it short and sweet. This is what Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez wrote the Texas Education Agency as reasons to extend distance learning until safe the new year. 

* At least 11 BISD employees have died of COVID-19.

* There have been 179 positive cases among its nearly 7,000 employees.

* The district has had to close six departments due to the virus.

* It has also closed 16 campuses since the outbreak for mitigation.


Anonymous said...

And can you imagine how many more things the superintendent and his cronies are keeping from us? What about the teachers who both husband and wife have died, the cafeteria workers who are in fear of colleagues with the virus and not reported? Teachers are having to spend more time worrying about the disease not being transferred in the classroom than they worry about effective instructional methods? Election is just around the corner, so don't forget to go vote for the lessor of two evils. And please go vote both presidents out.

Anonymous said...

I noted with exasperation Republican John Cornyn’s letter justifying his position supporting nominating a Supreme Court justice late in the president’s term in 2020 when his position was opposite in 2016. He claims the situation is different today and that the central issue now is that the same party holds the White House and the Senate whereas that was not the case in 2016.

To my recollection, his 2016 argument made no mention of parties in power. Instead, he argued only to “let the voters decide.” Hypocrisy runs rampant.

Vote MJ Hegar. Vote BLUE!!!!

Anonymous said...

We must NEVER let our kids be educated until all disease is eradicated

Anonymous said...

Daycares full of snotty kids, who pick their noses and butts with the same finger are open. All schools are however closed

Anonymous said...


Teachers have the right to resign. So do other non-teacher BISD employees. Why paint them as being captives? A POX ON YE for cagar el palo!!!!!

BobbyWC said...

I'm very tired of the teachers complaining. Run the numbers .026% teachers at the BISD have contracted the virus .027% of all Texans have contracted the virus. Our police, firefighters and nursing home staff are doing with far less than BISD is offering the teachers. It is time these whiners are called out.

Today I met with a mother whose down syndrome son returned to a class of 6 at BISD. Her high school daughter made it possible for to keep on working. The mother could not be happier. her son is getting that one on one attention he needs. he wears his mask. She was allowed to visit in the classroom and found everything as safe as can be expected. She says everyone was very protected.

So why do the teachers deserve more than our police officers?

What proof is there any BISD employee contracted Covid at work. If I get it do I get to blame my roommate's employer since I rarely leave the home.

BISD is going very slow and learning how best to proceed. I support parents who do not want to send their children. But stop the whining when you are already getting better protection from Covid than our police.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

“I mean, you’ve got teachers, you’ve got firefighters, you’ve got frontline workers, you’ve got people who are doing God’s work to protect and lift us up paying more in taxes than the self-professed billionaire?”

Racist republicans say something!!

Anonymous said...

The Times also reported that between 2000 and 2015, Trump didn’t pay any taxes at all

Sounds like the local elected officials here they pay zero taxes on property.

Anonymous said...

The children of Brownsville are safer without an education provided by BISD.

Anonymous said...

It is always different when it concerns you! Typical rationalization.

Anonymous said...

The most important issue at hand is whether BISD will be considered by Governor Abbott for an extension of distance learning and avoidance of face-to-face instruction for its students, teachers, administration and support personnel until spring 2021.

'How to ensure stakeholder health and safety and prevent needless and avoidable fatalities' should be the byline for this whole dialogue.

Whether our Governor Abbott will demonstrate independent reasoning and common sense in this request remains to be seen as he has already demonstrated poor decision making in yielding to Trump's demands for premature openings of Texas businesses for economic reasons. 'Making a buck but dying in the process of doing it' is not in Texas' best interests. Does Abbott have the leadership and decision making ability to lead Texas in the right direction during this pandemic?

The COVID-19 fatalities stated here clearly show that face-to-face instruction in the BISD is likely to continue to result in more illnesses and fatalities for our BISD teachers, students, administrators, and support staff. Will Governor Abbott make the correct decision and err on the side of safety for our district's citizens? Or, will he continue the deceit that is part of the present administration?

Anonymous said...

Fox News Reports That Biden Paid No Porn Stars

Tucker Carlson called the stunning revelations “unbecoming of someone seeking the nation’s highest office.”

Anonymous said...

I ask why Fox News — an outwardly right-wing network with prime-time shows that often veer into lightly varnished white nationalism — has been awarded the first debate.

Granting the network the imprimatur of a neutral arbiter of political debates gives legitimacy to a network that has no interest in fulfilling that role. But it’s particularly scandalous to let Fox News anywhere near a debate on race.

Anonymous said...

But look at the death to case ratio.. only 11 deaths out of 179 cases? It's not worth keeping the schools shut down and continuing to cause all this unnecessary stress to parents and students. Schools need to re-open already, and teachers need to go back to work ON CAMPUS RIGHT NOW. They can even do their virtual learning on campus! There's no need for teachers to be working from home if they are still getting paid the same amount! All students should have the right to go back for face-to-face instruction if they want to.

I can't believe BISD would want to wait for 2021. Students are not receiving quality learning via virtually. And if distance learning keeps going, I can already see many students not passing to the next grade level for failing their end of the year exam or for not being able to turn in online work. They are already falling behind at home.

Anonymous said...

Close the damn schools
Teachers make enough to pay for wifi
Let the teacher aides stay home
The teacher aides cant afford wifi
The cafeteria workers desrve unemployment as do the bus drivers
Ya !

Anonymous said...

EDITORIAL: Tight times: Lingering effects of virus can limit budgets, services


BobbyWC said...

7:20 p.m. you need to stop your nonsense of disinformation. BISD has been closed since March. How many of these BISD staff contract COVID from a closed school?

Just stop the lies. No matter how hard you try we all know most if not all of these BISD staffers contracted Covid when the BISD was closed. Jeez do you think we are all just stupid.

USA did a study of positivity among staff and teachers in Florida schools. Because the schools are providing a safer environment for the kids than the parents who were dragging them all over town, the positivity rate is down.

"Many teachers and families feared a spike in COVID-19 cases when Florida made the controversial push to reopen schools in August with in-person instruction.

A USA TODAY analysis shows the state’s positive case count among kids ages 5 to 17 declined through late September after a peak in July."


Yea we all know USA Today is just a socialist paper printing lies

Anonymous said...

Enough of the whining! I've been an essential employee since day one of this pandemic. My employer has provided me with some PPE. "I" took it upon myself to purchase additional PPE for my own safety. I don't expect my employer to do anything. I need my job to maintain my home and kids. Do I wish I had the option to work form home? Yes I would. But I can't my job doesn't function that way. But as a responsible person looking out for children and myself. I started planning in advance. When the situation wasn't getting better I made plans for my kids to be watched while I worked. I don't take them out to the grocery store for my shopping, they visit only grandparents and we limit our outings. They were their mask and wash hands very often. It's the new normal.. If so many of us can do it...why can't these teachers or staff from BISD?
The numbers of the ages that are getting covid-19 are school age. Why blame BISD? Blame the parents, blame those that have let the guard down. You go to any Walmart, HEB, the mall and it's full of people and children? Really?? Come on.
What we need to work together and make as transition that everyone can be safe. Just like you give parents a school supply list of what's each grade level teachers are needing .... just as for PPE at this point. Our kids need to continue their education.. these kids our the FUTURE. They will be regressing instead of PROGRESSING.
Don't be part of the problem..... Be part of the Solution.

Anonymous said...

El idiota is making 30k "A MONTH" he'll even keep his mommy from knowing anything, most people here (90%) make from 2000 to 3000 A MONTH. FIRE THE AH!

Anonymous said...

Beaches are packed with families, Walmart, HEB and Target are maxed out yet you want to trap our kids at Home?

Anonymous said...

BISD is already being dishonest to parents. I would like to see the actual data and evidence they are claiming about their deaths and cases. For all we know, they could be making these deaths and cases up just so they can stay closed.

How come their teachers can't go to work ON CAMPUS?! They are taking advantage of this "pandemic." ALL TEACHERS SHOULD GO BACK TO WORK ON CAMPUS, whether they have students or not inside classrooms. They are getting too comfortable and lazier being at home. Students are not even learning at home! Students are also spending WAY too much screen time on the computers. My elementary kids have WAY too many online assignments every week! It's so hard to do them all on time. They are NOT college students! Distance learning is NOT reasonable and NOT realistic for elementary students.
