Thursday, September 10, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: First the City of Brownsville created a fiasco with COVID-19 testing by limiting access to city residents and gave one vendor about $1 million worth of favored treatment for over four months before it was overwhelmed and opened the door for others. Now, Mayor Trey Mendez's limiting restaurants to 25 percent capacity has run afoul of the Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's order. Who is the amended city order favoring now? And an even more pointed question: What else can the city commission and its top administrators mess up?)

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

BROWNSVILLE (KVEO) — The City of Brownsville’s attempt to limit restaurant capacity to no more than 25 percent has been ruled invalid by state officials.

In a letter addressed to Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez, officials with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton advised the city that its limitation contradicts Governor Greg Abbott’s orders.

According to the letter, Executive Order GA-28 allows restaurants to open at up to 50 percent capacity, as opposed to the city’s limitation of 25 percent.

The attorney general’s office stressed that it is up to restaurants, not local governments, to decide their capacity under the 50 percent rule.

“The City of Brownsville’s order clearly conflicts with Governor Abbott’s order. It is imperative that we remain consistent in our application of limitations, and that the restaurants operating within the state’s limitations are allowed to do so,” said Attorney General Paxton. “The city should immediately review and revise this unlawful order.”


Anonymous said...

Pay attention to your elders los gringos and so do as they say meskin, idiota

It that's the case why do we need a mayor!!!

BobbyWC said...

So do they fight or continue to go down the rabbit hole with Abbott who is following Trump down the rabbit hole? To not fight would be reckless. Trump has mislead us, and no one should follow him. Time to fight. I just read a story in another country where the teacher died of Covid on camera during zoom instruction. The kids watched her gasp for air, and then die.

I eat out one meal a day to support the restaurants. Once a week we order from Kiki's. This last time the line was busy for 30 minutes. They told me it would be an hour. I headed out about 30 minutes later and they called me just as I pulled into the parking lot to tell me it was ready. There was a long line of cars picking up.

I think some owners have made it work. Kiki's is certainly very busy. Maybe the city has to close a few streets on the weekend to allow the restaurants to set up more tables outside. We have the weather, let's use it.

But the city needs to fight this and the restaurants better understand their is no immunity, although I would say you do not want me on a jury in such a case, because if you are dumb enough to eat in a restaurant you are the reason you got Covid. Just order take out and try to order take out at least once a week from a local restaurant.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Mexicans think they are are above the law...or possibly they are too simply stupid to understand the written word!

Anonymous said...

Da Blimp has lost so many readers that he has to visit other Blogs. ja ja ja ja. Vato inutil! Y feo el Guey!!!!

Anonymous said...

Where is the "Paya" Blog Reviewer"? That dumb-ass infatuated with Jerry Mchale.

Anonymous said...

Trey Mendez is more interested on who complained to the Attorney General or who paid for the decision to come so quickly during the Pandemic. What Mayor Trey Mendez doesn't realize or won't accept that he is an idiot with no leadership skills. The position of Mayor is way above his head. He wants to be rich like Eddie Lucio III by using his position to take out his competition and be hired as a consultant to become rich. His buddy Ruben O'Bell has his restaurant away from Down Town and is soon to be included for tax exemptions under Trey Mendez. Ruben O'bell is the Chief of Staff for E3 and political advisor to Trey Mendez. They are on a quick get rich scheme off the poor small buisness in Brownsville, TX. The State of Texas has Brownsville, TX on the Radar. They will soon cut off money from the State to Brownsville because of the quick scamm the Mayor Trey Mendez is pulling. At this rate The City of Brownsville, TX will soon have to declare Bank Ruptcy or increase the Taxes to continue to operate. Obviously by the time the City of Brownsville increases the taxes, Trey and his buisnes partners would have guaranteed exemption from the City to not pay taxes. Don't say you weren't warned.

Anonymous said...

The city did not stumble. The state is letting us down. Hypocrites in Austin claim they are for home rule but what they mean is that they are for home rule providing it agrees with what they want. They are liars with no respect for us.

Anonymous said...

You have the right to hide under your bed if you want to

Anonymous said...

@10:03 If you were in the restaurant business, you would be singing a different tune! Go hide in your gay closet with your stupid face mask on all afraid!!!

Anonymous said...

Frankie Olivo is a wife beater and creep hanging with other losers. His latest endeavor: sports talk with Roman Perez.

Anonymous said...

Juan, La Blimp y El Paya Jerry McHale se estan dando chingasos....y parece que la Blimp le esta partiendo la pinche cara al Jerry. ja ja ja ja Como dos gallinas estos babosos!

Anonymous said...

By the looks of your body, BobbyWC you are eating way too-much, more than your share. There are others in town, you know. Maybe you don't.

Anonymous said...

Please state law TRUMPS city ordinances. Plus no City judge in his right mind will place fines on businesses that are barely surviving as it is. We need to support them not fine them. People have a choice to stay home or go out and help the economy thrive. You have a CHOICE.

Anonymous said...

To comments 1 & 3 its not that the Mayor or Judge don't understand it's that they are trying to keep you and all of us safe. If you do not understand that who is STUPID!!!!

Anonymous said...

Voting for Trump: Erasmo, La Frankie, El Paya Jerry McHale.

Anonymous said...

Robert Mata te están picando los ojos

Anonymous said...

@3:22 Keeping us safe? You must also believe in tooth fairy and Santa Claus! Idiota! Go hide in your closet with your stupid face mask so you can be safe you pussy! And while in your closet, you can order a Trey pizza and he will deliver it all the way to your closet so you can be safe idiota!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the City Attorney let this one through...what;s next? The role of the Ciy Attorney is to follow State law and Federal law, not Trey law.

Anonymous said...

This is not scientific but I am talking to a !of of democrats that will vote Republican this time. They are tired of the party of no fun. No church, no school no law and order no football no eating out Democratic party.

We will see

Anonymous said...

More like slosh or wallow. idiotas

Anonymous said...

That Bobby Cervantes must be getting some kickbacks for advertising for KIKI"S Your local government is the one that are misleading us. First, by appointing Physicians assistance to create a panic mode, and making up Covid-19 numbers to create and mislead the Legal Citizens of Cameron County. Trey Martinez is a great example, because he never closed his pizza business. Cervantes We live in the UNITED STATES and we truly have a president not a dictatorship. We as citizens of United States stand by our president. Our Texas Governor and the Texas Attorney General issued an order and by God Bobby follow the rules for once in your life. You already got one foot in the ground with your PRE_EXISTING conditions so you should be more careful and as far as being on as juror, we have nothing to fear.

Anonymous said...

Frankie and Roman what a combination. What does Roman know about sports, about anything, he doesn’t work,
He lives in Government tit. Brownsville Can do much much better than that. Por favor. The gang of orange suits gonna take over BISD?

BobbyWC said...

8:40. First of all Trey closed his business for eating inside so you are wrong. Kiki's does have customers eating in doors. I fully support Trey and his partners opening his patio. I think it would be a good message to the other restaurant. I have said I support the city at night shutting down streets so the restaurants can open for outdoor sit down service. Restaurants in shopping strips need to work with their landlord to set up outside eating in the parking lot. In San Antonio I ate in a restaurant - albeit they only had one other group in the place. I use the example of Kiki's because as smart business owners they are making it. Do not make excuses for those who could not adapt. As to caring for myself, I am extremely careful. I know I can only be safer, but not safe. I defy you to show me any rule I am not following. I wear a facial covering. I do not allow for large gatherings at my home, which has a lot of people mad because they want access to the pool. I have supported flying. So exactly what are you talking about? Brownsville is looking at 300 dead + per month. We still need to be vigilant. You seem to think 300 families losing their loved ones is ok. I do not. For small business I have called on the BPUB to help by getting rid of the fuel surcharge. No one and I mean no one in social media has posted more asking for help for the small business owner than me. I have called on everyone to eat at local restaurants at least once a week. I do it daily which is a challenge since I am very careful what I eat. But the good news is I am now doing 15 laps in my pool three times a day. I am about to spend 3 hours mowing the backyard, so I am getting plenty of exercise now that I can.

Anonymous said...

Smile and wave fellas, wave your money good bye. Our city runs on corruption at every level. Running for public office guarantees you monies. Who has the better connections let’s keep it between us we can divert attention elsewhere. What ever happened to mega steel company that our board members promised us they ran on that platform. Nada just false promises.
