Tuesday, September 29, 2020


"B.U.C. works to ensure effective leadership and voter awareness in the community by holding periodic campaign forums.   The individual unions take seriously the recommendation of candidates,  respecting the votes by their members of candidates who will best represent their interests.  Since the coalition is not an autocracy or dictatorship, it does not attempt to undermine or overrule the preference of a particular union.   Democratic principles are always followed." 
Brownsville Observer


Anonymous said...

2 college graduates, one with clean record (Jaime Diez) and great example for our youth and they endorse the uneducated person who has been part of the compadre system, I wonder why? Regardless of this endorsement, it doesn't mean anything, the members are not obligated to vote for the endorsed candidate.

Anonymous said...

YES! Olivo must go down. Lose, I mean!!! ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Go Denise!

Anonymous said...

With Minerva in the picture, you can bet there is something up their sleeve.
She tends to andar de metiche en todo y mentirosa como Trump. She bangs her chest to profess her love, and she blesses everyone except herself. Wherever she is involved, make sure you run away from it. I'd rather vote for Coach Joe than give her my vote and Louie is not getting my vote.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale still complimenting himself: "I'll need at least another three months to finish The Coronavirus Chronicles. It could be my greatest work ever."

Cause no one else will do it! Ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

El Blimp como una vieja toda caliente al pinche airport sin aviones. What a Pendejo! Always off-key, dude!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That association is a joke. An endorsement with them is no big deal. And the BUC is run by a bunch of clowns too

Anonymous said...

Nobody gives a crap about the unions. Usually they say they will endorse somebody and only the people that take the picture with the candidate vote for that person. What a joke! Denise is a good candidate compared to the others that are running. Vote Denise even if the unions don't.

Anonymous said...

BUC and TVEA are not the peoples or union members choice to endorse. It is solely up to the president and you have to sell your soul to them. I wouldn't brag about their endorsements.

Anonymous said...

Recycling the same old shit!!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:50am Yes you are half correct. 1 candidate has a degree; but you failed to mentioned that he is also a criminal. He plead guilty to a felony and placed on Pre-Trial Diversion.
What are you trying to tell the our youth that it's ok to be a criminal because if you tell lies and people believe them you can do whatever you want!

I will vote for Denise Garza; she truly has the best intentions for the district. Even if she doesn't have a degree.
A degree or many degrees doesn't have a person. The person character, morals and upbringing mean a lot.

Vote for the NON Criminals!!

Remember the "Me Too" !!
Women will not be SILENCED by Macho, egoistic, "I AM" better than a female unless you let me treat you like shit and mentally and physically abuse you men.

I will stand next to a strong women that will not back down from a Bully!
My VOTE is for Denise!

Anonymous said...

People call the association a joke because they didn't endorse the CRIMINAL SLATE!
What's also funny is that you have people endorsing the Criminal Slate that don't even live within the boundaries to vote in the BISD race.
At the same token you have candidates that don't own a home so they don't pay school taxes.

It's amazing how some people are easily convinced by lies and turn the head the other way. I know some BISD employees that are strongly pushing for the slate but you can't vote. You are just as an idiot as the next person next to you who think the slate is the best move. A slate that down grades people by calling them names and you think they have the best interest for you. Why don't you ask Castro how many conferences he attended while he served on the board? Ask him did you behave at your best behavior? Did you represent BISD well? Hmmm I beg to differ as he got shit faced and drunk at those conferences.
Is that what you want these bag of criminals to represent BISD.

What a bunch of IDIOTAS! IMBICLES!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:51 am

And you think AOBE is any better? that so called President Veronica should be asking herself if her dad would be proud of her on how she is totally opposite of what he believed. I totally respect Mr. George Borrego, he had no problems going head-to-head against the board. I saw if with my one eyes. He helped everyone teachers, staff, custodians, bus drivers. To him they were all equal. But guarantee he wouldn't be supporting anyone with a criminal record! I'm sure he is flipping in his grave on how his daughter has turned the organization into a circus.

Anonymous said...

Castro - 19-CCR-04814 (Currently on Probation for his DWI) don't forget his felony.
Olivo - Placed on Pre-Trial Diversion (He had to plead GUILTY) 2018XMG00923 Class B Harassment & 2018XMG00922 FELONY

Elizondo - Still has pending cases in District Court

Cardenas - Owes Child Support to his own Child $50K dollars... He can't even pay for the interest in his own child. Do you think he has interest in Yours?!

This is not the people that need to be elected. These people DONT have the best interest in Your Children. If Elected they will be a Self Serving board...looking for a way to pocket our money. They want there part in the cookie jar. They will leave you with far less CRUMBS!

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale still complimenting himself: "I'll need at least another three months to finish The Coronavirus Chronicles. It could be my greatest work ever." That's D/MP sucking old mchale's peepee again. And then mchale will write "there's no better writer" than D/MP bien punyetas los dos geriatrics. Get a room pinches jotos. and take the Master Bater Frankie "furter" Olivo with you so he can take selfies.

Anonymous said...

AOBE members think they actually voted!! What a bunch of dumbasses. The president and her minions chose what they wanted. People who think the slate is better have some serious issues.
1. What accomplishments did Erasmo do during his unfinished term?
Spent BISD money on conferences he could attend. Board had to place a limit on trips
2. Carlos Elizondo did nothing unless it benefited him.
3. Joe Rodriguez received tons of money as a silent partner with athletic vendors.
Both Elizondo and Rodriguez pushed for a scoreboard that was way too expensive and took money from our sped department
Over 25 positions were reassigned from sped at the hands of these two members. They didn’t care you were in the pool.
4. Frankie Olivo brags about being a certified teacher. I can’t find your certificate through TEA. If anyone else would have done what he did ( a teacher or staff member), you would be fired. He received special treatment cause of Elia Cornejo. Who in their right mind says they are happy to have gone through this experience. I am pretty sure his victim would think the same. This only means he has no sympathy for his victim as he says it with so much pride.

Erasmo claims retaliation will end, but we all know he is the number one person who will retaliates. Any business that doesn’t feed into his bullshit becomes a target. We don’t need this fat fuck and his puppet slate to be our board members.

I can't believe Brownsville would be stupid to vote these 4 people in. Yet complain why Brownsville can't progress. These 4 men have so much hate and that isn't good when given power.

Anonymous said...

Jaime Diez is the best choice and will not sell out to the highest bidder and put the students,parents and employees of the district first.

Anonymous said...

Shake rattle and roll your ass things here will never change ask WHY is the FBI not getting involved and investigate all these corrupt politicians. Local law enforcement is in partnership with the croocked elected officials.
