Tuesday, September 22, 2020



Anonymous said...

Who is the woman? And can you get anything of his ex-wife, the one he supposedly abused?

Olivo is bad news, a Bad Hombre!

Anonymous said...

And he wants us to believe that he learned a lesson and matured in the last 2 years. Please... wake up people. Do NOT VOTE FOR HIM.
Don't vote for CRIMINALS..!!

Anonymous said...

Did the courts require him to get counseling? Or did he get away with it?

Anonymous said...

Should this dick pic sending pervert be around children?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nombre no puede ser. Como pueden votar por un cochino come el frankie y el erasmo

Anonymous said...

Erasmo wants frankie to win so he can be his puppet.
One pedophile to abuse and use a sexual harasser.
What great candidates and role models for our children of BISD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, imagine him at BISD Board with Erasmo Castro and Carlos Elizondo?
What's going on at the Central Administration Building by the Stadium. I went to drop of paperwork there and maintenance crew moving the Health Services Department to the 2nd floor and the 2 person Professional Development Dept downstairs to Health Services office. I know I go there to drop of paperwork to the nurses and parents would be there. When it rains it pours for the nurses, no N95 PPE, no shields, risking their lives, and now thrown out of their office because Ms. Castro demands she be there in Health Services and AA Sauceda approved it? Last year too, Professional Development Admin Castro wanted a big office built for her and Sauceda approved it as per Secre. The rest of the offices are full of termites and are prohibited to even paint or remodel. Everyone knows Ms. Castro probably went crying to Sauceda and Minnie Pena. This is the priority right now for BISD Superintendent, not COVID-19, just praising one employee. I guess having Frankie and Erasmo is ok, pure bs like what we have now in BISD.

Anonymous said...

La cagas, Frankie, la cagas.

Anonymous said...

Well his got the balls to run and move on. Frankie has my vote! The Superintendent needs balls. He has yet to move anyone other than furniture. I have worked for 35 years and never seen BISD this bad.

Anonymous said...

He's perfect for THE BISD School Board. He will fit in with all of the other dumbass scumbags.

The BISD is basically a 3rd option for kiddos that can't get into a charter, St. Joe or some of the better private schools in Mata or up the Valley.

Get your kids out of the BISD and let it rot and rust into the ground where it belongs.

If the Border is not opened up soon and they don't find a better online or virtual classroom setting. they are going to start laying off teachers anyways. One the high schools was short 900 students.

Best advice, let it die and start over...

Anonymous said...

That's what is going to happen know they are bidding cases from employees so they don't have to shut down schools like a certain recent high school. The community needs to get these incompetent people out the superintendent down to the AA's.All are a joke and are bringing the district down.

Anonymous said...

Well Frankie, Erasmo, and Elizondo I do hope you have learned from these mistakes you've made. What about the one's sitting pretty on the board right now? Have they committed white collar crimes that haven't been exposed? Lying, stealing, illegal contracts? School Board attorney Salazar, has S#*T hanging over him and he's still there. Maybe his family's political ties earn him points. Let's just call it the way it is all around. What about the newbies that are running for office, are you promising favors for special interest? Don't just target the obvious, but also investigate "Las mosquitas muertas"that are sitty on any type of board. This is happening all over our city, including School Board, City, County, PUB, College, Port of Brownsville, local State officials, and other organizations that have appointed/elected members that would rather serve themselves first over the betterment of our community and area. Some of you are getting rich and living comfortably with our tax money. I just hope that if you "GOT OUR MONEY HONEY, YOU'LL DO SOME TIME". Shame on you, because some of you haven't gotten caught.

Anonymous said...

For the sake of Matamoros kids open up the schools!

GGL said...

And you keep saying the Republicans are the problem. WOW

Anonymous said...

The AA Dora Sauceda is all about promoting her BFFs. Hired someone from the outside in her Dept last month and tells everyone there's no positions for the regular people. Rose Longoria was a favor to Minerva Pena and Dora BFF. Now Dora pushing for Cynthia Castro and calling on Minerva Pena to help. Everyone knows how BISD works. You don't see Dora going out of her way to help anyone, big diva ego even though Dallas ISD kicked her out for trying to pull a fast one for $10k. BISD needs Frankie. Adelante Frankie no shame. BISD has employees doing worse.

Anonymous said...

September 22 @ 11:39 correction....*sitting

Anonymous said...

11:39 they haven't gotten caught because they are not shameless or they are just good honest people, but for those ones that have been caught they are shameless sob and would screw you over in a heartbeat. Once a rat always a rat. You said, " I hope they have learned from their mistakes". These assholes are grown men, when did they start to learn that lying, stealing, bearing false witness, adultery, was just wrong. These pieces of shit would do it again and again because they have black hearts no honor no love for our community and simply are greedy fucks.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:36 pm We do need to Remember the Me Too! Which when push came to shove so many names were on that list. People that had many degrees and good paying jobs. But had one Thing in common; they treated women with disrespect and abuse! Wen know that Frankie has and continues his old ways. 2018 was when he got caught.. plain and simple. We women are STRONG! We need to stick together.
Support Strong Women that will not back down to these so called Men.

Vote Daniella
Vote Denise
Vote Jessica

3 Strong Women that will be the VOICE that WE NEED. OUR Students, Our Teachers, Our Staff.

Not for self-serving individuals that want claim to have your best interest. Who continue to claim ownership over You..
VOTE AGAINST THE SLATE THAT WILL BRING OUR DISTRICT DOWN the wrong path. We the right people our District has a chance in getting better. How we used to be! Bring back the pride and respect. If your candidate speak negative towards anyone and wishes bad, demoralizes them, bullies them. They are not a good person at heart and they will not have your best interest.

Anonymous said...

I like strong women so I will vote for them

Anonymous said...

stroking, holding, jerking with left hand

There is no need to be so descriptive!!!

the lady: harassed, annoyed, alarmed, abused, tormented, embarrassed, offended

Poor lady. She probably has to avoid this guy at the store, at the movies, at church,

Anonymous said...

Someone should make a sign with the candidates in their orange jumpsuit. Erasmo, Frankie, Carlos, and Viro.

Anonymous said...

don't forget about Erasmo's stepmom (Alicia Castro) Who owns the businesses of notary. she's been sued for filling out immigration paperwork that a Texas Notary isn't suppose to fill out!!
Here is her case number 2017-DCL-05711
This is the lady that raised Erasmo, Linda and the rest of the low lives. They had to learn from some one. But then this Castro family wants to be respected and claim they have morals. I would hate to see how they would act if they didn't have any morals. The apple doesn't fall to farm from the tree; even is she isn't the biological mother to them.
