Thursday, September 3, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: The current controversy over Brownsville Independent School District trustee Laura Perez-Reyes' call for the termination of BISD board counsel Baltazar Salazar for being a convicted felon has been delayed until the next board meeting October 6. So far, only fellow trustee Eddie Garcia – a 30-year Brwnsville Police Dept. veteran – has joined her in calling for his removal. BISD board chair Minerva Peña, who  voted back in 2013 to hire him despite the unclear criminal background check, has defended him tooth and nail and scoffed at Perez-Reyes' claims. 

Trustee Phil Cowen is coming around to the realization that the lawyer may have covered up the conviction when he applied for the job with the district. Because the 107th District Court had issued an order of expungement, the files were removed from public access and unavailable to the public. They were unavailable to BISD HR personnel when they investigated his application. 

The Texas 13th Court of Appeals reversed the court order when the Texas Department of Public Safety appealed the expunction. The files now on the shelves and open to the public and reveal the facts below. What will Peña, Dr. Sylvia Atkinson, Drue Brown and Prisci Roca-Tipton do now?) 

By Juan Montoya

It took a while, but the Baltazar Salazar files are back on the shelves of the Cameron County District Clerk's Office.

Salazar, board counsel with the Brownsville Independent School District since April 2013, was charged with felony theft on three charges dating back to 1983. He is now board attorney at an annual $300,000 salary.

The first charge was 83-CR-416-A. The second was 85-CR-450-A.

The third was 85-CR-23-A.

All involved Salazar issuing three checks without funds for $1,000s of dollars each.

Of the first two listed above, both were dismissed on technicalities in Cameron County courts; one for being filed after the statute of limitations had passed, the other was dismissed for "want of prosecution."

But the third one – 85-CR-23-A – reached a final verdict. That verdict was guilty and it was issued by then-judge Melchor Chavez in the 107th District Court. The verdict was contained in the order issued then (click to enlarge):

The defendant was ordered to pay:

Salazar appealed the verdict and sentence to the Texas Court of Appeals and the court upheld the verdict of the trial court. When he tried to expunge the conviction from his record, the court said that:

"As to the third offense, Salazar did not even deny that he was given community supervision. The supplemental clerk’s record contains a “Probation Judgment” in trial court cause number 85-CR-23-A stating that on February 26, 1985, the trial court found Salazar guilty of theft by check and sentenced him to three years’ imprisonment; the trial court suspended the sentence and placed Salazar on probation for seven years. Salazar appealed the judgment and this Court affirmed the conviction in appellate cause number 13-85-181-CR in May 1986."

Claims that the conviction was "set aside" by an order of "judicial clemency" has been discarded by legal observers who say that the law cited – Article 42A-701 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure – specifically applies to "The Reduction of Termination of Community Supervision Period," which Salazar was granted shortening his seven-year probation to five, not to the conviction. The felony conviction stands.

When Salazar applied for the BISD legal counsel position, he claimed he had not been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude, theft being listed among some of those crimes.

By contrast, if someone applied to work at the district and was found to have been convicted of such a crime, they would not be hired. And if they did not disclose a conviction, they would be subject to immediate termination. Will the board members do the right thing?


Anonymous said...

I sense the feeling of betrayal how could we have overlooked something that happened way back in 83. Is it once a criminal always a criminal? I’m visualizing the pattern here. All the pons are falling into place. The political posturing and positioning is in full affect. The puppeteers are starting to customize their puppets. You have a half billion dollar budget (let that sink in peeps) at stake, the leeches are making their moves. Big contracts that must remain within a tight group the way it has always been for years. I’ll finance your election buuuut I need your vote. Remember I have the money you can count on me. My treasure chest is immense no one can touch us. I pray that this man who you speak of has been rehabilitated for something in 1983.

Anonymous said...

Good yob chiquita

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry is dumping on working mom and BISD candidate Denise Renee Garza on his lying Blog -

"She is accusing this highly regarded source of information and entertainment of taking money in order to write lies about her."

Highly regarded? Ja ja ja ja ja Maybe in his own demented, 70-year-old mind. That ShitBlog is useless. He lies all the time and now attacks a woman who is running against his Dick Pic nephew, El Olivo!

Ha ha ha ha ha. Le pusieron los cuernos hasta que perdio la mente!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been publishing on the Mchale blog and the blog hasn't publish any of my comments I wonder why this does say alot about that blog. This is one that I posted let's see if he publishes it:So your mchale blog can post defamatory statement against Mrs. Garza but when they do it against you it becomes an issue. Don't get upset take it you are treated the way you treat others. This says alot about your blog and the puppets you want elected. Like I previously said you have a degree and can't even make right decisions that says alot. I also published another that was saying about Diez not being smart even though he has a degree and that in my personal opinion people who have been convicted should not be allowed or considered for a candidacy in Bisd, specially if it's a child abuse or molestation conviction. To the Mchale blog have the disency and professionalism to post them. Be transparent that's what we need or are you dirty as others.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan No Pos WOW guess since Laura perez is leaving BISD now all of the sudden she has had enuff of Baltazar Salazar milking the BISD Cow (taxpayers) for the last 7 years at a nice healthy tune of $$$ millions of dollars along with Garcia too. both of them are only just trying to look good before the enxt elections. Laura and Eddie how come this didnt come out before when both of you took office months or years ago. What a coincident now both of you are taking a stand. puro bull shit, smells like a PUB sewer plant. Remember Laura and Eddie and Baltazar, God is watching.

Anonymous said...

What is the difference with one more crook on the local government payroll? They are common in these parts.

Anonymous said...

Finally, the truth comes out! 2 down, who's next?

Anonymous said...

Minnie Pena covers for Balta. Minnie did say that Balta can learn on the job. When Minnie favors an employee, experience does not matter. Like for Rose Longoria, Minnie begged the Superintendent to hire her. Minnie claimed the Superintendent does not jump on her requests, only Laura's. Minnie got Rose Longoria in. Minnie gets calls from a lot of her bff ex and current employees to cover or hire their bff's. BISD will never change, the current board just wants to pass the bucket around. Atkinson still defending Balta too.

Anonymous said...

Trump encourages supporters to vote twice, which is illegal

To kick OUT all these ball-less elected officials WE NEED TO VOTE TWICE

Anonymous said...

This was and still is a convicted felon, the district attorney (Luis Saenz), the district clerk Auroa De la Garza) , the sheriff Omar Lucio), and the Brownsville Independent School District all knew. The district judge for the 107th is no other than Benjamin Uresti. Check the chain of corruption, Judge, Sheriff, District clerk, District attorney all knew way before Salazar was hired. The question is why all the conspiracy to cover-up for this Salazar guy? What did he promised? What were the consequences and outcome of the illegal hiring of Salazar. Erick Garza was working under former District clerk Aurora de la Garza during this event. Follow Eric Garza, Luis Saenz, the new district clerk, and the visiting judge assigned to this case. Also check the four county court at law dockets for forfeiture concurrent negligence. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Jerry McHale must be smoke some good ass weed and missing it up with his Xanax and his famous bill pill that he needs to keep it up. He must be obsessed with his nephew's candidate. He hasn't stopped writing about her. Does he think that people will pay attention to a washed up journalist? He is just doing his wife a favor and supporting Frankie. If you read Garza's letter..and compare it to what McHale is saying he is twisting her words. I'm not in the education field but I'm aware of AOBE and what they are suppose to do. But participating in a talk show like Castro's that disrespects BISD leaders and employees is not right. Would Mr. George Borrego be happy what his daughter has turned the organization too? If you have questions or advise to offer Ms. Garza why don't you ask her. She listed her contact info. I'm going to do that and interview her myself. I'm going to get my information directly from her. Not hear say or twisted from any blogger! Ms. Garza be ready for my interview.

Anonymous said...

Mchale claims he isn’t being paid by Frankie. What a crock of shit!! Frankie’s Aunt Claudia Olivo is paying Mchale with sex. Jerry is too Pussy whip and isn’t focused and is talking out of his ass for Claudia. My vote goes to Denise Garza or Jaime Diez. Either one of those two candidates will be the right choice. I wonder why Jerry is so obsessed with Ms. Garza or is it Claudia that is so obsessed with her? Writing lies and twisting words doesn’t get votes. Remember Jerry with the sheriff’s race?

Anonymous said...

its the norm in Cameron "King" County, got to be a crook to be a politician, just ask all the present and previous democrat office holders, El que No Transa, No avanza, Ay le ye vas Laura Y Eddie.

Anonymous said...

Montoya now on to Erasmo Castro. He was arrested for forgery which is a felony. Can yo post his decision because he should not be eligible to hold office. You stated he was arrested and was found guilty in 1984 so where is the decision . He is an embarrassment to our city!!

Anonymous said...

BISD, Please learn from Rio Grande City CISD, they didn't hesitate to get rid of trash.

Anonymous said...

@1122 why do you have to bring the sheriffs office into this

Anonymous said...

A week or so ago, there was a comment posted in this blog that said, "Bring back Ernesto Manriquez back to BISD special services." Why would somebody make such a comment? Well, the answer is becoming more obvious. If the Denise Garza is elected to the board of BISD trustees will she try to get Manriquez hired as Director of Special Services? According to Jerry McHale, Manriquez "holds Denise in high regard as she is willing to go the extra mile".

Ernesto Manriquez was a crony of Art Rendon who came to work in BISD Special Services when Rendon was made Director of Special Services. A period of time when certain board members made special concessions to their friends in employment of specific job in BISD.

Anonymous said...

How did a board president get to publicly defend the lawyer when Obed of her board members is stating how he made threats Against her. Becauthe gave her thousands for her campaign.... isn’t that a conflict of interest? Get pena out she doesn’t deserve to be on the board. She sure did make a deal with the dévil. .

Anonymous said...

Erasmo: we can’t have the compadre system anymore

Erasmo: vote for me and all my compadres

Erasmo: we all have criminal records

Anonymous said...

Frankie needs to distance himself from Erasmo’s horrible reputation.

Ex felon for
Misconduct with children

Frankie seems better than that. Erasmo is his uncle but he needs to stray away from his uncle and his cellmates Carlos Elizondo and Viro Cardenas

Anonymous said...

Many of us cannot believe that Denise Garza (AKA Mujica) would have the nerve to be running for the BISD board. She would brag about her alone making all this medicaid money for BISD while thinking us special education teachers and aides would never find out about what she was saying to people in and out of the school district. The former superintendent who left to San Antonio and his wife another clerk at special services would believe her without realizing that the hard working special education teachers and paraprofessionals generated the money while we cared for the children in our classrooms feeding them, changing them, assisting in the restroom, monitoring behavior, and taking them to the nurses for medication. Denise loved to say "I bring in all this money to the district" to the former superintendent and his wife. We had to enter by ourselves all our medicaid billing on the computer and this took many hours to complete. Ask the leader of BEST who is a retired special education teacher about this. We all did the hard work. Denise just pushed some buttons on a keyboard every once in a while and spent plenty of time in her male friend's office at special services. She did not change, feed, or do any of the hard work we did in the classroom. The training we received on medicaid billing was always done by people from Houston ISD, not by Denise. They would come down in person to meet with us. She wanted to pretend to be a supervisor, but even the new special education teachers figured out she was a clerk by the way she presented herself. Now Denise claims she was the medicaid coordinator. Give us a break. That position has never existed in BISD. She needs to be honest about her job title when she worked at special services. Give credit where credit is due. The staff from Houston ISD medicaid where the go-to-people for billing help. Since Denise had been gone, we still continue to receive medicaid billing training and support from the people from Houston and our medicaid monies have increased over the years without her. The former superintendent and his wife (clerk) thought Denise was needed. Many of us did not think that back then and don't think we need Denise Garza (Mujica) in BISD now or in the future.

Anonymous said...

Why is Minerva protecting that Baltazar attorney that has cost the District $2million. The problem with Minerva is she goes out to eat with everyone and promises them favors. Who is paying for Minervas campaign? Baltazar? That's how Rose Longoria got in. Minerva and Rose would have lunch together all the time. People saw them all over town. Now Minerva having lunch with another Administrator even during Covid-19, they are all over town. With the Bible in the hand, Minerva lies about all her deals. Before Minerva leaves, another AA position.

Anonymous said...

A little education for the Mchale blog,
Famous people do your research I hope you know how to if not I'll show you.
The Wright Brothers. ...
Bill Gates. ...
Larry Ellison. ...
Michael Dell. ...
Steve Jobs. ...
Paul Allen. ...
Mark Zuckerberg.
Yes you got it people without education.Just FYI
Also why haven't you posted my comments are you afraid.

Anonymous said...

He's in the Sucio clique you all voted this what your going to get just look at PUB you idiotas!!







Anonymous said...

Still don't get why Erasmo won't answer the questions on his show regarding his sister Melissa. They keep asking him why she hates him but he won't answer. Answer the question and explain her disgust for you Erasmo. Your audience deserves the truth. You keep them focused on your hatred for my sister but you deflect the hard questions that come in regarding your arrests in the 80's and 90's and 00's and 10's. You just mention your DWI but explain all the other arrests. Frankie is the one saving your show. He actually seems like he cares and wants to make change. You want blood, vengeance, and chaos which is why you can't be trusted. You are on probation and will probably be told soon that you are ineligible because of your guilty plea for forgery which is a felony.

Anonymous said...

As a special education teacher I will say Denise was always very helpful and sat with me to bill. I do remember I group of teachers who would always give Denise and Houston Rep a hard time about billing. I also know she would help others out cause I saw it first hand when I would go to special services. She was more approachable and helpful than the lady before her.

Anonymous said...

@September 3, 2020 at 10:40 PM

As her yourself, Charlie

Anonymous said...

Que lindas papayas!

Anonymous said...

BISD receives two awards for financial transparency

WOW TWO awards?

Question? How much did BISD paid those organizations to join and continue on a yearly basis? Now lets see the transparency!!!

If it were coming out of your pockets you wouldn't get SHIT CAUSE YOU WILL NOT PAY THEM...


Just like the city paying 100k just to get the all american city award - fake shit and cost the taxpayers not the city...

Anonymous said...

As a special education teacher I have to say I am very ashamed that one of my special ed colleagues would take the time to go out of their way to make Ms. Mujica look bad. My experience with me Ms. Mujica was very much different as they describe. She was always available and assistant me. Yes, Houston reps do come down, but I never once needed to call them for assistance as I would call her for all questions and assistance. It was easier to call her than to wait for a response from Houston. You must be one of the group of teachers that would harass Ms. Mujica and the Houston Rep. I would always pray that I was not in the same SHARS training with these individuals who always made the training very difficult.

Anonymous said...

Jerry? is he a gringo or a grimex

Anonymous said...

minerva did not make a deal with the devil! SHE IS THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe that a person who speaks above others is not a good listener. I also believe that actions speak for themselves!!! A FELON is a FELON! A THIEF is THIEF, and a CON is a CON!!! CARLOS, FRANKIE, CASTRO, and VIRO, what do they all have in common? THINK AND ACT RESPONSIBLY AND BE TRUTHFUL TO YOURSELF! DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THESE GUYS ARE A ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR COMMUNITY AND CHILDREN???

Anonymous said...

It seems waiting tables is becoming a staple launching pad for browbsville politicians and shakers and movers

Anonymous said...

What you idiotas expect? He won't leave he's making 300k a year for 12 days of work. You need the police to drag him out of there, but nobody has the balls to do it.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that:
We have mostly crooks with their hands into the BISD 1/2 Billion cookie jar.
That we have crooks running to get their hands into the BISD 1/2 billion cookie jar.
That the movers and shakers decide who runs (in these races Balta being one of the movers and shakers) that they pay for their candidate’s campaigns. Also, that they pay politiqueras and politiqueros to harvest the votes, and that they also buy the people who tabulate said votes, therefore whoever pays the most on each race wins?? Could this all be true??

Anonymous said...

As a Special Education SHARS Clerk, you only imput information into the computer by those performing their job in educating children with disabilities. The job of the clerk is to assist the teachers and other personnel in making sure that their information is correct in order to generate funds for their services. The job of the SHARS clerk is simply a data processing job that can be perform by any individual with a simply high school diploma.

Anonymous said...

Felony charges in Texas cannot be legally dismissed for want of prosecution by the Court.

Anonymous said...

9:41 AM? Will that also include La Dr. A? I bet she has something up her sleeve and that is why she has not complained about the lack of a speedy trial. The other thing is that she will be able to control the board from behind bars -unless they go along with her.
