Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun


(Ed.'s Note: And our neighbors to the west, Hidalgo County is not doing much better, reporting 19 more deaths on Tuesday to bring the total number of fatalities in the county to 1,450 and the total of confirmed coronavirus cases to 29,721.

A testament to the skewered stats generated by municipalities and the state over COVID-19, the two-county total exceeded the number of deaths reported by the state (30 to 21).


Meanwhile, the City of Brownsville amended its amended amended amended order and heeded the warnings in a letter from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton it could face legal challenges in court if it did not conform to the emergency orders issued by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

According to the letter, Executive Order GA-28 allows gyms and restaurants to open at up to 50 percent capacity, as opposed to the city’s limitation of 25 percent. The city had been issuing citations based on Mayor Trey Mendez's 25 percent capacity rules which will now cease.

The attorney general’s office stressed that it is up to gym and restaurant establishments, not local governments, to decide their capacity under the 50 percent rule.

On Tuesday's city commission meeting, the agenda item was moved to their executive session.

After the executive session and some clarifications on how best to conform to the orders, the city voted to mirror the governor’s orders. They commissioners also lowered the city's COVID-19 Threat Matrix from red level four (4) to orange level three (3). Level 3 signifies a significant and an uncontrolled level of COVID-19 in Brownsville


Local justices of the peace are also prevented from approving evictions of renters. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention implemented a temporary eviction moratorium through the end of the year, protecting U.S. renters

The CDC’s moratorium will apply to all rental units nationwide until Dec. 31 and goes into effect immediately. The moratorium would cover around 40 million renters nationally.

A previous federal eviction moratorium created by the CARES Act ended n July and only applied to federally-funded housing, including rental units with mortgages backed by federal mortgage agencies. The moratorium will apply to any state in which there is not already a more protective ban in effect, according to the order.

Tenants must sing a declaration under penalty of perjury that they cannot pay the rent and hand it to their renter.)


Anonymous said...


BobbyWC said...

You know troll if you want to help make social media better, try sending a polite email pointing out the typo. This is a good story. It clearly shows the disconnect in reporting by the cities and the state. That is what is important. Juan puts his email out there so how about just sending a polite email explaining a typo instead of being a miserable troll.

When I type I have the syntax of Spanish, English, and Russian in my head with a functional knowledge of a host of other languages. Sometimes until my 3rd edit I do not catch how I used the wrong syntax. It happens. I see in everyone's writing inverted words. It drives me nuts when I edit because I do not know how it happened. I repeat words like if twice instead of typing is, another word and then if again. Now try reading for substance and how you can make our community better instead of yelling to your wife, "I growed a 1/16th of an inch by being a troll." Try extending the conversation even if you disagree with the post, but add to it by extending the discussion.

I will say it here first, my house is sold with an option to pull out by January. I am working on buying a house far away from the LRGV. This will end the BV and I really want Juan to kick the Herald's and all TV news asses. Juan and I do not agree on a lot. but I truly believe he is our best option for getting to the truth and making our community better. So instead of being a troll how about buying a no conditions ad from him. If we can get him 4k of ads per month with no conditions he will be the best news service in the LRGV.

Now the BV will go away in January because I will not longer be living here, assuming I can find the house I want. If not I stay until I find the house. I found it, it is a matter of working out the money. I may just put the house in an irrevocable trust so it can be sold later for the education of several young children.

I am going back to my roots before there were free blogging platforms and I had to code my own page. I own Balancing the Issues .com again. Back then before free blogging platforms the Washington Post would publish articles from publications like mine. I was in the Washington post at least twice a week.

So try and be productive so we can make Juan the best news service in the LRGV.

Good luck Juan and let's agree to just disagree sometimes.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Es "Explain" menso!

Anonymous said...

Essplain? Simple idiota just don't wear a mask - got it guey?

Anonymous said...

Pinche racist half coco mutt no me va pagar la renta y por ley no puedo hacer ni madre! Este pinche guey nomas esta de huevon hijo de su pinche madre!!!

Anonymous said...

Hillbilly Island NEVER enforced any restrictions set by the lapdog governor nor the ball-less county judge no citations were issued only to low level cititzens here in the county...

Anonymous said...

Blimp go away! We come on here so we don’t have to hear from you ! Pinche vato

BobbyWC said...

This cost me my business as the self anointed leaders of the Gay community called for a boycott of my business for representing a black lesbian. that 25 hours Justice Scalia got my client a no jail time settlement. We walked away without a conviction. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1993/03/04/Court-rejects-motion-by-lesbian-Air-Force-officer/2980731221200/

No one believes Albert would put his business on the line to help the community.

I wanted to continue to fight but they told my client if I asked the jury pool if the every violated the military sodomy law they would put jail time back on the table. So she took the soft discharged which was later upgraded to honorable.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

So you are telling me that the numbers of new cases, hospitalization and deaths are way down because people are wearing useless homemade masks and the bars are closed?

Corona will do what corona wants to do.nothing you can do about it.

Anonymous said...

City Commissioner Rose Gowen said the commission’s first preference would be to remain at 25 percent capacity at gyms and restaurants but they are doing everything they can

Built more bike trails maybe that will help since there are NO CROWDS AND PEOPLE RARELY GO THERE...pinches pendejos
