Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

                                                      Rumors – since confirmed – abounded locally about a confrontation between Brownsville Independent School District board counsel Baltazar Salazar and three board members that nearly resulted in a fist fight after their Tuesday meeting that prompted BISD security to follow one of the trustees home out of concern for his safety.                                                                                                                                                              
As the the narrative goes, Salazar had gotten into a shouting match outside the board room with trustee Laura Perez-Reyes over her criticism of his performance such as referring cases to outside counsel that  then became the target of a criminal indictment, among others.

When Salazar started to become verbally abusive shouting insults and berating the woman, trustees Eddie Garcia and Phil Cowen intervened on her behalf, and a confrontation ensued. Garcia is a 30-year veteran of the Brownsville Police Department.

"You lied to us," one of them was heard shouting.

The men almost came to blows before BISD security appeared and stopped the incident from escalating. Salazar – who took umbrage at Perez-Reyes for questioning his criminal record and trying to remove him in a past meeting – has repeatedly claimed he is not a convicted felon and repeatedly claimed that his ability to acquire a license for a handgun is proof of that assertion. 

Partly because of these repeated claims and the belligerent tone of the argument, Cowen was followed home by BISD police after the meeting. 


Anonymous said...

But Cowen was reported to have received $2,500 from board attorney Salazar in the October 3 campaign report as reported by the Herald.

Anonymous said...

And people still support Biden. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

What a blatant lie you tell Juanio!!! Did coco Cowen tell you this fib? There were several of us waiting for the meeting to end so we could close the building and go home. There was never a concern or complaint against anyone at the meeting that night. Is this Laura Reyes Perez & Philip Cowen way of getting the pity vote? If it is, be very careful Brownsville & Cameron County on who you vote in as your next district Clerk.

Anonymous said...

Good thing it wasn't Gus Ruiz he would file a report and have you arrested for saying bad things. You people are a joke.

Anonymous said...

Hanky fight que se pueden hacer? bola de maricones...

Anonymous said...

Laura Perez Reyes - the BISD Quitter! Get lost loser!!!

Anonymous said...

What does this have to do with Joe Biden?

All the Board Members are a bunch of clowns, liars, and thieves.
They are there only to put money on their pockets not to help the Students or BISD Employees.

Anonymous said...

Fights like those always go on at every meeting cause everyone wants to be president and dictate what must be done. I missed the meeting but did they
give SPA and award for her service? Was each principal required to take her a goodie basket she can take with her to court/jail. Lies, lies, lies, rajones, rajones, rajones.

Anonymous said...

Pence, the vice president, evaded questions on everything from COVID-19 to taking over in the event of presidential “disability.” When he answered a question it was with characteristic lies.

The fly landed on his shit.

Anonymous said...

CNN correspondent ambushed by raccoon during live report
We know who it was guey.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale shows his Republican colors:

I contributed $100 to Barack Obama's presidential campaigns in 2012 and 2016. I told him if he won, I would accept an ambassadorship to Madrid or Portugal. If neither was available, I'd be more than content to represent the country in Brazil or Argentina or Uruguay or Chile. He easily won, but I never heard from him. Instead, all six posts were awarded to millionaires who had contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to his campaign.

- Esta bien safado ese pendejo. Tiene cara de Granny, el guey!!!!

Anonymous said...

He was followed home that means thier was a threat of some kind?

Anonymous said...

nearly come to blows. Blow what farts son puros culos

Anonymous said...

That for sure can get you fired! No matter board is his boss.

Anonymous said...

Time to vote for your favorites in our annual Readers’ Choice Awards

Another award how much is the membership fee? I see banners all over the place are there no losers? PURA RAQUETA gringos being gringos.

Anonymous said...

BISD VOTERS you need to be careful who you vote in to be your next board. Pendejo Erasmo has literally just threaten our bus drivers on job cuts. Says they will cut from the bottom up. He is upset unions are not endorsing him and his slate and has gone full blown crazy!! This is retaliation already being brought out to scare staff. DON’T VOTE FOR THE SLATE OF CRIMINALS!! You have been warned. No candidate should name call our hard working employees. We don’t need these pieces of shit to represent our students and staff. These men are getting desperate and our losing control on what lies to tell our community. They are a ticking time bomb this is not what our districts needs.


Anonymous said...

Can’t wait to see ERASMO mess with the wrong person. That fat piece of shit needs an ass beating. All those criminals running need a good ass beating.

Anonymous said...

@12:34, Excellent comment, those are the crooks that want back in. Can't have them back.
Also Laura Perez didn't you take money from Salazar when you ran against CATA, how the table turns, and now you want everyone to listen to you moan how he has a beef with you. You should have stayed loyal to Salazar. What does he have on you??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena kept saying that she never orders the Superintendent. She insisted on that meeting that none of the Board Members talk to AAs. It's all Bullshit. Minerva Pena orders all staff there and Cowen too. Thats how she got Rose Longoria hired. There were many qualified candidates but Minerva pushed for Rose Longoria. Same for other AAs. The Board Members pushed for them. Low qualified but full of bullshit and talk. Tax payers don't vote for Minerva or Cowen please. They get money from vendors.

Anonymous said...

I guess some of the new generation of candidates have gone back to the bad old days of the politiqueros but now this new generation calls them grassroots marketing. Fraud and corruption is still the order of the day. Daniela Lopez Valdez has several grassroots marketing individuals or also known as politiqueros listed in her campaign financial reports. Of these grassroots marketers/politiqueros, Corey Elizondo is one that raises a BIG RED FLAG. Joey Garza is Corey' husband and Rafael Elizondo is Corey's father. Joey and Rafael both were indicted and plead guilty to engaging in voting fraud. After this, Joey and Rafael were banned from involvement in political campaigns. Anyone that knows Corey cannot see her being a political operative. Ask the people who work at Pace or Oliveira. Joey and Rafael are doing the dirty work for Daniela Lopez Valdez and her campaign. I guess people do not remember that Minerva Pena claims to be Corey's aunt. During football season, it was no secret that Minerva gave Corey, Joey, and Rafael her board member tickets to the football game. She later got Joey a job to work at the football games. Daniela Lopez Valdez and Minerva Pena are joined at the hip with politiqueros (grassroots marketing) and voting fraud. Does the community need more fraud on the school board?

Anonymous said...

Could it be that Philip Cowen can be bought for a measely $2000 campaign contribution in exchange for giving someone the BISD district architect job for over $100,000 annual salary? The Texas state democratic party chairman gives a donation to Philip after chairman's brother gets the job as district architect. What does this say about the superintendent that went along with Philip who pushed and pushed for this architect. Philip likes the "pay to play" game. You would think that Philip would be smart enough to ask for a bigger contribution especially for giving someone a six-figure job.

Anonymous said...

Watch out BISD chief of police and commander. Now that the Cameron County sheriff lost his bid for re-election, his chief deputy, captain and sargents will be looking for jobs. Too bad there is no room at the Cameron County Park Rangers Department where the election losers end up. Their hopes lie with Denise Garza becoming a board member and these guys get the top jobs at BISD police. Just look at Denise's campaign finance report. One donor is the wife of the captain of sheriff's department. Another donor is an employee of the sheriff's department. Depends how the election goes, there might be a shake up at BISD police. Could this be related to BISD police investigating Sylvia Atkinson about the unauthorized use of signatures and social security numbers which resulted in her indictment by the Cameron County DA office. Denise is Sylvia's girl and will follow her orders.

Anonymous said...

As you look at the financial reports for the campaigns of Philip Cowen and Daniela Lopez Valdez, it seems that attorneys, architects, builders and others who either want to continue with or get new business from BISD are donating large sums of money to these two. If Philip and Daniela are elected, is the business going to be given to these generous donors? It seems that corruption and favoritism will be the norm with these two. Is a vote for Philip and Daniela is a vote for corruption? After election day, we will know for sure if the voters of Brownsville just tolerate corruption or simply demand it.

Former RGV LEO said...

Minerva "I'll testify in court for a convicted sexual predator" Pena, who wanted to do it in her DPS uniform until a CCDA called Austin! Dog face Pena was contacted by her leaders and told to change! She did and hurried back to testify for that convicted predator! Now, she gets voted on the BISD board? Yep, that' the idiots from BISD love corruption and criminal lovers! Salazar missed his opportunity to grab at the luscious breasts of Laura! TEA needs to come down and get rid of all those criminals and put BISD on track! Oh, joe rod just go away, please!

EMPLOYEE said...






wichoito said...






Anonymous said...

Minerva no se calla el osico! She tries to intimidate people and lies through her teeth when making all the promises she makes to fix things. Who does she think she is? Ask those at Porter during the beginning years how she thought she ruled the roost because she was the ridiculous, fumbling, Porter Belles.
Then when she became a patrolman, he couldn't get out of her patrol unit because of her tight "pero" pants she wore. She would scare people into staying away from Dept of HWP when she was there telling everyone they could not pass the drivers' test. Se crea la Mama de Tarzan! People, she lies like our president does and then she claims she didn't say that.

Anonymous said...

No person with a shred of pride,dignity and self worth would serve on that board.

Anonymous said...

But Cowen was reported to have received $2,500 from board attorney Salazar in the October 3 campaign report as reported by the Herald.

October 8, 2020 at 12:23 AM

For October 8, 2020 12:23 am,
If you see Cowen's financial report, Cowen received on August 30th a hefty contribution from Baltazar Salazar and
the next day, September 1st,
Phil Cowen was defending Baltar, Cowen was saying that Baltazar was innocent?

Anonymous said...

Minerva and COWEN are your solid choices - anything else will just be chaos

Unfortunately those two created a very top heavy administration and picked a lousy supt -
But joe did the same - so it’s just best to stick to what we got

Anonymous said...

TEA needs to step in. All the candidates are corrupt. They are not coming in to help BISD Employee and Students. They are in it for contracts and kickbacks. Look at Cowen, he brought in the 120k Architect. Look at Minerva, she brought in Rose Longoria and many Admins that have a lot of problems. The Superintendent follows Minerva because he too thinks Covid19 is a hoax. The Superintendent already looking for another gig. If he leaves, the Deputies will jump ship too. The Deputies problem is they want to please all the Administrators and praise even the ones that misbehave and can't do their jobs. Zendejas would of sent them out to Food Services or Maintenance. Zendejas did not play games. She has the "balls" that the Superintendent wishes he had. The other male AA Tim Cuff is so weak and loves Minerva Pena and Rose Longoria.

Anonymous said...

You all are a bunch of idiots. You keep saying or thinking that Denise is one of Sylvia's people. What a bunch of shit. Denise doesn't belong to anyone! She is one tough cookie..she's no one's puppet. Denise has no problems telling people they are wrong. Sylvia has no more interest in BISD she has enough issues of her own. If she has beef with will be Erasmo. She can't stand that low life piece of shit. Why? You ask.. she has more balls and does more for people than Erasmo ever could or would. And she's coming after Erasmo. He has been marked! Watch out Erasmo...can you trust your inner circle? Because you obviously don't know anything. Lol

Anonymous said...

Well we know that Frankie and Erasmo read this blog. They snapped a comment and placed it on their Facebook. Lol
Denise will not replace Chief Garcia. She will not replace anyone. As you know Erasmo has claimed he will go after Chief Garcia and Patrick Gabbert for the investigation on Erasmo while he was on the board.
We a know by know that the Reyna's are done and will retire.
BISD police department will suffer under the direction of Erasmo and Frankie....

Anonymous said...

Little Eddie no trae nada. He retired after being told that he was going to get reassigned to patrol, but he was too scared.

Anonymous said...

They just want to know how it feels being next to convicts and sex offenders, that's why they are candidates for the board...

Anonymous said...

for 11.21 am yep, minnie mouse was part of the Porter belles back in 1976 wow thats a long time, 44 years to be exact. No brain, no future, nothing, lots of HOT AIR, and thats what the taxpayers of BISD having been getting these years that she has been on the board, time to clean out the house, take the trash out, minnie mouse is for minnie mouse and not our kids of school or city. Ponte trucha.

Anonymous said...

Do not vote for Laura Reyes Perez, vote for Mirla Veronica Deaton!

Anonymous said...

To anonymous of Oct 13, @ 3:42 PM
Who the hell is Veronica? Is she a Republican ? Yikes!!
Besides, we don’t want Republicans here, this is a Democratic county.

Anonymous said...

Attention Citizens of Brownsville
Brownsville Police Department is in Serious disrepair..The Department is being lead by an incompetent, corrupt Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" is your best interest take your business and families to another City or move into the County where they have leaders with integrity and accountability. Vote of no confidence for Brownsville Police Department Chief of Police.. #worstchiefever...
