Sunday, October 4, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Go downtown on any day and you will the shuttered businesses, scores of homeless wandering the streets and congregating on closed up businesses like the Casa del Nylon. There are a few watering spot catering to a select and limited customer base and some Mexican restaurants close to the bridge open to limited seating. The ubiquitous second-hand stores are always there and remain with open doors.

But you will notice nodes of people at the doors and along the sidewalk leading to the plasma donor centers. Actually, they're not donors, but mostly people from Matamoros picking up a few dollars by selling their blood. It's a disconcerting and discouraging state of affairs but goes part and parcel with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. With any luck, downtown will be revived and we can return to the old normal, or some semblance thereof.)  


Anonymous said...

Plasma centers making a killing
But they are owned by out of towners

Anonymous said...

Those plasmas help people who are sick in hospitals all over the world. Now there's new centers opening up, that will be open for people to bring in their pets, and have the plasmas removed.The plasmas will then be shipped to Animal hospitals all over the country! Hopefully el pinche half coco mutt becomes a regular plasma giver and make some plasma money, instead of just being de huevon!!! Hahahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

So downtown dies?
So what?
Worry about the mall
And about empty retail space at sunrise commons
Worry About the hudson development and the empty and abandoned homes around the empty "resacas" and dilapitated bike trails
Anyone remember the plan for brownsville's very own river walk

Anonymous said...

My whole life I voted Democrat, u know why? They love Brownsville

Anonymous said...

Life is in the blood line..
If donors stop coming ..many life's would be lost.

Unless we make up for it by lining up.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to educate all you Trump haters making fun of him for catching the virus!!! First, he does not have the virus idiotas! As you know, he has been making light of this virus for months, even calling it the Chinese virus. What better way to prove that this virus is nothing, but to fake that he has it. Then he quickly goes back to work without any health problems from the virus. This will make him look strong that he has defeated the deadly Chinese virus without any health problems! It's funny that the fake news media are getting on porpose, false reports, that Trump is seriously sick, and the stupid fake news media falls for it...making them look stupid, when Trump comes out making videos of him doing ok!!! Grow a brain you all pendejos!!! Where's the half coco mutt who like an idiot is making fun of Trump? Pendejo! You are getting played!!! Hahahahaha Stop being so guible pinche retard!!

Anonymous said...

Downtown Browntown has been destroyed by walk across Mexicans and the people who cater to them. It will NEVER come back, but remain a festering sore for generations to come.

Anonymous said...

Complain about the homeless gringos they eat shit and sleep on city benches, these folks work and if they can't work the sell, NO SEAN PENDEJOS, complain about the homeless pinche gringos huevones. pinche cocos mamones...

Anonymous said...

@12:27 Este idiota! It's like the pot calling the kettle black! Para que hablas, si tu Eres un pinche half coco mutt retard! And you live in cardboard house!

Anonymous said...

I guess they can's read DESCONTON

Anonymous said...

October 5, 2020 at 3:47 PM

Pinche hillbilly you thumb your finger to come here and now reside in one of the sheltered bus stops stinking the whole town of your stinking shitty smelly ass. Go back to the moountains idiota pendejo moron...
