Saturday, October 3, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Early this week, residents at the Grand Woods Apts. on Old Port Isabel Road woke up to a geyser spraying water just outside the complex walls. It turned out to be a broken water main connection on the right-of-way until PUB workers discovered that the break extended into the apartments property. They labored from about 5:30 a.m. until noon and reestablished water service for the residents. We got a few emails praising the crew that was sent to fix the problems. On behalf of the residents, Muchas Gracias PUB Water Guys!)


Anonymous said...

Republican El Paya Jerry wrote this today -

We wish Donald Trump and his lovely wife Melania a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

So what? Are these PUB guys usually lazy fuckers, or what? Make the "connection," Montoya!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! El Paya Jerry wrote this: "Trump could’ve scared the crap out of everybody, but he refused — and it goes back to his original point about trying to make sure that the positive attitude is maintained, along with a sense of concern. So he took the risk, he got the virus, but he was doing it for us.”

Anonymous said...

Trump Doesn’t Care About the People Who Got Coronavirus. Now He’s One of Them.

Anonymous said...

"Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President."

Its coming very soonl!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bye Bye

Anonymous said...

Trump has not only failed in the practical execution of his duty to administer the government, and has not only failed to set an example for the country in his personal behavior, but has done all this in a way that now threatens to incapacitate his political party, the executive and legislative branches of government, and the man who is currently likely to be the next president as the country attempts to hold an election while managing multiple crises.

There have been failures and breaches of the public trust by American presidents that were so severe the leaders in question resigned or chose not to stand for reelection. Were any of them more senseless than what Donald Trump is putting the country through now?

Anonymous said...

Most Americans continue to be deeply worried about the virus, and the poll found that 65%, including 9 in 10 registered Democrats and 5 in 10 registered Republicans, agreed that “if President Trump had taken coronavirus more seriously, he probably would not have been infected.

That idiota that keeps posting here that all this is fake keep your faith stupid and soon you'll be in a caravan to Rose Garden Cemetery MORON...

Anonymous said...

@7:43 El pendejo believes that Trump really has the virus! Idiota believes everything he see on TV! Nothing changes in the end pendejo! He will be your president again! Hahahahahahahaha! So, go hide under you're cardboard bed, wearing your "Vote for Biden" face mask, before you get the virus!

Anonymous said...

All you Idiotas with Half a brain!!! Don't believe everything you see on TV idiotas! You look stupid thinking Trump really has the virus!!! Where's the half coco pendejo who thinks he's so smart, but believes everything on TV!!! Probably hiding in his cardboard house with his mickey mouse face mask!!! Idiotas con mente de caca!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to educate all you Trump haters making fun of him for catching the virus!!! First, he does not have the virus idiotas! As you know, he has been making light of this virus for months, even calling it the Chinese virus. What better way to prove that this virus is nothing, but to fake that he has it. Then he quickly goes back to work without any health problems from the virus. This will make him look strong that he has defeated the deadly Chinese virus without any health problems! It's funny that the fake news media are getting on porpose, false reports, that Trump is seriously sick, and the stupid fake news media falls for it...making them look stupid, when Trump comes out making videos of him doing ok!!! Grow a brain you all pendejos!!! Where's the half coco mutt who like an idiot is making fun of Trump? Pendejo! You are getting played!!! Hahahahaha Stop being so guible pinche retard!!

Anonymous said...

Remember the Melanie Jacket..

U 'member..

I don't care.. Do you?

Now of course we care for Compassionate People

But these S.O.B.s weren't Compassionate
When little angels got separated from their parents for LIFE.

Anonymous said...

October 3, 2020 at 1:42 PM dickhead mamon

Idiota complain about your hillbilly huevones they eat sleep and hit at city parks pinche coco idiota mamon..

Anonymous said...

October 4, 2020 at 10:13 PM

Estupido you can't even educate your ass pinche guey.

Now Kayleigh McEnany Has COVID, Making It 9 From Rose Garden
this makes about 12 the number of el pendejo trump asssociates that have the fake virus accourting to el pendejo at 10:13.
lol hahahahahahaaaa.
hope you are up to date on your funeral insurance other wise they'll bury your ass at the local garbage dump (where you belong) hahaha ha

Anonymous said...

Hillbilly running wild must have taken a dexamethasone
