Saturday, October 24, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: Clubs in the downtown Brownsville area are slowly returning after being forced to close due to the virus outbreak. In the photo above, Double Trouble owner'manager Rodrigo Quintero opened last week. The club is following virus safeguards like requiring face masks and and enforcing social distancing.
The club's patrons preference runs toward modern music with a modicum of country music and has a
ping-pong, billiards, and game tables.

Down the street on Adams, La Movidita's Queren Medina continues to entice imbibers with her world-famous Micheladas and karaoke. The historic Palm Lounge, of course, has always been there for its established patrons under the management of Edwin and Teresa Hernandez.)


Anonymous said...

It'll go out of business in four to six months. That's the usual here.

Anonymous said...

It was never opened for business, it's a mess that the COB is giving away taxpayers money to help the owners of downtown rebuild their buildings and make a profit if someone wants to buy them off. The COB has spent millions on bike and hike trails that people don't use. The only way the downtown can come back to life with businesses and get people to visit Brownsville, COB must build multi level garage at a dollar an hour to pay for itself. The HEB building is good spot for these Building plus on top of the roof , make a restaurant. But I only dreaming because Brownsville is already DOD.

Anonymous said...

que pedo. ar you drinking beer or a raspa? if the beer tastes that bad that you have to add a paleta y chamoy y cuanta madre te va dar chorro. They don't even know what to put on beer. What happened to the real men?

Anonymous said...

Chief Sauceda is a joke!!

Anonymous said...

Arrest Leads to Tragedy in the Rio Grande Valley, where are the protests? That's why they do what they do. The people just don't care until one of your sons or daughters is ARRESTED AND BRUALIZED!!!

Anonymous said...

If the city can fund an idiot from dallas they should fund ANY citizen living here, they pay taxes, unlike that idiots from dallas. All he did was AssKiss a commissioner and a mayor gracias we'll remember next election gueyes...

Anonymous said...

Downtown is a joke. Bring back the Ropa Usadas that actually made money.

Anonymous said...

Once " La Tejanita ", Reyna's , El Capitan, were forced to close there has been nowhere to go hear live conjunto music. What's the point. Put a bullet in downtown's head to put it out of it's misery.

Anonymous said...

October 24, 2020 at 12:26 PM

I agree beer is not a coke to be mix with other shit like los pendejos gringos up the eastern coast. Y los pinches cocos tienen que hacer lo mismo pinches gueyes...
