Tuesday, October 13, 2020


(Ed.'s Note: The lines of early voting were long at the Central Library and snaked around the parking lot as was the curbside voting which was held on the side entrance to the building. This year early voting starts today and ends October 30. The general election is Nov. 3. To se the sites where you can vote during the early voting period, click on link: https://www.cameroncounty.us/elections/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/ev-WEB-update10132020.pdf)  


Anonymous said...

Vote NO! on:

Frankie "Dick Pic" Olivo
Erasmo "DWI" Castro
Carlos "Demoted" Elizondo
Phil "You eat like a Mexican!" Cowen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I strongly hope and believe that all these people have come to their senses and are taking the proper steps to get our country back to the happy-go-lucky USA we have always had. It is time to let other people that we are not stupid to believe all their lies and we will do something to fix the problem. Use your privilege to vote by making your own decision, but decide because you strongly believe that your reasons are right.

Anonymous said...

La Frankie is going down! Vato inutil!

Anonymous said...

We need to vote democrat, the fools we have right now are pathetic and Brownsville needs to follow this tradition. Brownsville needs to be like California, high gasoline ⛽ prices and out of control rent prices. Everyone must drive or ride a bicycle to work, oh sorry, nobody works in Brownsville, welfare city people much ride their bikes to HEB for candies and cokes and get drunk in our famously downtown area for more high class pizza and beer.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully people do come to their senses. If not they will be sorry for voting in sorry ass pieces of shits!

Erasmo Castro
Frankie Olivo
Carlos Elizondo

Anonymous said...

I was in line @ 8:50 am. The line was already long and since they didn't open until 9, we waited a good 10 minutes in the sun. By 10 am I was three spaces from the door, by 10:20 am I was out. I have seen LONG lines 3 times in my voting life. 1- Barack Obama, 2- Beto 3- Trump-Biden. The first time I voted was in 1980 and today was a life time experience. As I said to the anglo gentleman that was behind me when he asked me who I was voting for: " Last time I checked, I live in a democratic republic. Vote is secret, I am exercising my right as a minority, female, Texas native and AMERICAN CITIZEN.
No, I didn't vote for 45. Locally, I voted against ALL FORMER AND CURRENT BISD board. WE MUST start the sanitizing process.

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong with eating like a mexican?!

Anonymous said...

216-couldnt have said it better myself..

Anonymous said...

Vote democrat so you will not have police protection, increase your taxes, raise taxes on gasoline, open the borders to anyone, take away your gun rights, tear down all past history of this country. Allow any punk to burn and loot your business and never be charged of a crime. If that is what you want , vote democrat.

Anonymous said...

Vote democrat if you want to say human, stay FREE, pay your due share of taxes, not be afraid of being shot by the cops, to hold them accountable, crack down on racist white supremist armed to the teeth and defeat the virus with proven scientic tests and make it available to EVERYBODY and not use clorox.
Vote BLUE...

Anonymous said...

why all gringos are republicans and look like mitch mcconnell? why?

Anonymous said...

Vote Republican: to support bullies, racism, corruption, and to show the world you have power to kill people you do not approve of and not get punished.

Trump is supported by people like him. Time to show off the power of Trump.
GO Trump: steal the election. Americans will not do much about it.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember what the polls said weeks before the election in 2016. The NY Times said Hillary had a 91% chance of winning. Sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

at 6:58 PM: POLLS TALK?
