Saturday, October 31, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Texas Ethics Commission has notified Brownsville Independent School District board chair Minerva Peña that it is investigating an allegation she violated a section of the Texas Election Code by not listing the full name of a campaign contributor and was also accused of deliberately concealing the address and occupation of others. 

"The sworn complaint alleges that you did not properly disclose political contributions by omitting complete address information for certain contributors, and omitting the full name of one contributor, in violation of Section 254.031 of the Election Code. The Commission accepts jurisdiction over these allegations," the notice dated October 30 to Peña states.

The contribution in question was made by a "Brandon," on October 12, 2020. In the complaint to the TEC, he is identified as one of the principals in then delinquent tax collection firm of Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott‚ LLP with offices in Edinburg.

Others from the firm who made contributions to Peña that she included in her original contribution report include Thelma Banduch and Hiram Gutierrez. 

And before the October 30 TEC notification that they would investigate the complaint, Peña submitted a corrected report October 29 which identifies the contributors from the firm and lists their address in McAllen. In the amended report, "Brandon" does not appear. Instead, the name of the firm appears as the contributor of the $1,000 on the same day (Oct. 12, 2020.)

The TEC sworn complaint also includes "an allegation over which the Commission does not accept jurisdiction. In order to meet the legal and technical form requirements, a sworn complaint must state on its face an allegation that, if true, constitutes a violation of a rule adopted by or a law administered and enforced by the Commission. Tex. Gov’t Code § 571.122. The sworn complaint also alleges that you did not disclose principal occupation and employer information for contributors. However, candidates for school board and other local non-judicial offices are not required to disclose principal occupation and employer information for contributors. Accordingly, this allegation will not be considered."

Among those contributions that have raised some eyebrows are those by BISD legal counsel Baltazar Salazar for $4,978 (in-kind) for paid political advertising, another $1,975 for mailouts, insurance vendor Joe Salazar for $1,000 for political mailouts, and Liz Vera, Baltazar Salazar's sister and a Realtor, also for mailouts.  
Salazar has been with the district – with Peña's full support – since 2013 when she voted for him over more qualified law firms specializing in education issues. Peña has voted for the extension of his contract and raises which puts his salary at $300,000 annually, or $25,000 monthly.

And just this week jurors in Atkinson's federal bribery and conspiracy trial heard a recording of her telling an undercover FBI investigator posing as a movie producer who handed her $10,000 to "facilitate" his use of district properties for a movie, that Peña asked for a $2,000 donation to a religious organization where she is a marketing director in exchange for her vote in favor of the proposal.

"Well, I had to uh, I had to give her two of my, two thousand of my, two of mine for the votes that I was not going to vote for. I had to give them to her for Minnie's (Peña) Mile of Hope to get her support. And Phillip (Cowen) too so…"Atkinson tells the agent.

In the photo at top, Peña and a quorum of the board that included Dr. Sylvia Atkinson, Dr. Prisci Roca-Tipton, and Drue Brown were photographed meeting informally (and illegally?) at a local restaurant.


Anonymous said...

Folks, there’s nothing wrong with this picture. They were probably discussing the pandemic and how to take care of all students and staff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Skirt the laws and find yourself in court can't you highly educated people follow the law just like everybody else? BOLA DE MAMONES y CRIMINALES!

Anonymous said...

You need to sic La Frankie Olivo on Minerva. He has a way with messages. Ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

This Towel Is Uniquely Textured to Help You Dry Off Faster
sent one to el pendejo at the WH and all his supporters

Anonymous said...

This is chicken feed compared to what that former pelon Elizondo board member stole from a PAC fund. How has he not seen his day in court after so long?

Anonymous said...

Erasmo, Viro, and Frankie Olivo are quick to pas judgement on people without attacking the ones that have actually been guilty of crimes and want to be on the school board while they are currently on probation. I love the way Erasmo feels he is important and that he "can't" talk about the case because they might want him to testify but he is full of it. FBI won't call him because the defense will have a field day attacking the character of Erasmo. 9 arrests and one of them a felony. His sister Melissa Castro is a potential witness to testify about Eramso and his arrests in Mexico involving minors. The FBI will not jeopardize losing their case being this clown in. It's funny how Erasmo claims he was the one that went to the FBI and whistle blew. If this really happened the FBI would have had to get him on the stand. He is lying and wants people to believe he has some sort of power. Give it up Erasmo anyone with have a brain would know you are insignificant. Your fans get filled with lies and believe you blindly. You are the mexican Trump of Brownsville but with no money and uneducated. You never finished public school in Brownsville you idiota. You are a drop out and want to represent our kids? Show us your fake Degree from Austin College in religious studies. It doesn't exist. You tell people you lived in Austin Tx and went to Austin College. That's bull because Austin College is in Sherman Texas you jerk. Stop your lying. You will lose this race because the people of Brownsville are a lot smarter than you think. You, Frankie Olivo, and Viro host a show that doesn't pay you anything. You three stooges need to get a real job and pay your bills and child support. You all are a disgrace to our community. So sad!!
Charlie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

You now need all the prayers that you are always professing to. Golpes de
pecho? Now wiggle out of this one, Minnie! What goes around comes around and the way that you also think that you are better than anyone else (except SPA)
will now come back and haunt you and you will also drag your buddy Balty with you. Did he also give you a kickback for his salary? He was being paid more than the superintendent was for 1 meeting a month at $25,000 each.

Anonymous said...


Former RGV LEO said...

Wait a minute, no way that this sexual predator witness made a mistake? She was a sergeant with DPS and was a hard ass with other Troopers about doing it right? Well, lets hope that this is not the only mistake she has made? She'll pay a fine and make sure that she doesn't do it again. But, to you voters of BISD! Vote someone else into that corrupted school board! Maybe one day you will actually get representatives that WILL represent the students of BISD!

Anonymous said...

It seems that the last thing BISD cares about is the kids. Yet people continue to vote these thieves into office time and time again.

People in Brownsville have grown accustomed to the thievery that comes with this compadre system of not only politics, but most aspects of business and commerce.

You would think that people would be up in arms about the blatant corruption and whoring out of the city but here we are likely to let raping and pillaging of the city, students and citizens to continue.

Anonymous said...

Ya mamaron mucho todos estos pinches mamones! No sean pendejos gente! Ya saquen a toda esta bola de mamones! Como les gusta la mierda!

Anonymous said...

October 31, 2020 at 7:26am
That picture is from December before the pandemic became news here, so those crooks couldn't of been discussing COVID-19. Here's the first post of that pic.

Anonymous said...

Porter BGelles, ten-hut! Your 1976 caotain needs ab escort to jail and if you hurry, you can escort both she and SPA together.

Anonymous said...

Playing politics is a dirty game. Here in Brownsville is a lot worst. When you have candidates running for office, using obscene language to criticize i.e stupid, idiot, full of crap, etc.,is not the way. There are more educated ways to express your point of view without the use of vulgarity. I seen some candidates that criticize other candidates without using any profanity while others all they rely on is in insulting the people, calling people stupid, insulting other candidates family members. A candidate needs to have integrity in the way he/she conducts himself/herself, when speaking, speak professionally without the use of vulgarity.
We need a better Brownsville where people representing us
conduct themselves with dignity and respect.

Anonymous said...

I just love to see the first 15 min of their show. This idiots really think they are on CNN. My entertainment every night. Can’t stop laughing at the way they look intoThe cámara ( really their phones) they actually dress up with ties y toda la cosa. They are so full of crap and themselves well same thing No?
Viro get a job that is not a real job. Besides you can’t even speak. Frankie really you are not that good looking and you know it. Presumiendo with a dic pic. No sirves para nada! That is why your wife divorced you. Carlos de que presumes rata? No eres NADA, NADA you had a great opportunity and you let everyone down. You are not loyal to anyone. Y Erasmo. You are a failure a total failure. You are 50+ no education, no degree, no money, andas en un pinche patín.A total failure in life you mom dad take money from inocente people. The Castro studio what a joke. You don’t even have a home. Really Erasmo what do you have nothing but hatred for people that have and own what you do not have or will ever have! Tan tan.

Anonymous said...

As testimony is given during the trial Sylvia Atkinson, it has become clearly evident that corruption is the name of the game with the BISD board. Sylvia was the "pit boss" of the tainted money. Drue Brown, Prisci Roca Tipton, Minerva Pena, and Eddie Garcia all enjoyed or are enjoying the tainted money. Sylvia even got crooked money for Denise Garza from the property tax foreclosure law firm in Edinburg. Denise might claim to special education teachers on Facebook that she is not connected to Sylvia Atkinson but the campaign finance reports indicate that Denise is lying about this. Denise owes Sylvia and will need to follow the orders of the "pit boss". Denise Garza is Atkinson's puppet and will follow the orders. Sylvia Atkinson did nothing to help us, the special education teachers and aides. Denise Garza will also DO NOTHING. DO NOT VOTE FOR DENISE GARZA.

Anonymous said...

Drue Brown and Baltazar Salazar have publicly endorsed Minerva Pena, Eddie Garcia, Daniela Lopez Valdez, and Denise Garza. Based on what has been said in federal court, it is clearly evident that the endorsement of Drue and Baltazar casts a very dark shadow on these 4 candidates. If any of these four had any common sense, they would publicly distance themselves from Drue and Baltazar. Maybe Minerva, Eddie, Daniela, and Denise can't because they are too deep in the corruption themselves and would expose themselves even further. The FBI and the Texas Ethics Comission is looking at all of these people. One crook at a time.

Anonymous said...

The comments that point out the flaws and deficiencies of Denise Garza, Daniela Lopez Valdez, Eddie Garcia, Philip Cowen, and Minerva Pena are true and supported by facts. All these people have embraced corruption by their acceptance of improper contributions and their associations with individuals of questionable character. Look at some of the pictures of Minerva Pena and Drue Brown with Sylvia Atkinson in restaurants in the Southmost area meeting to further their corrupt plans and activities. Look at the campaign finance reports of Denise Garza, Daniela Lopez Valdez, Eddie Garcia, and Phillip Cowen with several contributions from vendors who do business or want to do business with BISD. How do you explain a $1000 contribution to a school district clerk from property tax collection law firm with offices through the state of Texas? The only explanation is corruption that was devised by Sylvia which is being laid bare in federal court and followed by Denise. The voters of BISD are at a crossroads. Continue with the corruption by voting for Denise, Daniela, Eddie, Minerva, and Philip or voting to end the corruption.

Anonymous said...

The same con that Sylvia Atkinson did at Rio Hondo ISD with the tablet purchase Sylvia attempted to do the same in BISD. Sylvia Atkinson through the former BISD computer administrator (Joe P.) who now works for a charter school came up with a scheme to purchase tablets for BISD through Ben G. (the Fred Loya Insurance Guy) who is married to a Rancho Viejo city council member who is currently running for re-election and Oscar G., the son of the former local college president. Sylvia and these 3 guys stood to make a bundle from BISD buying these tablets. Could all these 4 individuals be involved in the alleged crimes in Rio Hondo. I imagine these 3 guys must be scared that they are next to face a judge. Sylvia and Joe P. did not count on the BISD technology committee stopping the purchase of the tablets from Ben G. and Oscar G. It was later reported that thousands of unsold tablets were stored in the old building on West Elizabeth and West 4th. Sylvia wanting to make a quick buck probably wanted to sell these junk tablets that BISD rejected to Rio Hondo ISD.

Anonymous said...

It seems that Minerva Pena only admits wrong when she gets caught. How many times has she been a candidate for elected office over the years and she still doesn't know how to properly fill about a required campaign contribution report. Either Minerva is really stupid or really corrupt. I would say really CORRUPT. She might walk around professing her holiness and righteousness. Minerva enjoys walking around blessing everyone, but it has the same effect as if Judas himself did the same. What a phony. What a coincidence that both Minerva and Denise Garza got campaign contributions from same property tax law firm in Edinburg. It seems that Minerva and Denise had an arrangement to doctor finance reports to make it seem that there was not connection between the two. End the corruption. Get Minerva off the board and do not vote for Denise. Both of these people are wolves in sheep clothing.

BISD EMPLOYEE bisd parent said...




Anonymous said...

Atleast she donates to charity part of what she steals
Aka robing the hood

Anonymous said...

Okay this has Erasmo Castro written all over it. Why is the letter cut off? Where is the rest of the letter Juan? If some info is not on correctly, can it be corrected? Juan why are you afraid of Erasmo? Why don’t you look into his lie about getting a $10,000 loan to finance his campaign. Everyone knows that’s a lie. Did his contribution come from people who asked him to keep their name a secret because he has promised them vendor contract if he gets elected? Erasmo you have a mole in your group. Mucho cuidado muchachito, mucho cuidado!

Anonymous said...

Puro Sneaky Mouse!!! They think we're stupid, but we're not. We know about their crooked deals, and we don't want them in office, but the majority of uneducated voters and their friends keep voting them in. Chingado! Edúquense Raza! Edúquense!!!

Anonymous said...

The Texas Ethics Commission what a joke that place is, I can sit here all day and find violations, so what. I has a TEC lawyer tell me face to face they would file my complaint on Lucio, well he doesn't work there anymore. Who funds the TEC, the people you file on, think they want to keep having a job?

Anonymous said...

Ke verguenza for the ex law enforcement wonder if all those additions to her house were done by bisd employees on the clock and where the building materials came from....
Hmmm just sayin

Anonymous said...

Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, said Minerva Pena while at the bank depositing 4k in her account...

Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio said Minerva Pena while at the bank depositing 4k in her account...

Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio said Minerva Pena while at the bank depositing 4k in her account...

Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio, Dios Mio said Minerva Pena while at the bank depositing 4k in her account...

That's what I heard the other day at Big's restroom close to the kitchen.
I think they were filming some kind of documentary about how not to dig a hole.

Anonymous said...

@7:08, as a librarian we got the Kajeet Tablet fiasco instead because of a big push by Mr. Cowen and Todd Nichols. The Technology Director has been Mr. Fisher who did not have a committee just chose them and they never worked. Then we had Alma Rubio cheer for these tablets at every meeting because it was a flop but no one wanted to look bad. The Alma Rubio wanted lied that the tablets were heavily used. We don't want Rubio near any tablet purchase. Play back those Tech meetings. They are usually useless and over the top with Mr. Cowen bragging how he knows technology. Mr. Fisher picked the tablets to please Mr. Cowen. Play back the meetings people. Some people don't know what really goes on, just like 7:08post.

Anonymous said...

Where's the DA?

Anonymous said...

Erasmo is right. The people that hate him the most are his most avid viewers. It's sad that those of you that hate him are actually taking time out of your day, to watch him every night. If it is just a silly show, then why are you so consumed by it? It must be a very miserable life. Please consider getting some help, because that can't be healthy.

Anonymous said...

Did the mayor and all the others that got 2k from the kick-back scam deposited that money in a bank???
Where's the DA?

Former RGV LEO said...

I will give the sexual predator lover some slack on the election screw-up, NOT! This sorry excuse of a former LEO knows better and especially after so many years in office. She will have to get an attorney to not clear this matter BUT hope that she doesn't get indicted! She was a sorry excuse of an LEO with DPS and is now a sorry excuse of an elected official BUT that qualifies her to be on the BISD board, right? Again, nothing but crooks on the BISD school board!
