Saturday, October 3, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

This past Tuesday Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez and Dr. Nellie Cantu went before the City of Brownsville Commission asking for a $1.2 million cash gift handout to the district from their $10.2 million share of federal CARES anti-COVID-19 fund.

The BISD reps – who said the district had already spent $5 million on Dell computers, WIFI "hotspots," and other devices – wanted the city and Cameron County to chip in $566,438 each which would then be matched dollar for dollar by the Texas Education Agency to total another $2.2 million for more hardware. 

But, alas! the county has no money since it received only $1 million, unlike its rich cousin to the west, Hidalgo County, and could not contribute. The city commission promised to help but deferred until their next meeting on October 6 to give them the amount they could chip in to help the BISD.

While the city said it may be able to cut back on civil service, hazard pay for firefighters, and some retrofitting of its facilities, it may not be able to shoulder the total $1.2 million "partnership" share alone. Where to get more funds?

And why does the BISD have to go begging to the city and county when it splurged $1.4 million for a deluxe scoreboard so that then-trustee "Coach" Joe Rodriguez could brag about Brownsville being at the "cutting edge" of scoreboard technology. They also used millions ($7 to $8 or more) to carpet football and soccer fields with synthetic turf, also to please Rodriguez and his proteges, especially Tom Chavez, at Rivera High School. It made the vendors happy (and generous?). 

At first Joe was happy to settle for the $680,000 version, but later was able to wheel-and-deal behind the scenes for an increase of more than double the price to hike it up to a $1.4 million.

Were the board members and administration short-sighted in the use of the funds acquired by a voter-approved TRE election for such luxuries? Now Rodriguez wants to get back for seconds and is running for the board.

Here's an idea. Why not auction the Sams score board at a discount and give a $200,000 discount to the winner? That $1.2 million would buy a truckload of Dell computers and Ipads for needy BISD students. And the BISD would stop going around the county like a pediche.

By the way, the scoreboard made a dandy advertising tool for then-trustee Erasmo Castro during graduation ceremonies (see graphic) who is now running for election after he resigned over a DWI charge. He is now on probation, though.

Uno no sabe por quien trabaja!


Anonymous said...

Why can't people buy their own computers, Montoya. As they do elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

He and his cronies are back to rob BISD once again. Once in office they meet in their chambers and on live camera pretending to be looking out for our tax dollars when in fact they are devising a plan on how to line their pockets along with their bench warmers. I was thinking of devising a plan: I can get with linbarger and request the tax forfeited property before it’s released and you know buy and rebuild and flip the property. Oh wait, that one is already taken by our former board member.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo is sneaking into office, hiding under La Frankie's skirt.

Anonymous said...

Solution: fire all those bozos who are overpaid for just showing their ugly faces and pretend they are important with their fake "Dr" title, they may have a PhD but that is for research and these idiots, the only research they is to their bank accounts every month. Why do they have to buy the pieces of crap chrome books when everybody knows those things are just to access the internet, kids use all the data in snapchat and tik tok and no school work. How embarrassing for the super to go beg the city for money when he has spent significant amount in creating useless positions at the district, obviously this clown is not ashamed, as long as he gets more money to continue hiring his cronies from Edinburg. AOBE is right about the vote of no confidence.

Anonymous said...

The TRE monies were issued out according to the projects that were listed, by the voters in Brownsville. People voted yes, so it was not just Coach Joe who pushed it. The monies were found available by Dr. Z after Carl Montoya had dismissed them for about 4 years. The whole board approved the project of the facilities that were to be upgraded. It was however, the cost of the score-
board that caused problems but again, the whole board approved it. They blamed Dr. Z for it. They could have stopped it at any time but the sidekicks for those who got them were too good to pass up. That is the way I saw it as the projected worked out. The money could not be used for anything else but what the voters had approved.

Teacher said...

Most schools in any states have provided computer devices for HS and MS students for years.

Anonymous said...

They will continue to make you believe that they care for you. Yhe criminal slate us a self serving. They have promised the moon snd stars. They will give you NADA!
They will only help if ghey will benefit from it.
Erasmo got Booed when he was the speaker at that particular graduation. He didn't inspire any of the graduates. He just made it about "I". As you continues. His is the puppet master he desperately wants to place his puppets and claim 5 seats.
Bunch on Crooks that mount to SHIT!

Former RGV LEO said...

Pretty sad when you put the pic of a convicted felon on your blog, NOT! But, what' really sad is this convicted POS felon is speaker at a graduation!
Anyway, in reference to the article? You have one crook asking money from another crook!
Why don't BISD ask for the money from sticky finger joe rod??? That dirty POS made a lot of money off the students of BISD!

Anonymous said...

The city should sell the bike trails and reduce salaries of director that don't do JACK SHIT like the traffic director, streets director, traffic lights director, 5 of the girl friends of the city manager who are from out of town, building inspectors and of course trail bike directors (abt 4). The ALL make over 80k a year...

Quit funding all those gringo friendly scratch my back boards.

Require that PUB return all missing money to the city.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear that Jerry GED Hedgecock's fake department has been removed and he is now part of the library? Will this change require him now to have a college degree or fired?

Anonymous said...

Invisible hedgedick has just been found bye bye

Anonymous said...

Hedge cock is a gringo and nothing will happen. He will probably get a raise!!!

Anonymous said...

Hedge cock is a gringo and nothing will happen to him!!!

Anonymous said...

The BISD superintendent needs to get a cardboard sign, asking for spare change or beer to help his stupid job.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to educate all you Trump haters making fun of him for catching the virus!!! First, he does not have the virus idiotas! As you know, he has been making light of this virus for months, even calling it the Chinese virus. What better way to prove that this virus is nothing, but to fake that he has it. Then he quickly goes back to work without any health problems from the virus. This will make him look strong that he has defeated the deadly Chinese virus without any health problems! It's funny that the fake news media are getting on porpose, false reports, that Trump is seriously sick, and the stupid fake news media falls for it...making them look stupid, when Trump comes out making videos of him doing ok!!! Grow a brain you all pendejos!!! Where's the half coco mutt who like an idiot is making fun of Trump? Pendejo! You are getting played!!! Hahahahaha Stop being so guible pinche retard!!

Anonymous said...

October 4, 2020 at 10:14 PM hillbilly idiota

At least trump (your idol) funeral expenses are already paid but you hillbilly moron, your expenses will be coming out of your mommy's food account (food stamps). Please tell us the route your horse buggy will take so I can stand on the side walk with a (white hanky) and wave GOOD RIDDENCE pinche pendejo idiot.
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahLOLhahahahahahahahahaha smh and kma pinche culo.

M O R O N !
