Monday, October 19, 2020


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Visiting Judge Fred Hinojosa granted the Cameron County District Attorney's Office its petition to revoke the bond of Renato "Rene" Cardenas Jr., after the defendant failed to comply with the provision that he periodically blow into a Breathalyzer pending his trial.

The petition filed by the DA's Office stated that Cardenas had failed at least 35 times to comply with the court-ordered provision specified in his bond. Hinojosa ordered that Cardenas be placed in the custody of the Cameron County Sheriff at Rucker-Carrizales jail in Olmito.


Anonymous said...

Hope they follow and lock you his relative Viro Cardenas. since we all know that he owes $50K(+) in child support! and his wants to be part of the BISD. PLEASE.. what a fucken idiot to think that he has a chance.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No wonder cars prices are sky high

Anonymous said...

He is a piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

DWI laws are far too strict. No cop should give you one unless there is a wreck.

Anonymous said...

Its now called Driving & Wrecking Intoxication. If you're a cop its call Hit and Hide (H&H), not the H&H you and I are familiar with (chorizado).

Anonymous said...

The only way to get rid of Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda is to start at the top get rid of the City Manager and the city commissioners if they fail to listen..The power of the vote!!

Anonymous said...

Attention Citizens of Brownsville
Brownsville Police Department is in Serious disrepair..The Department is being lead by an incompetent, corrupt Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" is your best interest take your business and families to another City or move into the County where they have leaders with integrity and accountability. Vote of no confidence for Brownsville Police Department Chief of Police.. #worstchiefever...
