Monday, October 19, 2020


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The bars were hopping this weekend thanks to the lifting of the bar restrictions by Cameron County "Let's Paaaarty!" Judge Eddie Treviño.

It stands to reason that since the other three valley counties – Hidalgo, Willacy and Starr – are still under order for their bars to close because of the levels of pandemic crisis, those imbibers, virus and all, have made their alcoholic pilgrimage to Cameron County, and more specifically, Brownsville.

  "I was out a bar by Alton Gloor this weekend and most of the people there said they were from McAllen or Edinburg where Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez has not lifted the ban on bar openings," said a besotted partier. "You can't wear a mask and drink at the same time, so half of the time no one was wearing face coverings."

"I wish we had a judge like yours over there," said another. "He's ma dawg!"

However, others weren't as kind to Eddie as were the party hardies.

"We don't even have the schools open yet and you open the bars?," asked a mother who has three kids in the Brownsville Independent School District distance learning program. "People from the other counties aren't going to the Island anymore like they used to. They're coming here now."

Still, others could not contain their displeasure at the lifting of the ban after Treviño railed against the party boats with 70 to 80 people who did not wear masks or maintain a safe social distance when out in the water and the open bars there. 

"We'll see you in March 2022, Eddie," warned one. "I don't think you're going to make it out of the primary to November."


Anonymous said...

Bullshit. Nobody from McAllen ever goes to Brownsville, or even thinks of it!

Anonymous said...

Dam if you dam if you don't now he wants everybody to meet over at roselawn sooooon.
If he could have stopped the gringos at SPI nobody would complain but he couldn't now the devil is in the pudding.

Anonymous said...

Trump Unloads on Anthony Fauci, Calling Him a ‘Disaster’ and an ‘Idiot’ Over Coronavirus

Anonymous said...

people ask how I’m doing, And what I’d say is, 'I’m dealing with the most complex leadership challenge of my life in the midst of the most widespread social crisis in 100 years. But other than that, I’m doing OK.'”

Understand that hillbilly coco is going to toilet watch to see that all goes well. Poll watch, poll watch, NOT TOILET WATCH pinche pendejo!!!

Anonymous said...

Drink at home where you won't spread anything except your family that you don't seem to care enough for and you won't be out in the streets killing innocent people with your erratic driving. Who says you have to be drinking or getting drug? Use your head, Eddie and keep those things closed.

Anonymous said...

The old days: men drinking in the garage and playing loud music.
The wife: preparing food.
The children all running around.
The compadre playing the guitar.
Las comadres socializing.
The neighbors all admiring such behavior.

Now, men go to drink at the bar. BORING.

No more good memories.

Anonymous said...

He got crap for closing the beaches, people upset that because we have to wear mask, people upset they can't have parties, people upset they school started and kids and teachers shouldn't step foot in campuses, people upset that PPE isn't provided, people upset that we have a curfew, people upset that restaurants, bars and other establishments had to follow rules.
Now that he has allowed "bars" to open at a certain capacity, people are still upset! For God Sake stop complaining and stop blaming.
Virus isn't going anywhere since we have people all around us that don't have common sense!! Grown ass people can't follow simple rules, social distance.. some of the peoples priorities are messed up!
Make do with the New normal for now. Be part of the solution not part of the PROBLEM!

Anonymous said...

Let's resume life and let the chips fall where they may...

Anonymous said...

Eddie the midget dictator.

Anonymous said...

King Trevino go fuk yourself!!! If care about the valley, then go fight for us to get the stimulus money!!! Instead you are acting like Roman ruler with stupid rules! Open the border completely pendejo!

Anonymous said...

He is the Tiny Taliban

Anonymous said...

October 19, 2020 at 2:14 PM

The neighbors all admiring such behavior.

Disturbing the neighbor that have to go work early and can't go to sleep becasse idiots like yourself are still play loud music at 3am pinches pendejos THAT'S WHY I CALLED THE COPS joto....

Anonymous said...

Oct 19 continue to display your ignorance and stupidity. A DAM is to retain’s spelled DAMN moron; and no it is not a typo, it’s just another red flag of the uneducated.

Anonymous said...

October 19, 2020 at 10:31 AM

Good news we really don't want too many fatsos running wild down here.
We already have one and might just sent him up there el hillbilly coco wanna be white he's fatter than a pig. good for a tamalera one of this christmas or charro days.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of pigs one just popped up at: October 20, 2020 at 9:44 AM oink oink oink pinche marrano a retaining pond full of shit (cesspool) where pigs like yourself live and play and this is NO TYPO pendejo marrano.
You can use lipstick but you'll still be A PIG A PIG A PIG.

Anonymous said...

October 20, 2020 at 9:44 AM:
What the hell is a red flag of the uneducated pinche estupido hillbilly coco wanna be white marrano.

Anonymous said...

The only way to get rid of Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda is to start at the top get rid of the City Manager and the city commissioners if they fail to listen..The power of the vote!!
