Wednesday, November 11, 2020



Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If you look at the above results giving Place 6 Brownsville Independent School District candidate Marisa Leal a one-vote advantage over 12-year incumbent Minerva Peña, you could view it in in two different ways.

The most obvious, of course, is that if you are Peña, you will ask for a recount to see if you can convince a recount worker to swing a vote or preferably two over you way and you can remain on the board. With any luck, you might succeed in overturning the results.

On the other hand, if you have been in power for the last 12 years, you might step back and realize that after all that time, of the 43,639 votes cast in the three-person race 27,105 voters (66.11 percent) do not want you to remain in office and voted for new blood over you and BISD board barnacle Joe Rodriguez.

Peña whittled down her 10-vote election day deficit by nine after a complete count of provisional, late mail-in and overseas military ballots was completed Tuesday afternoon. 

Former BISD board member Rodriguez, who has been on the board numerous times, was expecting the female vote to be divided and to waltz into office. 

But anyone who has seen him lately can't but admit that he appears to be on the verge of collapsing as he walks. Denying that is ignoring the obvious. The man would be better off reliving his glory days at home surrounded by his grandkids and great-grandchildren.

But that has never stopped some people from seeking public offices to which they feel entitled as "Coach" Joe does.

Peña is entering this recount saddled with revelations during the Dr. Sylvia Atkinson bribery and conspiracy trial in federal court where the former BISD board member indicated Peña had asked and received $2,000 of a $10,000 bribe to push forward a purported film project.

Atkinson said she made the donation to Miles of Hope on Peña's behalf. At the time she was the public relations director for the Christian-based organization. Atklinson said also said she made a similar $2,000 donation on behalf of board member Phil Cowen, who lost his reelection bid.

Peña was also a main mover and shaker back in 2013 to hire board counsel Baltazar Salazar even though his firm ranked well below the rest of the law firms which responded to the BISD's Request For Proposals (RFP) for legal counsel.

During the hiring process, when Salazar made his pitch to the board, he looked directly at Peña and said "some of you" already know me and know that "I won't stab you in the back, I'll stab you in the front."

And during a discussion by the board concerning his termination, it was Peña, Drue Brown, and Atkinson who sided with Salazar and helped him stay on as legal counsel. Atkinson has since been convicted on eight counts in her bribery-conspiracy trial and is awaiting sentencing in federal court. 

The Salazar termination issue was tabled by Cowen, who had seconded the motion by former BISD trustee Laura Perez-Reyes. Perez-Reyes won the race for Cameron County District Clerk.

Salazar knew he needed Peña on the board to protect his $325,000 annual salary, second highest only to the BISD Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez. Toward that end, he contributed lavishy to her campaign with generous in-kind gifts as did other BISD vendors.

Salazar's contributions were $4,978 (in-kind) for paid political advertising, another $1,975 for mailouts, and insurance vendor Joe Salazar pitched in $1,000 for political mailouts, and Liz Vera, Baltazar Salazar's sister and a Realtor, also contributed for mailouts.  
Peña told the Brownsville Herald she would ask for a recount. 

At $60 per each of the 47 precincts, she needs to come up with $2,820. During a past race where she lost for Cameron County JP 2-3 against Mary Esther Sorola, Peña received a little over $2,000 from the Firefighters PAC for a recount. At the time, former BISD trustee Carlos Elizondo donated the amount through a PAC donation which his fellow firefighters charge he was not authorized to make.

Elizondo lost against board member Eddie Garcia for Place 7 in the Nov. 3 BISD election and is facing trial on theft charges from the firefighters' PAC.

With Elizondo and Atkinson gone, will Baltazar or Joe Salazar, an insurance vendor who has contributed to her campaign, step to the plate and pitch in the amount?


BobbyWC said...

It is so obvious the people want her gone. She is not smart. But do not forget during the last recount, the results did not change by one vote. So hope is eternal the will of the people will decide this and send her packing and then Baltazar Salazar.

Great context to what it all means.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

I voted for Pena....I did not want to vote for her...but.....

I want to change my vote for Leal.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Pena twice. I love mail in votes.

Anonymous said...

She's got to go plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Is it a requirement that a Mexican female running for office be grossly obese. Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Juan, I love the picture you are not posting for the current Minerva Pena.
No wonder they call her "Not-So-Minnie" Minerva! Gorda! Just like some people feel that she is a gorro gorda con golpes de pecho.

Check to see who gives her the $2800 she needs for a recount - Salazar or Atkinson clan - maybe Drue? If she has $2800 she needs to use it to pay any back taxes she owes. Carlos won't lend her any more money, so it would behoove us to check to see where she gets the vote.

She is a Trumper yet she pretends she is not. She is an Atkinson and also pretends she is not. She lies and everyone knows she does. Some of us wish we had not voted for her ever since we heard about her part in the Atkinson Saga, but it was too late to change our vote. If they tie, could we have another run-off election? Oops, not run off in school elections? That is why we should all keep on top of things going on.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Minerva needs to stop this and let Marisa take over. We need new people on the board! The question is “what will Rose Longoria do without her bestie Minerva on the board?”

Anonymous said...

It is clear that one vote will determine a winner. A victory by one vote is rejoiceful for the winner and a disappointment for the loser. The loser in this case will forever deny defeat...twelve years of service and to lose by one vote, WOW!!! My vote counted!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stop your hate Brownsville! Everyone knows Marisa Leal is Erasmo Castro’s right hand. The people of Brownsville keep Brownsville from advancing. Why, because Brownsviile is full of “pura gente envidiosa y odiosa”. Que lástima!!!! Why don’t people do their research on people? Come on Brownsville, get it together!

Anonymous said...

You voted for Pena even though you didn't want to vote for her?

Why? Was it voter suppression? Tell us why? You're a special kind of smart!!

Anonymous said...

No to see if Marisa Leal will truly help the district or will she be a puppet for the Criminal Slate/Erasmo Castro (Puppet Master---Biggest Loser) or will she be listening to her husband.
Let's see if she can think on her own or will she be a on someone's lap just like a ventriloquist is handled.
Prove yourself Marisa that you will work with the rest of your TEAM!

Anonymous said...

minnie mouse pena looks like the party is over, turn out the lights on your way out please. adios

Anonymous said...

Is she ugly or WHAT? just askin'

Anonymous said...

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg can i borrow some money from the church i gave so much? omg omg omg omg please? i know i won i know i won gimme gimme gimme omg omg omg. trump plese help trump please help i gave you a bunch of money now i need help omg omg omg...

Anonymous said...

Please go away and go on a diet do something more constructive say like buy a bike.

Anonymous said...

buy a bike hahahahahaha and jajajajajajaja and LOL and smh and kma...

include a ladder! hahahahaha...

Anonymous said...

That pic should win the most ugly photo ever taken and the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences must bestowed an honorary Oscar to this picture.
Hurray for Holloween oops I mean hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Wow it did help I changed my vote wow! My decision was based on poundage (peso) whoever I though weight more I did not vote for that candidate, simple. I am SO glad
