Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Update on Atkinson trial in federal court: Sylvia Atkinson had tried to get Mayor Trey Mendez, BISD Purchasing Director Rosario Peña, BISD Transportation Director Art Rendon, and BISD Records Manager Martin Arambula to testify on her behalf.
Cast of Characters

SA: Sylvia Atkinson, board member of the Brownsville Independent School District charged with eight counts of bribery, conspiracy and impeachment
D: Defense Attorney Noe Garza
FP: Federal Prosecutor Jodi Young
ED: Edward Bustos, administrator of medical company owned by Dr. Hussein
DH: Doctor K. Hussein, owns J.K Urgent Urgent Care Clinic on Alton Gloor
JE: Jaime Escobedo, owner American Surveillance
TSCB: TSC Board Member 
UCA: Under Cover Agent
RM: Rodrigo Moreno
PA: Pink Ape

Before the Jury came out the defense objected to the new charge, video, and wiretap. Young said the FBI had Sylvia recordings a full  8 months before Rodrigo Moreno started recording her and became an FBI informant. Defense said it was all hearsay. Prosecutors proved the wiretaps were not hearsay and the Federal Judge agreed. Then the defense wanted a motion to suppress the wiretaps and it was a no go. Wiretaps are of conversations about BISD Board Members and TSC Board Member. They had 10 wiretap conversations with Atkinson and TSC's Garza.

FP. We have 10 recorded wiretap conversations regarding BISD, Rio Hondo ISD, and Yvette Ramos from iTutor and TSCB with bribe tapes for Sunshine Solutions that SA knew it was illegal to get paid so they created a shell company. SA said BISD legal counsel Baltazar Salazar didn’t need to know. The FP said it will supersede the indictment. The judge did not allow the Defense motion to object. Then the jurors were brought in.

SA takes the stand. Immediately she gets delayed again and when asked to read the document on the projector that had letters that are at least 10” wide. SA delays the trial because she gets silent and says she needs glasses because she can’t real huge letters. Then they couldn’t find her stupid glasses. A transparent attempt to gain sympathy.

FP. The BISD Facility Application Form is on the website for anyone to download from anywhere in the world? Even India?
SA: I guess so. Yes sir

FP: Ok this is the form you charged PA $4,500.00 to assist filling it out? You were going to charge the UCA $4,500 to fill out.
SA: Well I was going to assist him in filling it out.
FP. I have the form right here. Let's fill it out together you and I right now.

SA: I don’t understand why
FP: I just want to see how to fill it out and we could do it together.
FP. Ok lets start.
FP. Would you say it took us about maybe 2 minutes to fill out?

SA: Yes, but there is more to it.
FP. This is the only form there is and this is the only application to rent the facilities correct.
SA: Well yes
FP. Good so it only took us 2 minutes to fill out and I signed it with my name.
FP. So the UCA could have filled this form himself from India if he wanted to and sent it via email?
SA: correct.

FP: So this 2 minutes cost $10,000?
SA: Well there were going to be more forms and my time to navigate and edit.

FP: So the UCA did say he wanted access to the BISD school facilities? So there was an official act?
SA: Yes there was an official act but it wasn’t illegal.
FP: Was there an official act? Yes or no.
SA: I assume...
SA: I don’t know.

FP: Was this $10,000 dollars worth?
SA: It included more than just a form. My time.
FP: Were you an Assistant Superintendent for Rio Hondo?
SA: Yes
FP. So 8 months before RM you created a company called iTutor?
SA: No it was more like 10 months before.

FP: So you had the TSCB and Yvette Ramos?
SA: (Got real quiet, wouldn’t speak.)

FP: Did you create a company you were part of called iTutor?
SA: Refused to answer...

FP:(Played audio band on April 4,2018 between TSCB and SA
SA tells TSCB to go to Rio Hondo where SA was asst. super.
SA: Kept saying "I’m sorry" to FP forcing him to repeat the questions from the audio.
FP: OK if you can’t answer yes or no I will repeat the questions.
FP; Who helped you create Sunshine Solutions? Was it Jose Resendez?

SA: Yes, but he also created fantasy football. Joe Fuentes set up the company. He is an accountant.
Audio 9:13A was admitted as evidence

SA: calls TSCB to be at BISD Academic office at 8:30 am because there is less of a show over there and the superintendent wasn’t going to be there. Date April 3, 2018.
FP: This was 8 months before you met the UCA and RM
FP: You met with Bertha (Peña) Asst. Superintendent?
SA: Yes, sir

FP: you met at the Academic office because there were fewer eyeballs there?
SA: No sir

FP: On June 12,2018 you put Eye Station on the May 1 agenda for over 5 million?
SA: No sir, it was more like $5.5 million but they got $30,000
FP. You got $5,000 a month as a retainer and were flown to DFW
SA. Yes sir

FP: in their contract with you there is a clause that you couldn’t do any business with BISD because you wouldn’t get any bonus or commission?
SA: I don’t think that was stated?
(The contract was on the screen for everyone to see the sentence where it says it.)
FP: Ok I will underline the sentence. Do you see it?
SA: Umm...I don’t think it says that.

FP. Ok I will highlight it. Do you see where it says it.
SA: (Acts like she doesn't understand and says I don’t see it meaning that.)

FP: Seven days after you get the $4,000 from UCA. I will play audio Exhibit 906-907A and 913
Audio between TSCB and SA:

We will get $5,000 a month that is $60,000 a year and we split it. That is $30,000 for each of us. You could go to New Mexico, El Paso, San Antonio and have a great time. Hahahaa

FP: Was that the TSCB member?
SA: Yes
FP: Was the TSCB part of iTutor? You also tell the TSCB that you have the connections but have to be the shadow.
FP: Let us talk about the Escobedo Presentation
FP: Plays audio between RM and SA

Audio is heard where SA tells RM “ Jaime Escobedo is an idiot”, RM and SA are laughing and RM says yes he is.
FP: Did you call Escobedo an Idiot?
SA: yes

FP plays audio between Edward Bustos and SA. Evidence 901-901A
EB: Hey Doc (HusseIn) we need to get into Rio Hondo. Is that a problem with that? No problem.
EB: Ok the Dr. wants to start there. 
SA: Yes because BISD is out of the question. 
SA: In 6 months I will have full control of the board. Make sure they know in 6 months. 
EB. Got it.

FP: you wanted $80,000 thousand from the Dr. (Hussein) for your startup company Sunshine Solutions?
SA: He ended up giving them money for another project.

FP: Let's show the VIDEO of you receiving the first $4,000 with the UCA at PA office.

(Ed.'s Note:  Sylvia is wearing a maroon sweater with a white shirt. UCA is bald, chubby with a badge shirt and a sleeveless black jacket. UCA has the back to the camera and SA is facing the camera sitting on the edge of black leather or vinyl couch. UCA again asks SA what was her fee and if he had to give anyone else money. She says no that she is the only one. UCA pulls out his wallet gets the 4 thousand dollars, hands it to SA and asks if she wants to count it. SA has a grin from ear to ear and says no I trust you. Ok are you sure you don’t need to give anyone else money? SA says no.)

UCA: Says ok. The other $6,000 as soon as you put it on the agenda. SA gets out her phone and starts voice dictation. She tells it what to remind her what the item for the agenda needs to be worded.
FP: That was exactly was worded on the agenda.
SA: Not exactly. I think 2 words were not on the agenda.

FP: Did you work for XCAl and Tech Labs from 2013-2016 where you made $190,000 in commission?
SA: I don’t think it was that much.
FP: Didn’t you go to Tim Brown owner of Xcal and tech labs for a donation for Cesar Lopez?
SA; I have known Tim for over 20 years.

FP: plays audio exhibit 216 SA and RM
RM: you hit a homerun for Cesar Lopez.
SA: I’m trying honey
RM: You the best Doc.
SA: Trying hahaha

FP: you had S190,000 between 2011-2015 the FBI knows that. How would you scoop that or did you think you could scoop that from the FBI?
SA: no sir
FP: Did you get information on your opponent for BISD?
SA: I don’t think I would do that
FP: You didn’t get information on Hector Chirinos?

FP: Do you see the Performance Poll by PA on the BISD elections. You see here the name Hector Chirinos?
SA: Yes sir.
FP: this performance Poll was for you by Pink Ape?
SA; Yes sir


Anonymous said...

You ignore the presumption of innocence, Montoya. It shows in your posting!

be fair, guey!

Anonymous said...

TRUMP: The Muslim ban. The kids in cages. The 22,000 (and counting) lies. The authoritarian cosplay. The blundering into a trade war. The coziness with dictators, especially with Vladimir Putin. The impeachment. The grotesque of a presidency that will hang like a gargoyle on history forever. And, finally, a feckless and inhumane response to a public-health calamity that has killed a quarter-million people. We spent four years watching these things, and more people voted for him this year than voted for him four years ago. Almost half of the country looked at the way he has functioned as president since 2017 and said, definitively, that they wanted four more years of it, and that they wanted to inflict four more years of it on the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

At the start of an important trial, a small town attorney called his first witness to the stand. He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know me?"

She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you. I've known you since you were a young boy. You lie, you cheat on your wife, you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a hot shot lawyer, when you haven't the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher."

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do he pointed across the room and asked, "Do you know the defense attorney?"

She replied, "Why, of course I do. I used to baby-sit him for his parents. And he, also, is a real disappointment. He's lazy, bigoted, never has a nice word to say about anybody, and he drinks like a fish. He's been divorced five times, and everybody knows that his law practice is one of the shoddiest in the entire state. Yes, I know him."

The judge called both attorneys to his bench. In a quiet, menacing voice, he warned, "If either of you asks her if she knows me, you'll be jailed for contempt!"

Anonymous said...

On to the next, line them up! The rigged Covid testing center, PUBs misrepresentation, and the all of SA’s cronies! We want our TAX $$$ BACK!

Anonymous said...

Had the case been sooner, and exposed in all local news outlets, the outcome would of been different. Many who voted for Minerva Pena had big regrets knowing she pocketed money. Knowing that Erasmo Castro was going to clean house for custodians and Employees really made people go out and vote against him. The Bertha Pena relative Olivvette at CAB had told several classified how Erasmo was going to clean house for her. Erasmo Castro was being funded by this relative. Stay away from this lady Erasmo.

Anonymous said...

I grew up with parents who valued citizenship and passed along to their children the importance honor, decency and respect for others.

Our parents were greatly outnumbered in our small South Texas town: They were Republicans in a sea of Democrats. But they were Republicans of the old school, people who valued and respected differences of opinion, and they encouraged healthy and lively conversations with people of opposing but sincere political views.

As children, whenever we got in trouble for something we knew was wrong, our mother would say, “Be ashamed,” and that phrase would be seared onto our hearts as we reflected on our bad behavior. No words were more powerful, and they came back to me after the shameful, reprehensible behavior of the convoy of Trump supporters who used their flag-flying vehicles to dangerously surround and threaten Biden staff and supporters on Interstate 35. Be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Even if Stephen Miller, the white nationalist who heads Trump's immigration agenda, and Trump released no new immigration measures between now and 2024, the next four years would be worse for immigrants than the last four in part because of all the policies that conservative courts have recently allowed to take effect. But of course they won’t stop there. “It’s just that this is all I care about,” Miller once told colleagues about immigration. “I don’t have a family. I don’t have anything else. This is my life.” That’s what reelection would mean for immigrants: four more years under an administration that cares about nothing more than getting rid of them.

Anonymous said...

3:16 PM My mother would tell us that if we did something wrong we would get a black mark on our hearts and when we went to heaven we were going to have to explain each mark and ask for forgiveness. I worried that I would not be able to account for all my childish misbehavior and they would lock the doors for me. We knew when we did wrong and expected punishment and we cried, not out of pain, but embarrassment. How days have changed. But I know for a fact that the Perez-Atkinson family was raised by hard-working and responsible parents and that is why I do not understand or want to believe that SPA did what she did. She has a lot of explaining to do, especially to her parents.

Anonymous said...

3:16 PM..the Atkinson kids may have been raised by hard-working and responsible parents but something was lacking in their parenting skills cause most of them have been in the news due to work related issues. When it comes to education a degree is just a piece of,’s what you do with that education that matters...EDUCATION STARTS AT HOME...honesty, integrity, decency, how to treat others, etc.,,!!!

Anonymous said...

Republicans of the old school, people who valued and respected differences of opinion
They have always been racist republican pinche cocos...

Anonymous said...

Republicans of all times: past, present, and future. Only care for themselves. More money for me and my future generation.
Let us destroy the planet earth.
Let us destroy children, old people, and women.
But with God's protections we will be rich, white and powerful.
We love Trump and what he represents. Thank you Donny !!!

Anonymous said...

Damn she looks like Charlie, but Charlie gas bigger breasts. All these rats think its over. These people are going to make a name for themselves taking down a mayor, lawyers and trustees talk about job security. She wanted to go to prison surrounded by endless supply of women, she will be in hog heaven.
