Sunday, November 1, 2020


By Juan Montoya

Call him the King of Capias of Brownsville.

Were it not for the COVID-19 crisis, a lazy sheriff in Camp County and an archaic computerized data entry system, Brownsville Independent School District board Position 5 candidate Erasmo Castro might have already been arrested and on his way to face the music in Pittsburgh, Texas.

As it is, the Cameron County Sheriff's Office has confirmed that the Camp County Clerk's Office has issued 21 arrest warrants (capias) since August 1998 commanding any peace officer of the state to place him under arrest and bring him to Camp County to answer for his score of misdemeanors.

All entailed theft by check and would cost an average of $150 in court and other fees, he would need at least $3,150 if no further charges surface. That's on top of the total amount covered by the 21 checks he passed with insufficient funds.

During his daily podcast, Castro has called the existence of the arrest warrants "rumors," circulated by his enemies because they think he may win the Position 5 election to the BISD board.

The only reason that the arrest orders did not surface when a search of the National Crime Information Center, local law enforcement official say, was because the Camp County Sheriff Alan D. McCandless, set to retire this year, had failed to enter them into the national crime data base.

Another reason that the arrest warrants have not bee forwarded to Cameron County, Camp County James "AJ" Mason said, was because of the state's hold on transfer to the local county jail for non-felonies fearing that it would spread the infection there.

Once the Camp County Sheriff's Dept. enters the data on the arrest warrants, any peace officer in the state or in the United States will have access to the information. If and when Castro gets stopped, he can expect o be arrested until Camp County authorities tell the Cameron County Sheriff's Office they want him back there.

Castro also has a felony charge for forgery dating back to the 1980s in Cameron County District Clerk's Office files in which a verdict remains unentered by the court. In that case, he asked for – and received – deferred adjudication but never complied with the terms of his deferment.

Is Castro's enchanted existence about to end?


Anonymous said...

Look into Jerry McHale taking dirty "Border" money for endorsing a certain sheriff candidate. FBI on his ass, too?

Anonymous said...

Why does there seem to be no candidates with a clean past that can help Brownsville advance where the community can actually be put in a position to prosper?

The citizens of Brownsville deserve so much better than who is elected to lead.

Choosing the lesser of two evils isn't how the system is supposed to work.

The corruptness in Brownsville that everyone has accepted as the norm is the furthest thing from what is normal.

It's difficult to see a solution for an unfixable system of corruption that appears to reach all levels across the board.

Anonymous said...

We know he's no good. Next story.

Anonymous said...

Trump may love Texas but a lot of Texans don’t even like him let alone love him. It looks like the sleeping Texas blue demographic giant is finally waking up to the fact that we don’t have to accept the minority redneck Southern Baptist Taliban rule. If that turns out to be the case then the GOP will not see a Republican president for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

Walter mercado wanna be!

Anonymous said...

Castro will blow it off, Montoya. You should know him by now, bro.

Anonymous said...

He must have attended that class over at carrizales for inmates on how to run for an elected position and its FREE.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dam straight skippy it's all gonna end for him. His lies are all gonna finally catch up to him. His sister Melissa will finally have peace. Viro will get picked up, Carlos will lose his fight with the courts, and Frankie should have that Deferred Adjudication revoked because a crook like Elia Cornejo set it up for him. All hell will break loose if Richard Adobbati keeps that sexual predator. Brownsville needs to rid itself of all these scammers. Voters can't be that stupid can they? Wait, they just might be because they voted for Erasmo and Carlos before. This city will suffer if those idiots are elected.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale is back calling himself a real writer -

"I'll publish most my literary pieces: poems, anecdotes, short stories and maybe create several more fictional genres."

It's "literary" only to him! ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Regarding the 545 children separated at the border under a secret “pilot program” endorsed by Donald Trump, this “cruelty was the purpose” to deter asylum-seekers. Where were the Christians? I was raised a Christian. I remember reading of Jesus telling his disciples, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” Thousands of these caged children can suffer lifelong trauma. Again, where are the Christians?

Anonymous said...

People are calling to boycott Home Depot after its co-founder said he was voting for Trump and encouraged others to do the same

Anonymous said...

What we see now—what was laid bare when Trump appeared on the political map in 2016 — is essentially a huge population of emotionally spoiled adults, grown too lazy to do the hard work of facing the challenges of our multicultural society, let alone doing anything to improve their own circumstances. They currently follow a leader who encourages that laziness by continually feeding them scapegoats through grandiose, meaningless gestures: his pointless and self-defeating “trade war” with China, his phony “wall,” and his continuous demonization of Americans of color.

None of these gimmicks has had the slightest impact on the lives of Trump’s supporters, but they make a good excuse for them continuing to do nothing that actually requires an effort on their part to accommodate their fellow citizens in any way to improve the society we live in.

Meanwhile, the few actual “achievements” of this administration have only further enriched the wealthiest people in the country. And while receiving nothing that actually benefits their lives in return for their rabid devotion may seem strange to us on the outside looking in, it’s much easier than the hard work of trying to respect the point of view of others of a slightly darker shade of skin color...

Anonymous said...

Ya se lo chingaron! Pinche Erasmo ha vivido una vida de principe pero se le acaba el papel sanitario, al guey!

Anonymous said...

This is a little late, Montoya. Was needed weeks ago. Voters have already voted, as you have been noting. smh

Anonymous said...

Capias bandit hahahahaha mamon

Anonymous said...

He claims capias are over 20 years old ? If they were or are active, the only thing it means is that we have a career criminal running for office, but on the other hand, what's new.

Anonymous said...

@6:53 It's a free country Pendejo, and everyone can vote for whoever they desire! Trump will win again, that's if there's no major voting fraud!

Anonymous said...

We keep voting Republicans into office here in the valley, with the same results

Anonymous said...

Quiet honestly this will not deter him or his followers. He won the last election when he was running for a BISD board member & that was already with a popular social media presence.

Now with a much more commanding amount of social media followers, his popularity is unprecedented.

And his followers are not just supporting him. They are also supportive of: Frankie Olivo, Carlos Elizondo Melguiz, Viro Cardenas, Coach Joe Rodriguez, Mrs. Argelia Miller, and Marissa Leal.

This goes beyond his past mistakes (which he has already owned up to). This election is too important to worry about these "arrest warrants" from the 80's. People are more concerned about the current damage that Sylvia and the rest of the board members have inflicted on the school district. Stealing millions of dollars from students, teachers, parents and staff is far more damning than Catro's past.

Anonymous said...

juan its very simple if the BISD voters elect him then they should be ready to handle anything that this king of capias brings to the table, lots of dirty laundry, so folks if you all want to elect him please dont be crying in the future.

Anonymous said...

When she took the witness stand, Atkinson testified that she believed what she did was wrong but not illegal.

During cross-examination, new details emerged about a related corruption case that involved Texas Southmost College Trustee Adela Garza.

Prosecutors alleged that Garza and Atkinson schemed to profit from telehealth companies that wanted to do business with the Brownsville Independent School District and other local school districts.

They created a company called "Sunshine Solutions" to launder the money, according to prosecutors.

Anonymous said...

All these candidates have two things in common convicted and they all met at carrizales one time or another. They are all "GOOD BUDDIES"!!!

Anonymous said...

MORONS OF BROWNSVILLE TEXAS. Got plenty of those around here and most run for elected positions.

Anonymous said...

Les gusta mierda! Quieren mierda! Voten por mierda!
