Monday, November 2, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Never say never.

"They" said the earth was flat.

"They" said sailing west to get to the east could never be done.

But regardless of what the flat-earth map makers wanted, the truth turned out to be something else and within our lifetimes we've seen thing never sen before.

2020 will be an asterisk-marked (*) year. All bets are off. And this applies not only to the presidential election, but also to local races.

The Cameron County Sheriff's election is one of those races where all bets are off. We have a race where both Democratic Party candidates (Eric Garza and Omar Lucio) hurled allegations at each other and then the mud-splattered survivor of that primary (Garza) discovered that the damage he and his surrogates had inflicted on the incumbent came back to haunt him.

His opponent in the Democratic primary (Lucio), citing law enforcement concerns after being in office for 19 years, endorsed the other lawman in the race, Republican John Chambers.

Others followed. First was the Independent John Fuller. Then came former San Benito chief of police Michael Galvan. Then cam a host of other lawmen. 

Why did they do that?

Foremost, according to Lucio, was their concern for the safety of the citizens of Cameron County. Garza, who has been dogged by his alleged ties to cartel money from across the Rio Grande, has never specifically denied the ties. Their slim hook to heap scorn against Chambers were the 14 charges filed against him one election cycle ago by a Republican Party opponent (Victor Cortez) that have been tossed to and fro in the appellate courts and ended up as misdemeanors.

Cortez was the head of the Cameron County DA's Public Integrity Unit. In an obvious attempt to discredit his opponent, he enlisted the aid of the Indian Lake assistant police chief to indict Chambers.

Even though Judge Janet Leal – given her former law firm partnership with DA Luis Saenz – did not recuse herself from the case and is now set to sentence Chambers on the misdemeanors that the DA's Office created to help Cortez, she knows the system has been ginned against the former Indian Lake police chief.

State law prescribes that a lawmen convicted of Class A misdemeanors can get certification from the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement if an agency petitions it. What's to stop Sheriff Omar Lucio from petitioning the TCLE to certify Chambers, who he endorsed?


The Democratic nominee's efforts to paint Chambers as a stalker of a teenager 18 years ago has also been discredited. It now turns out that the "child" was introducing methamphetamine, a  powerful, highly addictive stimulant, into the Early, Texas high school. Chambers said he had busted the girl three times and that – being a minor – she had simply been turned over to her parents, in this case, a single mom. The "stalking" had turned out to be simple investigative work on Chambers' part.

But here's the "beauty" of the allegation. Since it involved a minor, there are no files available to refute the charges. And those making the allegations knew that their target could not possibly answer them. Like shooting fish in a fishbowl. After it was pointed out that Chambers was investigating the  girl to see who her adult source of the meth was, the stories by the paid bloggers stopped. But only until that happened were the dogs called off.  

But all bets are off in this race. Chamber has a better than even chance to win this one and the Garza camp knows it. This historical surge in voting – more people voted in this year's early and mail-in ballots than in the entire 2016 presidential election – indicates that people are fired up for change.

What they will do is anyone's guess. But since the tide lifts all boats, Chambers' boat can also get a lift from the voting wave. As a Republican in Cameron County, he automatically gets their 38 percent of the vote and has been studiously courting the other 12 percent plus one vote to push him over the top.

2020 is a asterisk year. Don't count out Chambers in this one.


BobbyWC said...

If people vote based on name and his mailers he can pull this off, but this year is a mess. Unless Eric has a last minute mailer, he lost all fundraising after it was learned only two people were his primary donors. Lucio messed up big time for not discovering this before the run-off.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza and Eddie Trevino are two peas in a pod...little men that want to be big men. Maybe the Valley Mexicans have finally realized that the Lefties are not for the people but for themselves. Corruption runs deep in our police, attorneys, judges and city and county employees in the RGV.

Anonymous said...

Its a matter of how safe do you want to be! Experiance vs stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Where's the DA? Shouldn't he come out and say something? make an excuse or whatever?

Anonymous said...

Chambers es mi gallo!

Anonymous said...

You're way off on a limb with this one, Montoya. Keep digging.

Anonymous said...

Victory para el tanke..

Anonymous said...

Yes, Raza, support your own people based on skin color! Elect someone who wears a fake badge he bought at Cracker Barrel!
The sheriff position is not an on the job learning position.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale drops La Frankie Olivo! ja ja ja aja

Denise Garza, 45%; Frankie Olivo, 39%, Jaime Diez, 16%.

"Garza is running a low-key campaign and avoiding controversies at all costs. She is counting on the blind female vote against two college educated opponents (one being Dick Pic Olivo!)."

Anonymous said...

Trump’s plan to exploit a partisan discrepancy in voting methods (with Democrats being more likely to cast mail-in ballots that are counted last in some key swing states) has long been clear: Over and over, the president has insinuated that he will declare himself the winner on Election Night if he is leading in partial returns — and then fight in court to halt the counting of further ballots. What is new, however, is the president and his advisers openly copping to this strategy. Further, in his remarks Monday, Trump didn’t just baselessly assert that mail ballots were rife with fraud; he also made the less factually problematic — but more openly anti-democratic — argument that last-minute mail ballots shouldn’t be counted because procrastinators don’t deserve to have their voices heard, saying, “If people wanted to get their ballots in, they should have gotten their ballots in long before that.”

Anonymous said...

Stupidity is right. The Reynas will go to any length to keep power and continue the corruption. Everyone in Law Enforcement know exactly what has happened with the Reynas ruling the Department for so long. Enough is enough. Remember that they are behind Chambers and the lawsuits will continue with them in the department. You can't fool the voters. Evidence speaks for itself.

Anonymous said...

All these "lawmen"..dont stand a chance working for they all joined the reynas and all of lucio supporters for one last gasp for compradismo hiring!!..
Drain the swamp Eric!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a crime or illegal to deposit kick-back money in a federal bank or any other bank???? Where's the DA?

Anonymous said...

City launching bike sharing program; Project aiming to connect Valley
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa ha...

Anonymous said...

“It’s a good opportunity for people who don’t have a bike to exercise,” Mendez said. “The city is big on health and wellness
WHAT? IDIOTA can't even talk you think the kkk is going to go around in bikes? pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Hanen rules against Republicans! Where da Blimp?

A federal judge on Monday rejected an effort by Republicans to invalidate more than 100,000 ballots cast at drive-thru voting locations in Democratic-leaning Harris County, Texas, in a case that has been closely watched because of its potential to affect the presidential race.

Everyone here talked about how biased Hanen might be. Well, wonder of wonders — the right answer came out.

The decision’s basis was:

The judge, Andrew Hanen, said the plaintiffs in the case lack legal standing to challenge the new drive-thru voting locations.

Anonymous said...

Bobby Wightman Cervantes was wrong! Vato pendejo!!!!!

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen’s decision to hear arguments on the brink of Election Day drew concern from voting rights activists, and came after the Texas Supreme Court rejected a nearly identical challenge over the weekend.

Hanen said the opponents to drive-thru centers — who were represented by former Harris County GOP Chairman Jared Woodfill— had no standing to bring a lawsuit. He added that people had already voted and that conservative activists had months to bring a challenge sooner.

Anonymous said...

Vote of no confidence for Chief Felix "ElChapo" Sauceda!!

Anonymous said...

Look at Brownsville Police Department they hired Felix Sauceda who should be sitting in a Federal Prison somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Most of the info in this posting is wrong. Montoya sells out again.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez may take the witness stand next week in the bribery case against Brownsville school board Trustee Sylvia P. Atkinson.


Anonymous said...

Is there another bribery charge?

Anonymous said...

When she took the witness stand, Atkinson testified that she believed what she did was wrong but not illegal.

During cross-examination, new details emerged about a related corruption case that involved Texas Southmost College Trustee Adela Garza.

Prosecutors alleged that Garza and Atkinson schemed to profit from telehealth companies that wanted to do business with the Brownsville Independent School District and other local school districts.

They created a company called "Sunshine Solutions" to launder the money, according to prosecutors.

Anonymous said...

Lucio is a sore loser .. and dumber than a door knob...

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope this marks the end of Waddles' gassy reign of flatulence and we can begin the process of marginalizing Trumpies and pushing them to the outer fringes of society where they belong. Keep tabs on all national, regional and locally-owned Trumpie businesses with the goal being to boycott and eradicate them. Let every Trumpie know that they're unwelcome, unwanted and unnecessary. Time to hose the scum off the sidewalks of our country and take it back from the marks, goobers and rubes who've turned it into a non-stop cartoon.

Anonymous said...

The DA is trimming his mustache like all banditos do.

Anonymous said...

If we could find a sheriff who so offends the citizens of Brownsville, that his very appearance would drive criminals out of town, we would ALL vote for him...

Anonymous said...

Soyou have Eric Garza who "supposedly" has ties to a cartel although there is no evidence of anything just political gossip. Then you have John Chambers where there is criminal mugshots of his arrests and was formally charged. He will be sentenced on those charges on November 5th. I think is a no Brainer, Chambers might have more "experience " than Mr. Garza but what has that experience entail? If you couldn't do the job as Chief of India Lake, where the population there is 500 people, and has left a bad image at the other places he's been employed at why can he be trusted to lead the sheriff department? Because Omar Lucio said so? Lucio's administration was just as corrupt as the rest but you never heard about the issues. Galvan is the most hated person in San Benito PD because of the unethical ways he did things there. Every other person that has endorsed Chamber are Republican candidates that were never able to win the race for sheriff and were pretty much the losers of the losers in some of those races.

Anonymous said...

Seldom far from Trump’s thoughts, however, is the possibility of defeat—and the potential consequences of being ejected from the White House. In unguarded moments, Trump has for weeks told advisers that he expects to face intensifying scrutiny from prosecutors if he loses. He is concerned not only about existing investigations in New York, but the potential for new federal probes as well, according to people who have spoken with him.

He is said to be terrified of going to jail.

Anonymous said...

Officers are on standby for Election Day
For what? To go to walmart.

BobbyWC said...

3:41 p.m. learn your facts. Judge Hanen gave an impermissible advisory opinion that he would not allow for the count of the drive in votes cast on election day. He just ignored the ruling form the night b4 by the U.S. Supreme Court for federal judges to defer to the Texas Supreme Court on cases of state law. As a result of Hanen's advisory opinion the Harris County Elections Administrator closed 9 of the 10 drive by polling places. He was so afraid of Hanen's impermissible advisory opinion over something which had not even happened yet, he closed 9 polling centers ever after the federal court of appeals toss the Republicans in the river. Andrew Hanen is as corrupt as they come. I truly hope the Senate moves for his impeachment over conducting the hearing while the press was locked out and for giving an advisory opinion causing 9 of 10 drive by voting places to be closed.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Slim an none chance of winning

And since Slim is out of town
You had None !

Eric Garza..woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Los maricones can now walk like viejas their savior will protect all of them
